Mission Earth’s ArchAngels

imageMission: a task or job that someone is given to do; self imposed objective or purpose. I’ve been thinking about my mission today whilst writing about one of the Earth’s ArchAngels.

On the 21st of this month several years of work come to an end when the Earth’s ArchAngels online course is launched. As I channelled in the info from ArchAngel Nushiel today – she’s the first one to go live in public – I thought about the journey from there to here. I never expected that I would be bringing twelve ancient Energy Beings back into the public view. But it seems that was the task I was given. Many times I’ve laughed at myself inside my head hearing the words ” Your mission, Annie, should you choose to accept it is …” Just like the opening lines in the Mission Impossible series from the 1970’s (or if you are too young for that, the movies that have been made in the noughties).

It actually goes back long before they started to connect with me. When I started to develop my mediumship I found that I was being drawn to work in a state of altered consciousness, often called Trance or Transfiguration mediumship. This was something very new to me. I had to do a lot of reading to understand what my Guides were asking of me. Yet I also accepted working this way. The finer points of how it works are for another blog. The main reason for mentioning it is that during my Trance sessions I found I was connecting to Archangel Michael. As I developed that connection other Archangels stepped in. The group sitting with me took careful note of what was happening. We found that we were on a mission to get me used to higher energy beings.

It seemed somewhere along the line I had accepted a mission. There was a purpose in what I was doing even if I couldn’t see it completely.

Moving forward several years I met Jan Booth of Ostrich Angels. Together it seemed we were presented with a mission. Once again I was asked to channel though high energy beings. When I accepted that mission, probably not fully aware of the shape or demands of the task,  we began to get all sorts of information and contacts. I have to say we had no idea what we were doing. Recalling the early prompts to do things I know we were going with the flow. It felt right to me. My experiences with the Archangels and Ascended Masters made it possible for me to recognise the energy vibrations of these new beings as being the same.

So we persevered in encouraging the connections. Though I know both of us had no idea what we were letting ourselves in for. It became our self imposed purpose to follow their lead. At times I wondered what we were doing. The Earth’s ArchAngels took up our time and energy with no apparent purpose. Yet the pull to follow this mission to it’s end was strong in me. I wanted to understand the why, what, where, how and when of these beings. It’s clear to me that although one phase has now ended there is another mission on it’s way in. I have only scratched the surface of their energy. They have only downloaded a small proportion of their Wysdom. There is much more to learn, discover and share with others.

My purpose in life has always been to teach. Not in the formal manner of an educator. Rather as someone who shares their experiences so others can try the same things too. The online course is a new way for me to do that. I’m looking forward to lots more channelled information and contact from the Earth’s ArchAngels. That way I can support those people who will be discovering the energy connections for the first time.

Day 305 of my blogging challenge.