Living In The Flow: Perfect Timing

living flowIt’s been a day to go with the flow again. Living in an intuitive world often presents a few issues. Especially if, like me, you want to get on with doing things. My Passion Planner has so many alterations sometimes that I’m tempted to give up.

But I don’t. I like being able to plan. It gives me a comforting feeling. Like I’m in control of the way I’m living. Of course wanting to be in control can also be a sign of being afraid of where life will take me next. Or a lack of trust that everything will happen when it is supposed to. I know that being in control also leads me into impatience. I want things to hurry up and happen. To be here in my life right now. Yet one thing I have learned from developing my intuitive psychic senses is that manifesting my requirements and desires may take much more linear time because I can be trying to bring it what won’t suit me. Delay is the way of the Universe saying ‘Are you really sure you want that?’

I’ve written before about getting comfortable when my day turns out to be cancellations, changes and upsets. Because what always comes along is the action that it’s right for me to be doing. Whether that is having a rest, seeing someone for an urgent consultation or dealing with a loose end. Living with the uncertainty is much easier when I notice how my day is reorganised to make sure that I am where I need to be. Doing what is right at exactly the perfect time. I still occasionally get a bit flustered by my diary not running to plan. However I am able to accept that the flow of events is based on lots of other factors. It’s not all about me. I find that this actually takes pressure off me and I can wait much longer than I used to be able to do.

Living with an appreciation of the flow also helps me to recognise that time is a human, adult defined concept. Children don’t live in time. They live in flow. It’s only as we start to think that we adopt a shared standard of measurement. I’m glad that I have been able to move back to that more child-like appreciation of my days. I feel free to become absorbed in what I am doing. And let the flow carry me where it is best for me to go.

Day 816 of my blogging challenge

Crystal Child: See Them Through The Fear

I love how my reading clients bring the themes for blogs. Today it’s about a Crystal child. Mine and all the others who are gently bringing their love to the Earth.

I’ve written before about Crystal children, not just because I am a parent of one, but to help us all see the hope we are being given at this time. So look here for info about understanding your Crystal child, here for considering their needs and here for a debate about their education. Today in Blackburn I saw several people who have Crystal children in their families. It seemed the Spirit World wanted to let them know that their child would be ok as they grew up but also to give these lovely people some pointers for how to help. Because the greatest challenge of all is that these children are different. And enjoy being different whilst frustrated with us for not knowing how to help them.

So what is a Crystal child? They are generally born from 2000 onwards (though this is not a fixed boundary so you need to understand the nature of a Crystal before deciding if you have got one). These children are incredibly loving towards those who show them love. They reject anyone who is being false or has closed energy. Crystals also love the planet and animals. It’s likely that, at the moment, they will care more for both of those than for humans because we carry a lot of negative, stuck energy. We also pay them little attention. Think how many children we ignore even through we know of their plight. I know they are frustrated at having to live through childhood again. Old souls struggle to be young humans.

A Crystal child has aura energy aligned to the vibration of the crystals of the Earth. Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Carnelian and the other vibration levels are all represented amongst the range of Crystal children.

Each child is here for a specific purpose which is tied in closely with regenerating the Earth. They do this by using their intuitive psychic abilities. They are the original Crystal Singers. And that’s the issue. Sometimes these children are over sensitive because they have forgotten to close down to negativity. Depending on their crystal type they react with discomfort to certain kind of energy from other people. Or even their own energy. Having been away from being human for a long time it’s quite a shock for them to have to learn to have emotions again. Some Crystal children struggle so much to deal with emotional energy that they shut down altogether. Unless they are around other Crystal children or those adults who can transmit enough Love energy for them to feel comfortable.

So how do I help my Crystal through the fear she finds at being stuck in such a low vibrational place? And my fear that I can’t help her have a good life because I don’t know what to do? I found out early on that I have a rose quartz child. So we have lots of that crystal at home. She also carries some for emergencies. I have worked to keep my energy loving and positive. Not so easy when all that fear crowds in. Yet if I am calm and relaxed so is she. I give praise all the time. She reacts to criticism or harsh words as if it was an acid burn. That’s because she can’t understand why we humans do such nasty things to one another. And she can ‘feel’ the energy of every word. Something most of her teachers never could understand.

