Abstract Energy Painting: Clear The Mind & Do It

abstractI feel very blessed today. I’ve been wrapped in the energy of ArchAngel Etieliel channelling his energy into paintings. He likes to create abstract pieces so that the energy transfer is emotional rather than structured. And I am always excited to see what will emerge from our blending.

As I let him take over my hands we chatted about the process of channelled abstract paintings. I am always interested in how the Energy Beings choose to work with us because there are so many ways they do. My Guide Team encouraged me to start being creative with art nearly ten years ago now. Over that time I have worked with several different techniques. Depending on which Energy Being stepped forward to connect with me. Each adventure into a new way of working, with a new connector, has been a bit nerve wracking. But very rewarding. I love the pictures I have produced. Many of them have gone off to new homes. New homes where they can radiate the energy to every one who needs it.

I believe that more of us can work with Energy Beings to create pieces of abstract work that contains their energy. But are held back by believing that they can’t paint. That was the case for me. Until my Guides helped me to get over my fear. They encouraged me to get the materials they needed. Then they asked me to clear my mind as much as possible. When I was ready I started to play with the paint. Not focussing on what I was producing. Noticing but nor reacting when my hand and arm tingled. The signal that the connection was being made. And energy was flowing into the piece I was working on. In fact clearing my mind left me able to go with the experience rather than challenge what was happening. Letting the abstract image bring itself out of the materials.

It took me a while to perfect a resistance free method. My Ego mind wanted the abstract paintings to look like something. After all that’s the way it sees the world. Yet my Intuitive mind was keen to let the end result be whatever it was meant to be. So I persevered. With the love and support of my Guides. Is it time to listen to your Guide Team and get creative with colour, sound, materials? Positive loving energy can be transferred in so many ways. Remember, you have so much to give if only you try.

Day 1000 of my blogging challenge

Saint Germain Came Too: A Holistic Day Out

SaintMore time spent with Saint Germain! I wrote earlier this week about his presence when I was doing my channelled paintings. The result was a picture called “St Germain and the Violet Flame. Today I took the painting with me to a Mind, Body, Spirit event. And found that I was also speaking on his behalf.

That’s what I love about my intuitive life. If I follow the prompts that I’m given lots of great things happen. So I got my painting into a frame as directed yesterday. Today I dressed in violet (Saint Germain’s Ray or energy vibration) and emerald green (for higher heart healing) as directed. Even my FitBit has had to be violet. I gathered up all of my stuff, planning to take my book and a few other things, only to put most of them on one side. The instruction was to take my channelled paintings and my book instead of everything else. Of course the energy of the paintings was all about healing, third eye chakra and Violet Flame. With a bit of Owl Wisdom, Merlin and Fae energy thrown in for good measure.

So I knew I was going to be in for some interesting discussions. I was also giving a Past Lives talk with a meditation. It made perfect sense that Saint Germain, who has had many lives, wanted to be in on the energy of my session. I’m sure he was working with the Violet Flame to dissolve as much stuck energy as possible. And he was very persistent in my chats with the people who visited my table. His words poured out to help people recognise that the challenges in their lives could be resolved in a positive way. I love his gentle insistence on saying what is needed. I also know that everyone who came in the door today got a blast of his compassionate toughness. Whether they knew it or not. That’s why I love taking my paintings and crystals with me.

They do their work. And I do mine. We collaborate in sharing the loving energy as much as we can. I have a feeling that Saint Germain will be popping up again in a lot of my future work. It’s time to embrace the Age of Aquarius. I’m ready. Are you?

Day 975 of my blogging challenge

Persistence Pays Off: Or A Tale About Stubbornness

persistencePersistence. That’s what I like to call it. When I’m doing readings for people I like to make sure that the information I give is as accurate as possible. It’s one of the things I feel makes a good reading evidential. And I do admit to being tenacious, stubborn, strong willed and dogged when I need to be.

It takes a lot of persistence to get through the doubts, conflicting information and frustration of trying to communicate with beings who are not physically present in this reality. A lot of my progress in communicating came from the discipline of working at it every day. I pestered my Guides for information and explanations. I set up my rules about the way I wanted to work. Then had to redefine them as new experiences took me into adventures I had never dreamed of having. It’s the same about my blog, my book and my art. I’ve been stubborn to the nth degree. Once I set off doing these creative activities I insisted to myself that I would keep going until I reached my goals.

