I’ve been doing one of my favourite things today. Peeping into past lives with a group of people wanting to understand their present life patterns.
It’s been a fascination of mine now for forty years. And one I’ve blogged about before. Peeping into what I’ve been in my past lives has helped me to put my present life in some sort of context. I can understand many of my values and beliefs, my likes and dislikes, even my loves and hates. Because I have picked up the karmic threads of these other lives. In fact, I have been able to navigate some of my biggest challenges by recognising that the origins of the energy are rooted in my past lives. Sharing the ideas about reincarnation with others is a great way to encourage them to approach life choices in a different way.
Past lives also let me help them to cut ties in this life. Peeping into the past of this life too, students can become aware of habits and patterns. Even of new choices. I like to support people to recognise there are always more choices. Even if it feels like there aren’t. I recognise that feeling. It’s because I often get stuck too. Caught up in the cares of the present moment. Not realising that I’ve been in similar situations before. Peeping out from my hiding place and refusing to see that I have got myself stuck by the same short-sightedness I’ve applied before in my life. So recognising that the short-sightedness might belong even further back – in another life altogether – is important.
Peeping into past lives has taught me to think very carefully when I realise I’m stuck. I ask myself if I’ve been in this situation, or a similar one, before. And I’m open to that having been in a past life too. Then I remind myself not to try the same solutions. It’s my prompt to find a new way past, round, out of what is holding me back. And that means I can move forward again.
Day 635 of my blogging challenge