But I have also had to tackle another kind of fear. In myself and around her. As well as in her.

I was starting to purposefully develop my own psychic abilities when I became pregnant. When my child was born I realised that there was a lot more going on than I expected. She showed clear signs of psychic intuitive ability. And a spiritually that dumbfounded me. She was too young, surely, to understand what she was saying. But she did. She was also busy healing anyone who came within her reach who had an open heart. When she introduced me to a group of Spirit children and told me they were her playmates I decided I really had to get up to speed with my own abilities. How else could I understand her world if I wasn’t prepared to go into it myself?

Getting myself sorted has been a major benefit. As I learned who my Guides were I released a lot of religious fear about Energy Beings that I didn’t really realise I had. I learned to deal with other people’s scepticism about ‘talking to the dead’. Experiencing all sorts of phenomena for myself but knowing who was producing it stripped me of the fear of the unknown. Because I knew what it was. Or I knew who to ask if I wasn’t sure. Scary films about spooky goings on got boring. After all I could have as much contact as I wished. And without all the drama that gets chucked into the film script. So I was also ready for the taps and bangs, objects disappearing and new ones being dropped off and the gang of Spirit people who wanted my daughter to pass on messages.

I helped her to refuse the contact except with her Guides. We went through a time of sorting out who was a Guide and who wasn’t. And helping her to learn how to use her physical senses as much as her psychic ones.

Knowing stuff also helped me explain things to her. When she was taken by surprise by other people’s feelings, or Spirit popping in at school, or even why she saw shadows around people. She learned not to be afraid of asking questions either which meant we could deal with things quickly. Of course as a medium I was able to take her to the places I worked. Here she was surrounded by people who thought talking to Spirit people was normal. I’m grateful that I could do that for her as it put her in positive energy about her own abilities. We consolidated her healing energy too. I made her up to Reiki Master level as soon as I felt she was able to take on the ethical understanding of healing.

There have been times at school where the energy has been a real challenge. A Crystal child often finds that other people regard them as differently abled or oddball in some way. I know it can be hard for a Crystal child to ‘fit in’. Because they aren’t meant to follow on with the way we raise our children by Victorian values. Feeling different can bring another type of fear too. The one about not being accepted or liked. Especially when listening to peers talk about spooky stuff in a fearful way. How do you say you hear voices to friends who may turn round and say you are possessed? Or that you can see the Spirit lady in the classroom when most people would view this as a haunting to be frightened of?

And if you can’t say this stuff who can help you understand it and get a handle on it?

That’s what everyone around a Crystal child has to help with. Being open minded enough to encourage all children to discuss their psychic experiences without showing fear. Adults can get up to speed. Learn what intuitive abilities are all about. Even start to find out about their own. Please move out of the fear that something bad is wrong with your child. Instead embrace their Crystal nature. You will find a treasure trove of love if you do.

Day 558 of my blogging challenge

Choosing To Use Intuitive Abilities

I’ve said many times before that I believe everyone has intuitive abilities. We are all psychic. That means we can read other people, energy waves and Energy Beings.

A long time ago I remember the late Colin Fry saying the same thing. But he made one important point – one that I agree with wholeheartedly – that not everyone was ready to use their abilities yet. He talked about the discipline and development that I believe we all need to go through to understand what we are doing. I feel it’s like giving someone three driving lessons then letting them loose on the motorway. Something none of us would dream of doing or encouraging. I’ve been thinking about this today because I often get contacted by people who are experiencing contact with Energy Beings. But those people don’t really understand what’s happening.

Often they have become frightened in a fascinated way by the contact they are having. I suppose it’s like the reason we like to watch horror or danger movies. Human beings get an adrenaline rush from feeling fear. So a mildly scary encounter of any kind can feel like an exciting event too. That’s where I get called in though. because the encounters are acknowledged the Energy Beings get more active and the person experiencing them reaches a point of being too scared all of a sudden. I should also say that acknowledging contact tends to make intuitive senses develop more. So, as might be expected, the person concerned starts to see, hear, feel and know more.

Intuitive psychic abilities are like any other muscles. With work they get stronger. The more effort you make the more you will get.