So the persistence makes it very special when I get wonderful feedback. My book is doing well with positive reviews and comments. My blog is nearing the end. It’s been a mammoth task but so many people seem to have benefited. And my artwork is going out into the world and gathering very positive comments. Finally, my readings are something I am particularly proud of. Even I am amazed by the accuracy that the Spirit visitors bring. Insisting to my Guides that I wanted information I couldn’t possibly know has filled these sessions with all sorts of fascinating and truthful bits and pieces. Now I know I can apply that persistence, tenacity, stubbornness and strong will to anything I have to deal with in my life.

I’m proud to claim my persistence. And equally proud to acknowledge my stubbornness. I have come so far from where I started. I have work that I love, creativity all around me and many new adventures waiting for me. Is it time to stick to your dreams, persist and achieve them?

Day 957 of my blogging challenge

Chatting With Purpose: Open Studio Day One

room for chattingI’ve been doing a lot of chatting today. After a minor wobble when my nerves wanted to get the better of me I opened my front door for the first day of my Open Studios exhibition.

Firstly, being nervous was a surprise. After all I’ve spent a lot of the last twelve years chatting to many, many people. Most of them on behalf of their loved ones in Spirit. But putting my channelled artwork on display seemed to be a very different thing. Making me much more visible for some reason. Perhaps it was the energy art teacher who told me I couldn’t paint? But I thought I had managed to release that. Perhaps it was inviting people into my space? Not something I’ve really done with my home. But I have done with my Centre. Which very much felt like my home. Or was it that big jump off the cliff to actually respect my ability and show the world that I do? So I pegged my paintings out on my washing line.

A call to anyone who wanted to take a look. A sort of ‘I’m here’. Then the rather anxious wait for people to wander in. I had plenty to keep me occupied so the fluttery feelings quickly disappeared. And then I found myself chatting to a lovely couple. My first visitors. Who stayed for more than a brief glance at my paintings. That turned out to be the pattern of my day. Opportunities to chat. About painting, about life, about spirituality. And in between, in the short pauses, a chance for me to do a little more with my paintings. To process the conversations. And to recognise that my artwork was creating talking points. What more could any artist ask for? My paintings got reactions. Prompted exchanges. And made all of us reflect on something.

How wonderful to be able to start the chatting. To have the means to get people opening up about their thoughts and feelings. I love that I have created a space for us to get to know one another a little better. I’m delighted that I was visible today. That the energy of the paintings touched everyone who came in. Because, in the end, life is all about the connections between us.

Day 953 of my blogging challenge

Transformation: Letting Guides Show You The Way

transformationI’ve always been intrigued when new Guides start to make their presence felt. I feel as if a transformation has started. From one Guide to the next. And by implication from one me to the next.

Several months ago I started to get a physical signal from a new Guide. He has told me the name he would like me to use for him. Although I know from experience that he has not given me his correct name yet. Because this process of getting to know one another is founded on faith and trust. It’s also build on the changes occurring within me. I am going through another transformation. It happens every time I pass a spiritual test, clear more of the stuck energy and progress to a a new level of self understanding. Working in the service of Guides is always about getting to a new level of understanding me. So that I can reassure others that changing is always a better option. And, of course, be of more service.

However, the transformation is not to rewrite my personality or my characteristics. The change is to become more ‘me’. My Guide Team expands every time I discover another aspect of me to integrate. It might be the painter me. Or the writer me. It could be the healing me. Even the challenging me. As a Spirit I have wisdom and skills from other lifetimes. Along with the wisdom of my Guides. They can see the talents that I find it hard or impossible to acknowledge. And the encourage me to use them. To play with the idea of what else I might be able to do. Transformation, for my Guides, is about learning to be joyful in exploration. Taking a chance on an adventure and seeing where it will all lead. Learning to be brave about being me.

People often ask how they can get in touch with Guides. First, ask them to talk to you. Second, pay attention to what you feel. And not to what you think. Finally, be open to the extraordinary within your everyday life. Understand that your Guides are there. Because all you have to do is take the first step towards them.

Day 949 of my blogging challenge

Raised In Praise: New Beginnings

raisedIt’s a red letter day! I finally jumped off another cliff. With much love and support from some special friends I raised my game and drew the face of an ArchAngel. Something I believed I couldn’t do. All because of art lessons where criticism was the background to everything I did.

I know that our Crystal children are different. As were the Indigo children. Here to help prepare the planet for a huge energy shift, both these sets of young people had a lot to deal with. Schools, where we placed them to be raised, were often places of repression. And energetically toxic. I still find it hard to understand why people think it is an excellent idea to corral fourteen hundred teenagers together. And expect everything to be plain sailing. Raising our children often becomes an everyday battle to shield them from negativity. I know that some teachers are amazing. But not the ones like my art teacher.

