Random Connections?

Some days stand out because something just feels right. Connections flow. Everything makes sense. There are no loose ends left over.

I love making all sorts of connections. To people. To Energy Beings. And to all sorts of intuitions and inspirations. Although I was focused on some admin tasks, not my favourite thing, all the bits and pieces got done. Easily and without much fuss from me. The Intuitive Energy group at lunchtime brought out the best of energies. So that ideas connected with real experiences. People found their ‘ah ha’ moments. Understanding expanded. It was wonderful to watch people making connections for themselves. I love that part of my job. Because I know it means much more when I make a discovery for myself than when I’m told that’s how it is.

Doing some readings later in the day I also felt the power of making connections. What I’m told to pass on in messages may seem to me like random information. But time after time the person getting the message understands it completely. I’ve learned to trust this seemingly random information. Even to recognise when someone has found their way to me in a manner they think is random. Because the Spirit World and Energy Beings bring me into contact with exactly who I need to connect with. The people I need to meet. Usually because I can make a connection for them. Or I can help them to make the connections they need.

Moving from connection to connection I am challenged to explore why this person, experience or piece of information. Connections are there to help us grow and evolve.

I can learn so much about myself and others when I pay attention to the connection between us. I know that I can also connect the people I meet up with one another too. We all need to be able to share with like minded people. I’ve been helped so much in my spiritual development by the support of others. So it’s really special to flow through a day where one good connection follows another. I smiled this evening when I got home. Nothing about my day has really been random. It unfolded in the way it was meant to. So I got to meet some new human and Spirit people. And to make connections for them. Connecting together is what it’s all really about.

Day 461 of my blogging challenge.