Until the adrenaline rush of fear becomes too uncomfortable. Then people tend to want to turn off the switch. Or at least turn it down. Yet they might find they can’t if the draw of the adrenaline is stronger than the fear being generated, I know that people panic at this point. They think the Energy Beings will go away for good or become too strong or unpleasant. People still want to have the contact. But not in an uncontrolled way. And I know that this push & pull creates more difficulty because in trying to re-establish control the person is still foundering around out of control.

So what do I tell someone who is using their abilities but in a confused or muddled way? Perhaps even relying on misinformation or fake ‘facts’? I’m sure we all know that not everything on the internet is from a reliable source. For me the first thing is not to panic. That energy only makes things worse. Second I ask the person to think carefully about why they want the connection to Energy Beings. I know it’s not an easy thing to master because, in the end, you have to master yourself and your fear. If someone is not ready to adopt a disciplined approach to their psychic senses I suggest they shut themselves down. Not to do so is inviting more chaos into their lives.

For those who really are ready and want to use their abilities I suggest finding a good teacher. Or a place that offers a safe way to learn.

We are all learning. It’s important to accept that and find someone who feels like they know what they are doing to show you how to develop your senses. I normally start by explaining energy work then build in experiences to back up that information. To me finding someone who can explain things clearly and simply is a must. It’s not about mystery or superstition and a good teacher should start from where you are. Be prepared for leaps forward and steps back. For joyful connections and frustrating mis-connections. A good teacher will support you through all of this.

I also caution my students that this work will change the inner you. As well as the outer you. I know that experiencing the positive connection with Energy Beings brings in it’s wake a lot of reconstruction work. As a sceptic I had to pull down all of my assumptions and rebuild from conviction. It became impossible for me to deny the exsistence of the Beings who now guide and inspire me. So an open, questioning mind and a flexible outlook are vital. After all, my abilities, if I’m honouring them, have brought me challenges, change and certainty. To the point where I now know for certain that we are all intuitive and have psychic senses. Using my abilities has removed self-doubt, doubt about my purpose or point in being human and my doubt about an Afterlife.

All good reasons to develop my abilities. But most of all I have no doubt that I am an eternal being. That has removed perhaps the biggest fear of all – that of dying.

Day 557 of my blogging challenge 

Waking Up Our Own Abilities

Several times today I’ve been in conversations about my intuitive abilities. And those of other people. About how we can all tune in to the energy around us. And to the Energy Beings we can’t sense with our physical senses.

I love that I have been able to make that connection with my psychic senses that allows me to connect in with Spirit loved ones. I’ve discovered abilities that I once believed were fake or imagined. As I’ve put them to the test week in and week out for the last eleven years I’m amazed at how strong they have become. My Guides repeatedly encouraged me to practice, practice, practice. They reminded me that any skill is improved with use. That whatever natural talent I had could become stronger with use. So I’ve done reading after reading. Service after service.

Sometimes I’ve been frustrated. Often elated. My learning curve has been more like a spiral. Because even with a natural flair my intuitive senses had been asleep for most of my life. Occasional breakthroughs, moments of inspiration looked like they could be my wake up call. However I kept pressing the snooze button. I took my time in waking up. My abilities stayed well below the surface. Because I lacked the information on how to open them up. Also because I had been told they didn’t even exsist. And because I had been scared by lots of misinformation and myths. Although, luckily for me, one day I did wake up.

Siting quietly after doing some readings I though about the changes my abilities have brought to my life.

I feel more fully me. Life has become varied and never dull. I feel that I can be of service to people who are seeking a connection to themselves and their loved ones. It’s amazing for me to be able to watch as someone discovers their intuitive abilities. And to see them embrace another part of themselves hidden behind the Ego mind. I couldn’t have imagined this eleven years ago. Perhaps not even five years ago. My days are nearly always full of joy and positive energy. In the space between conscious and unconscious I have bridged a gap between my human and my Spirit self. And discovered that I also have the ability to share my joyful, positive energy with many more people than I could have known.

I’m so excited about the next eleven years. What wonderful changes will they bring. Better still, what new abilities are waiting to be discovered!

Day 443 of my blogging challenge.