Quiet Contemplation: Listening For Inspiration

QuietOne of the things I’m often asked is about the way I communicate with Spirits and Energy Beings. And how it’s best to go about making contact. When I explain that the start is to find a quiet place and to pay attention people sometimes think I’m fobbing them off.

However I’m not. I’m reporting exactly what I had to do to establish a connection. My own intuitive abilities were very rusty. Although I had all the psychic senses, exactly like everyone else, I hadn’t used them for most of my life. So they had virtually seized up. It took a lot of inner effort to get them all open again. And more effort to exercise them so I got better at communicating. But my starting point was through quiet contemplation. Sitting waiting for something to happen. Being ready to acknowledge anything that seemed to be out of the ordinary and asking for it to be repeated. This noticing and thinking about what I was thinking, feeling, hearing and seeing in my mind’s eye was a way to explore.

I found my way into better connections by exploring what was happening to me. Once I had let it happen. That’s why the quiet was important. Guided meditations, music, chanting, are all ways to clear the mind. But they can also mask the tiny, subtle communications that are present at the beginning. Creating a quiet space in my mind, by letting my thought wander wherever they wanted until they faded out, took a lot of practice. Yet the discipline of a quiet inner space eventually brought so much to my attention. Including the presence of my Guides. They were aware that I was listening. And helped me find the certainty that I could communicate. Even if it was all a bit hit and miss at first.

The habit of quiet contemplation is still with me. When I want to check things out I sit and listen. Patiently. Because I know that sometimes I am distracted. Or confused. Even stressed. But I still pay attention, waiting for a small signal or another voice to start. And I suspend my doubt and disbelief until afterwards. That way the message gets through as soon as possible. Is it time for you to try quiet contemplation?

Day 776 of my blogging challenge