Struggle? Making Life Easy For Myself

Time off from struggleI’ve always had a struggle to get my life in balance. I tend to throw myself into work and forget to play. There always seems to be more to do. Being able to step back has been one of my big lessons.

I know that I enjoy being occupied. Being busy is normal for me. But I also know that when I get focused on something stepping back and stepping out can be hard. Because I want to get things done. I want to achieve what I’ve set out to do. Part of it is my own impatience at the slow way energy manifests into the physical world. Plus the urgency of wanting to help everyone as much as I possibly can. Added to a strong work ethic that came from my parents. Quite a mix really. So I have to be careful. Because if I overdo it I find myself in a struggle to stop doing. It’s like I can’t slow down.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who deals with this challenge. There are lots of us around. We tend to keep going long past the point of exhaustion. I am connected with many business people who have the same struggle. Working out when to stop indulging one of my passions and swapping to another. But it’s important to find that balance. Keeping going isn’t sensible for my mind or body. Or my business. So I am practicing slowing down. Making it easy for myself. Giving myself opportunities to play, relax or rest. It all ties in with placing value on myself. Stepping back for a while shows me that I am worth time and energy too. It also allows me to find a balance across all aspects of my life.

There is no struggle when I am prepared to give to myself. Being at peace with time for me and time for everyone else life becomes very much easier. Today I’m taking time for me. Are you?

Day 620 of my blogging challenge