Her words have blocked me for most of my life. Instead of praising where I had got to she was critical. I soaked up that energy. Her cynicism and dismissive appraisal of my early efforts to engage with art. My English teacher worked on praise. Raising our esteem with kind words of encouragement. I’m not surprised that I got great exam grades in English and didn’t even take art. Today I thought about all of the wasted potential we create when we deny our children praise. When the positive words from home are ripped away by the cruelty of some people in our schools. And when we are raised to be limited. My Guide Team have persistently worked to raise my vibration. So that I can pass that on to other people.

Let’s make a promise to our children’s children’s children. I know we can start this straight away. Raise your standards. Root our the inner critic in you. Do all of those things you thought you couldn’t. Praise yourself. And finally, start raising your children with praise. Help them to see that they are able to try anything they want. Because they might find they have loads more ability than they expect.

Day 907 of my blogging challenge

Painting Time: Letting Myself Get Creative

paintingIt’s been a while. Lots of changes have been going on for me. My painting has had to wait until I could get into my intuitive mind again. Finally today I got some time to work with my paint, brushes and canvas. And finish off some pieces I started last August.

I rediscovered my love for painting about nine years ago. Up until then, although I explored every museum and art gallery I came across, I lacked confidence in my own ability. It was only when my Guides encouraged me to take up psychic art that I found my feet again. And I had been off those creative feet for nearly all of my life. All due to the judgements of an art teacher at school. Yet when I stepped back into painting I felt like I had rediscovered a lost part of myself. It was joyful. Then stressful as I worked to remove the subconscious judgements I had taken on board. Then finally joyful once again. I tried all sorts of art. I even entered my work in a local competition and had some success.

Then, for most of last year, my creativity went into my book. Painting disappeared. Other things also got in the way. Changing my business around. Promoting my book. Starting the next book. With all of the nudges from my Guides that these were what I had to focus my energy on. Until a few weeks ago. I got out my paints and canvas. Placing them in a prominent position I kept walking past them thinking ‘I’ll start tomorrow’. It didn’t quite very mean that I started to paint. Until I arranged with a good friend, artist Kirsten Todd, to visit her. And take my work with me. In the company of such a good friend, and her daughter, I finally got some time to paint again. And I loved it. I’ve fallen back in love with painting once more.

I have completed some of the works I started a while back. Then there are those that still count as a ‘work in progress’. I am sure they will be done on another day soon. Because my passion for art is back too. It connects me directly to my intuition and feelings. The perfect connection for all of my other spiritual work. If you get a little time grab some paint and paper and take yourself off to a creative, intuitive space. You might surprise yourself.

Day 879 of my blogging challenge 

Sacred Space: Connect To Your Intuition

sacred spaceI’ve spent a focused and enjoyable day clearing clutter out of my work space. Watching the boxes empty. Recycling, gifting, filing and arranging. It’s all part of my effort to create a sacred space. The place I can be comfortable connecting to my intuition.

Because when I open up to the energy information around me I want to have a peaceful and positive vibe. So spending time going through my old stuff has been a great first step. As I’ve looked through each bundle of papers, memorabilia and objects I have been asking myself what it represents. Is what I’m looking at positive, significant energy? Because my sacred space has to boost me on days when the energy is low vibrational. Is the item or piece of paper any part of my current life? Sometimes I hold on to things that were right for me when I was a different energy person. Letting coasters, pens, thank you cards and photos go clears my space for the me I am today. And more especially the me I want to become.

My sacred space is emerging from under the clutter precisely because I am tuning in to my intuition too. Sensing the energy of what I’m keeping and checking that it matches my hopes and dreams. It matters to me that my papers are tidy in files. I want to have an underlying structure because my life is often very fluid. So being able to put my hands on something the instant I’m prompted to is a great gift to myself. I am also checking what crystals and spiritual objects I have dotted around my scared space. I recently took a good look at all of my tarot and oracle cards to make sure I was only keeping those that would serve me in the future. And I have chosen some of my own channelled intuitive art to brighten my walls too.

Tomorrow I will be continuing creating my sacred space with some more clearing out. Then I can start smudging and finish off with a sound bath and some incense. Finally I have found an easy chair I want to use when I’m sitting in the silence listening to my Guides. There will be cushions. And my space will be complete. What is your sacred space like?

