One of the titles my kind of work is often called is ‘Lightworker’. What is Lightwork? It’s different from medium or psychic. Those descriptions have come to represent working only with Spirit people or predictions based on aura energy. Being a Lightworker means to work with energy, transformation and healing so that the inner journey results in a greater transfer of Light into the outer world (my definition). You can find other definitions around the Web but the main point is that the use of this title widens the scope of what people understand I do. I prefer to talk about working with Energy Beings. My sensitivity to energy has been the result of an inner spiritual journey. The direct result of that journey has been that I and others are in the process of receiving healing energy.
One of the most helpful books to cross my path as I was developing was ‘Manual of the Warrior of Light’ by Paulo Coelho. You see, I was finding all this Lightwork stuff difficult. It was bad enough to be a skeptic and find that there were Spirits. To find that there were lots of other energy types who introduced themselves to me was rather mind-blowing. I was way outside my comfort zone. I admit I had read and heard of lots of them. Reading about the Dragons, Elementals, Angels, Pleiadians, Arcturians and many, many more is one thing. But getting to sense them, up close and personal, is much harder to deal with. Across my path came this wonderful book. I was mesmerised by these lines
What is a warrior of light?
You already know that, she replied with a smile. He is someone capable of understanding the miracle of life, of fighting to the last for something he believes in – and of hearing the bells that the waves sets ringing on the seabed.
He had never thought of himself as a warrior of light. The woman seemed to read his thoughts. Everyone is capable of these things. And, though no one thinks of themselves as a warrior of light, we all are.
As I dived into the book – a series of statements about the warrior of light and how one goes about Lightwork – I understood that I had to put my faith in my experiences. Understanding what those experiences meant was an exercise for later. Trusting that what I felt, sensed, heard or saw would take me further on the spiritual path I seemed to have stumbled onto. The pages of the book were signposts on my way. I have returned to the book again and again. When I am struggling to accept I’m a Lightwkrker. When I have lost my faith or trust. When I am disappointed in myself or others. When I have failed. The comfort of the statements lifts my chin back up. I hold my head higher. I endure and persevere.
People enter into their mediumship development full of hope (possibly), intrigued (certainly), frustrated (sometimes), scared (often) and with a need to understand (always). They haven’t realised the effort, patience and determination required to make sense of the communications they receive. There is much uncertainty. Moving from incompetent to competent is a life long journey. We are trying to rediscover the natural connections we enjoyed as small children. Removing the conditioning, that has been around us ever since we were told that the friend only we could see was imaginary, is a challenge. Yet we can make it much easier on ourselves.
Letting the experiences happen is the start. Being open to the fact that our beliefs and world view will be challenged. reserving judgement. Going in search of more experiences to see if the same thing happens again. Letting our intuitive ability surface. Trusting that there is a bigger picture we can’t see yet. All of these will make the shift into acknowledging your Lightworker status much easier. Then you can get on with the Lightwork you agreed to do before you came into being human. Finally, you can enjoy having a purpose in life, a reason d’être, an adventure. I wish you good fortune in your journey!
Day 68 of my blogging challenge.