Since we’ve remodeled, you are no longer here.
Although today counts as a day off I’ve been busy planing to refurbish my Centre. On the 10th April it will be our second birthday. There have been times when I wanted to quit, times when I was certain of my vision and times when I took a step off the cliff. I have had some wonderful companions on my journey who have supported me in all sorts of ways through the changing times of a spiritual business.
When we opened on our first ‘official’ day we had refurbished a set of rooms that had been unused for some time. Everything had a smell of brand new paint. An eclectic collection of second hand, much loved furniture had been positioned around the rooms. We were looking good. On our first birthday there were more little changes. Some of the furniture was moved around. Different stock was brought in to expand our range of products for sale. The smell of new paint was replaced by the fragrance of PartyLite candles. Now it’s time to do a little more. A refurbish this time includes replacing the carpets, renewing some of the paintwork, a massive window clean to refresh the view (most of our exterior wall is actually window!) and repositioning some of the library & sales areas.
You might wonder why we refurbish, refresh & renew before each anniversary. I sense energy so it’s important to me that the stuck or flagging energy of the last year is cleared away. Keeping the wonderfully positive energy that has been generated through the year so that it can be the foundation for the next year helps the Centre go from strength to strength. If I didn’t pay attention to the spent, worn out energy it would get in the way of new sources of energy. Being placed on a ley line it’s also a good idea to make the most of the positive blasts of energy that flow through the Earth’s energy lines too. In the end, the benefit is to everyone who calls in or works at the Centre. It’s much nicer & healthier to work surrounded by positive and peaceful energy. And as energy flows the positive energy boost that people gain from being there removes some of the negative energy we all carry around with us.
The ‘push’ we receive to Spring clean is from our intuitive side. We are being asked to recognise the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Planting for the future goes so much better if we have cleared out old energy that may disrupt our intentions if we don’t let it go. To refurbish anything doesn’t take a lot of expense or energy. We only need to look at everything with a fresh pair of eyes and ask ‘is this still useful to me?’. On a personal or professional level that question will help identify where the duster, mop or paintbrush can help and where it is time to recycle by sending things on their way. Doing the refurbish on a physical level, looking at the Centre and how it is as an environment to work in or visit, has also prompted me to consider how I feel & what I think about the Centre. Does it still make people feel welcome to step inside it’s door? Do they feel that they can be comfortable enough to step off the world for a while? To talk? To receive a treatment? To leave their burdens behind when the go out the door?
What about me? Have I refurbished, refreshed and renewed myself? Or am I standing in stuck energy? Looking at myself is always a challenge. Seeing things as they truly are can be hard because we are all used to wearing masks. If I want to be authentic and allowing myself to evolve then, like the Centre, I choose to have a look at where I am at on every anniversary. I’m the one holding the vision to be of service to the people who work and visit the Centre. The vision that was inspired by my Guides and formed part of the plan I set out for myself before I came here. Any vision has to move with the times, so to speak, so acknowledging that I am not the same person as the Annie who opened the Centre, or celebrated it’s first birthday, is very important. I am the Annie of now. The second birthday Annie who is able to modify, redesign and redevelop the vision for the next year. I feel a sense of personal freedom when I consider that my choices are endlessly flexible. There is also a freedom to let the vision for the Centre evolve as it may knowing that wherever we end up it will be the right place for that time & Annie.
Does something in your life need a refurb? Is it time to refresh and renew yourself? Take a step away from your usual patterns and find out what no longer serves you so you can let it go. Start your new growth cycle with the spring in your step that new energy creates.
Day 135 of my blogging challenge.