I’m back home after an evening searching for evidence. Sitting in the total dark in my double layer of clothes, gloves and socks with my hat on my head I’ve was waiting for Spirit activity. Along with a team of paranormal investigators.
I love going to paranormal investigations. Especially with a team as professional as Whitehouse Investigations. I believe that Energy Beings are ready to let us know that they are present with us in lots of different ways. Making the journey from sceptic to believer was an interesting challenge to me. Especially since I wasn’t expecting to end up at the other end speaking for Spirit people. During that journey I’ve visited lots of ‘haunted’ places trying to connect with whoever is supposed to be there. I’ve also been to quite a few investigations, some extremely well run and some not, to see if different settings allow different evidence to emerge. Because what matters to me is our interaction. The efforts to communicate. Not the idea that something is or isn’t.
Perhaps that’s where I encountered my first hurdle with paranormal teams. I had a few experiences of teams trying to make things happen and then rubbishing the mediums when it didn’t. Or the Spirits. Or the other participants. Even the location. There is such a thing as trying too hard. There was also the issue of the people who went overboard with denying everything. I feel rational explanations must always be considered but not at the expense of what could be great evidence. And on a couple of occasions there have been the teams who were so desperate to create an impact that they faked what was supposed to have happened. Not very useful when you have a medium present who can tell the difference.
I guess it all turns on the interesting question of what counts as evidence. And if what you really want is proof or a good scare.
I work with my Guides when I’m doing trance mediumship to produce physical phenomena so that I can give evidence to others that Energy Beings exsist. Not to convert anyone. But to see how they can interact with us. That may include glass divination, table tipping, noises, direct voice and ectoplasm. All of these things, and many more, are ways to show that there is a connection. However, there are also other ways. Images captured on camera. Movement and sound picked up by detectors. Energy and temperature changes registered on meters. I’m sure the list is endless. Some of these things are seen as part of the scientific method. Others aren’t.
I’ve tried to understand why this or that item is (or isn’t) acceptable to paranormal teams but in reality each group seems to have a different methodology. And some are so clear that nothing is going to convince them that Energy Beings exsist that I have asked myself why they are bothering to look for evidence in the first place. That brings me to the thorny issue of what is being looked for. Some people seem to relish a good scare. Others want and don’t want evidence. Usually because they are conflicted or confused about the whole idea of ghost and Spirits. The best paranormal teams are those who work with open minds. Prepared to explore but not judge. Keen to keep looking.
I feel that what is required is a body of evidence. Lots and lots of similar experiences being reported time after time. Consistency in a word.
Yet I also know how hard it is to get that consistency. There are energy rules that we don’t fully understand yet. And our own states of mind concerning our beliefs about any kind of Afterlife. One day I’m sure there will be more than enough evidence. The work of physical mediums and paranormal teams will blend into a better understanding of the unseen worlds all around us. So long as the good teams keep on exploring under rigourous conditions. And I and my colleagues continue developing our connections under the same rigourous conditions that we impose on ourselves. Thank you to tonight’s team. It was the perfect blend of everything that is good in investigations.
Day 446 of my blogging challenge.