Predictive Dreaming Glimpses

One of the strangest things to understand has to be predictive dreams. It took me quite a while to get my head around why I had these episodes of knowing what was going to happen.

As I type that I know it sounds silly. After all psychics are supposed to predict. Aren’t I? People regularly ask me to tell them about their future. About what will happen to them next. Even if they will get what they want or hope for. The future. Predictive information. The need to know. I was the same. Wanting to know what is going happen next. I remember before I opened up to my own intuitive information I occasionally visited mediums and psychics in the search for knowing. As if I could control the outcome of my future if I knew about it enough in advance. And I feel that was the key. I wanted the information so I could be in charge of my destiny.

Quite early in my development as a medium, when I began to get predictive dreams, I agonised about knowing the future. Or trying to sense the future for others. What if I got it wrong? Or if I mistook what I was getting? Would there be a big mess becuase I might have misinterpreted information. It was another set of questions I took to my Guides. Especially when the dreams were coming three or four times a night. I could be sound asleep but shocked awake remembering a vivid sequence of events. The feel and sights of the dreams were so real. I had lots of information but never seemed to have anything vital. The what, where, who, how often escaped me. As did the exact time or date of the events I viewed. Sometimes I read about them or watched them on TV.

Usually at some much later date. Why was I getting predictive information that I couldn’t use? What was the point?

Working it out with my Guides I discovered that we all have predictive dreams. My Spirit doesn’t sleep. Every now and again I run ahead of the here and now to take a look at what is on this timeline. The Ego mind struggles to process information that is outside of the sequence of time we are all used to. Instead my mind jumbles up the information. The puzzle pieces get shaken about so I struggle to put them back together again. If there is a big enough energy event going to happen I pick up that wave when I’m ahead of myself. If it’s really big much more of the puzzle pieces will drop into my conscious mind. That means I will remember more. But not necessarily a lot of the detail.

I may recall a feeling or watching something happen. Perhaps a snippet of conversation. But as it is out of context it will seem like it makes no sense. I will know that something is going to happen but not necessarily all of what is involved. When I reached that point with my Guides I asked the next obvious question. If I don’t know enough detail to do anything then why do I bother going to look? The response was really interesting. They told me it was so that I could be prepared for the energy surge. A natural disaster, a plane crash, even an accident to myself, can create a big energy reaction. If I have a sense that something is coming I can remind myself to stay calm.

I have to say I thought at that point that predictive dreaming was a pointless exercise. Staying calm? How could I do that?

After all I was still arguing with them about why I got to know things I couldn’t possibly change. Because that was one of my issues too. Dreaming of a volcanic eruption seemed pointless if I couldn’t alert anyone. Or expect to be able to give a warning that would be listened to. The same with dreaming about car crashes. Or illnesses. It was rather a shock to be told that I wasn’t expected to do anything with the information. Except to be ready to balance the energy waves. Although sending healing was an option too. And if anyone had died in the events I could send energy to help them find their way into the Afterlife.

As this went round and round in my head I realised that all I could do was exactly what my Guides suggested. Take the dream information, wait for events to unfołd and do my best to send positive energy to the situation. Over the years I have done that in many occasions. I have learned to wake from the dream, record it and be ready to send energy. Positive intentions do help others. I have had plenty of personal proof of that. And there are many more than me who remember their predictive dreams. If all of us send positive and healing intentions to emergency or disaster situations then the aftermath may be a little bit less than it might have been. If we can’t change the future of these events perhaps in some way we are softening their impact.

That’s what I understand the predictive dreams come through for. So I welcome them as a small way for me to help from a distance.

Day 503 of my blogging challenge