Chocolate: I’m Sure It Was In My Contract!

chocolateIt’s been a mentoring and Reiki attunement day. Lots of lovely energy flowing through to get all of us self-healing. I really enjoy energy healing and took the opportunity to think about the way I tumbled into doing it. It brought to mind my contract for this life. And chocolate!

I had no ambitions to be a medium, psychic or energy healer. When the opportunities came in I had no idea why I’d been nominated. I often wondered if I had somehow been volunteered because everyone else had said no. I asked my Guides lots of questions about how I got picked for the Spirit Team. And they had many moments of laughter at my expense when I learned I picked this for myself. Apparently I signed up to exploring my spirituality. And to getting into it so much that my intuition woke up. It seems in my plans I agreed to be human again because I could have chocolate.

Now, I love chocolate. No doubt about that. But love it enough to go through a long, complex process of waking myself up? Especially when I suspect it might have been easier all round to carry on sleeping. Apparently so. I forgot to read all of the small print. I just saw the word chocolate and jumped at the chance to be reincarnated. So having got myself here it’s a bit of a laugh that sugar has become one of the substances that my body really doesn’t like. However I have found I adore having the contact with my Spirit Team. Doing so has made my life a lot simpler and clearer. I wouldn’t change that for all of the chocolate in the world.

I believe we all sorted out contracts. That each of us is working on having a simple, clear and loving life. Our reward is whatever we put into that contract to keep us going through the difficult bits. Is it time you had a chat with your Spirit Team to ask them what your contract says? And to check that you remember what you asked for as a reward. Don’t miss out!

Day 837 of my blogging challenge

Winter Blast, Clearing Cold & A Spiritual Message

Into WinterI woke up to the delights of a full on cold this morning. One that had arrived out of nowhere. It was also icy cold outside and I felt the Winter blast reminding me that it’s not quite the right time to put forward my new shoots. It seems I still have to wait for a little bit longer.

A cold always reminds me that I need to clear the stuck energy from my throat, third eye and sometimes crown chakras. Energetically they have got bunged up and are now impacting on my physical body. I gave myself a mega blast of Reiki healing energy. Then I made sure I had drunk plenty of warm water. And that I was wrapped up well. I also thought about Winter. It’s a time of reflection. A dark, retreat time of year. A time to rest so that I can be ready to get going again in Spring. Now that the days are getting longer I can feel myself ready to rush off and start ‘doing’ again. Yet my voice and sight aren’t quite ready. My energy needs to be clearer.

Thinking about this I headed off to a prearranged afternoon at the cinema. We went to see Coco, the latest Disney Pixar film. It was a big surprise. The weaving of deep spiritual themes into a film for children is wonderful. As an adult I sat and cried, laughed and cried again, embracing the moving way the dead can be remembered. I love the message that family, our connections, are the thing that matters most in the world. For me family isn’t just the blood relatives. It’s each and every person who is part of my life. The film made me think about the cold of Winter and the warmth of family. I get my support from the people around me. They warm my days even when the frost bites hard.

Tonight it may be Winter outside but I feel warm. The seeds I need to grow are sheltered from the frost. They will show themselves when the warmth of love has been enough to get them shooting upwards. I can wait. I can embrace the love my loved ones send me. Finally,  I can look after my needs until my energy is clear once more.

Day 820 of my blogging challenge