Day 810 of my blogging challenge

Vibrational Art: Opening Up Intuition

Vibrational art startThe sun shone. I had my paints out. In the warmth of the morning I tuned in to create more vibrational artwork. It’s a lovely way to open up to intuition.

I’ve been really fortunate with my Guides. They have helped me to explore lots of different ways to open up and use my psychic senses. I’ve learned that guidance can come in many different ways. And I’ve also learned that there are boundaries to be pushed within me so I can channel vibrational energy in differnt ways. That’s what I love about painting and drawing. It’s a completely different way to share a message from Ener Beings. Although when they drifted the idea across my mind the first few times I was really doubtful. I thought psychic art was all about the faces of loved ones in Spirit. But my Guides knew different.

I was put on the spot to draw the energy flowing through a group where messages were being given. I picked up the chalks reluctantly. Then I watched myself draw a pattern of colours that made perfect sense. To me and to everyone else. And I heard someone confirm that they had seen the same thing clarevoyantly. It was mind blowing. But it took me another year or so to get into painting. Yet when I did I found myself feeling the presence of other Beings. In fact a whole queue of Beings. All ready to share their vibrational energy with me so it could be transferred to the canvas or paper. Letting myself respond to the requests to paint I noticed that many pieces had faces hidden in them. And that the colours refelcted the personalities of the painters.

I also found that working in a range of vibrational energies made my intuitive connections stronger. After a short time I was able to sense better, get message information clearer and stay in the link for longer.

My clarevoyance also improved. It’s the weakest of my psychic senses but working with my creative, visual ability certainly helped it to expand. Now I encourage people to get into art in any way they can. I know it will help them work their intuitive psychic senses. It’s also fun. That’s the positive vibe that Energy Beings like as it makes connecting easier. The best way to start is to grab some coloured pencils and paper. Then play. I like to pick up whatever pencil I’m drawn to, put it on the paper and start to doodle. Keeping my mind as unfocused as possible I invite my Guides to make a connection for me. Because I want to draw on their behalf. So my thoughts need to stay out of the way.

I know that my Ego mind will want to direct me. Trying to make something recognisable. But I always remind myself that Energy Beings see our world in a different way. And what interests me is their viewpoint. Over the years I’ve become much better at occupying my mind and ignoring what my hands are doing. Because sometimes I work with my non dominant dominant hand. So it’s a lovely surprise to see what has been captured on the paper. From paper and pencils I moved into using encaustic wax, acrylic paint, watercolour Andy pastels. Certain communicators like paint, some want watercolour, or charcoal or whatever. I go with whatever I’m prompted to use. The vibrational energy is transferred whatever I create.

If you have been searching for a way to practice your intuitive psychic abilities vibrational art is a great thing to try. I know I had to stick with it past all of my inner critic’s comments. If you do I am sure you will discover a whole new way of connecting.

Day 646 of my blogging challenge 

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

painting stepsSome days it feels like two steps forward and one step back. Although I have more energy and inspiration since the last energy upgrade, today I hit a snag. I didn’t feel particularly motivated about anything!

I had some plans. Especially as I know it’s time to take steps to get my book upload completed. But whatever I tried to do with it on my computer this afternoon seemed to hit a brick wall. I realised after an hour I was getting nowhere really fast. Stepping back I thought about the eclipse energy that’s on it’s way in. The Moon in between the Sun and the Earth. That event is growing closer. So the energy from the sun will be blocked temporarily. By the watery influence of the Moon. It reminded me of ArchAngel Rophea, the Earth’s Guardian Angel of Opposites, who reconciles fire and water. It’s the end of her month of influence and it’s ending with a big push to get us to be balanced.

As I thought about what needed to be balanced I realised I had slipped back a little. Steps I could have taken had been put on hold because a little bit of resistance energy was still floating around. I recognise that it’s hard to step forward when I still don’t quite believe I’m the right one for the job. So I’m not putting myself out into the world as confidently as I could. As I thought about the challenge of balancing feelings and action, I understood that I had to do something to boost my momentum. So I got out my paints. Because I love being creative. Then I opened up my Newsletter for the Centre. Because it was supposed to have been sent out Friday (in my mind anyway). And I painted, wrote, designed and did more painting.

These aren’t the steps I planned. But they felt like the right things to do to honour the pause in my plans. By the end of the afternoon I felt in balance again. I sent out the finished Newsletter with a smile. Reconciling opposite energies is easier than it sounds. So long as I stay in a creative zone. Happy Eclipse energy!

Day 636 of my blogging challenge 

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