Haunted Houses, Spooky Events

img_2293Of course we are nearly at Halloween. The tv and magazines are full of haunted houses and spooky goings on. Tonight I saw an ad for a channel running horror movies to celebrate. It made me wonder why we like to scare ourselves.

From programmes like Most Haunted to films like Poltergiest it seems some people can’t get enough of the idea that Spirit beings are bad, aggressive or out to hurt us. I have to say that I’ve never aproached working with Energy Beings with that point of view. I have learned over time that Spirit people are still people. Good, bad or indifferent, much as they were in life. When I’ve visited places to check out for haunting or spooky goings on I’ve often found that there is more imagination involved than actual Spirit communication.

That’s not to say that haunted locations don’t exist. I feel that we often rush to grasp onto the idea of ghosts and poltergeists before looking for the ordinary explanations. I love working with orbs. Though I am also very aware that light anomalies can be the reflections of light from physical sources. Sometimes sources we aren’t aware of. I’ve caught a few orbs on my camera that have turned out to be the glitter of a ring or a bounced back reflection from a mirrored surface. In the same way I consider very carefully before I look for a paranormal explanation. Creaks and bangs can be the result of buildings cooling down especially where wood or central heating is old. Things disappearing can be memory lapses not ghosts.

When I go anywhere to investigate I want to be sure I have ruled out all of the normal explanations for phenomena. Especially where it seems that people are getting themselves scared about what is happening.

Not everything seen in the movies is real. In my work with the Spirit World they talk about how we seem to want to be fearful of communicating with them. And I have to agree. It’s almost as if there is a need to make our loved ones into spooky, haunted apparitions. Perhaps it began as a way to stop us connecting with them? After all, some religions much prefer that I didn’t have a direct line of contact to the Energy Beings. So perhaps it’s not so strange that a pagan festival to celebrate the turning of the year has been portrayed as a time of fearfulness. I feel the message is ‘run and hide, the boogie man is coming to get you’. What about ‘yippee, hard work is over for three months’ instead?

In the end, I usually find that there are extremely good reasons for a house to feel haunted. But incredibly rarely by actual Spirits. Mostly there is stuck aura energy from past experiences and people who don’t understand what is happening so fear something bad. Now and again the Spirit people trying to make contact have been trying too hard. They haven’t realised that their usual signals are being misinterpreted. When I do find Spirit visitors I always ask what they want, often tell them to be a bit quieter and usually pass on their messages of love and support to the occupants. Of course there is always the house that has a resident Spirit. These are the ones who like to keep us company. Or love their old home so much they want to stay around.

I have enjoyed a few great chats with the ones who choose to stay close to their old place. They watch what is happening and are glad that people sometimes realise they are there.

It makes sense to me really. There are one or two places I’ve lived that I would want to take a look at again if I was a Spirit. Probably because I’m rather nosey and would want to find out if anything had changed. I’m not sure I would be the quietest of haunting if there was something I didn’t agree with. I suspect I might be quite naughty in getting someone’s attention. It’s quite a funny thought really. Perhaps the owner would have to get the ghostbusters to come and talk to me. Now that would be very spooky!

Day 350 of my blogging challenge.