Analysis – Feet On Ground

A while back I went to a training event about web analysis and how to optimise a web page to be visible to as many people as possible. All in order to drive business your way.

There are all sorts of companies advertising their services to help me make it to the top of Google rankings. I must get several emails a week about how their analysis will get me more clicks. So this training was worth attending. I made a lot of notes and took some of the steps they advised. I’ve installed Google Analytics on my web site now. It feels like I’ve stepped into another minefield though. Trying to make sense of the data it gives me. Wondering if I’m reaching anyone with my blog. And adjusting it for my daily posts so it makes more sense to me. Today it got me thinking about when I over analyse.

As I closed the door on one part of my business life so that I could be more effective in the Growth Into Ascensionwork I wanted to carry forward I was running through an analysis of the last four years. A bit like the software on my web site I was trying to sort out what had worked and what hadn’t. Perhaps to see if I came up with different answers to the last time I looked backwards. Or even to beat myself up by saying it was a change I should have done sooner. But I feel the most important thing I was doing was trying to balance my experiences of the last four years to confirm it had been worthwhile. In a way I was ranking and rating myself.

Then I stopped. I though about the Google Analytics information. It doesn’t necessarily give a true picture of what happens on my web site. I have to consider the kind of business I’m in.

It’s not actually about driving customers to my door. Particularly my blog. My site is here to represent me and my views. It’s also here to give people inspiration, hope or a different viewpoint to think about. And some of that can’t be measure in the sort of analysis that the software gives. So to with my Growth Into Awareness business. It can’t be measured and analysed quite the same as a business based on profit motives. GIA has been an amazing way to develop myself and others. But it’s time for new energy. So Growth Into Ascension has arrived. A small change but very meaningful. A redefinition of the way I will be working from now on.

That’s when analysis is helpful. When it moves me forward by prompting me to consider other information. But it’s only a part of the story. I also have to remember that my outcomes might not be measured in ‘hard’ statistics. It is important for me to look at the ‘soft’ feelings and outcomes that my work generates. I decided this afternoon that I needed to approach the analysis of my website, business or life with my feet on the ground. Recognising that a spiritual business or spirituality can be measured in different ways. And not letting myself get too distractedly by search engine optimisation, Google Analytics and click rates. Over analysing over 💜

Day 526 of my blogging challenge

Over Thinking And Not Doing

One of the gifts of being human is thought. We are a thinking species. Overlaying our feelings is this magical process of interpretation that goes on all the time.

Thinking is our way of learning. Observing the repetition of experiences and developing patterns of response. Then being able to anticipate and create different actions to modify those experiences. Thinking is an awesome talent. At any level. Because it can take the feelings information and translate it into memory and meaning. But that’s where I feel it can come unstuck. I turned into an over thinker. I had to look at situations and consider them from every possible angle. Especially if a repeat experience was likely to make me feel more uncomfortable feelings. Or to put me on the receiveing end of uncomfortable feelings from others.

I found a while ago that I had developed an aversion to uncomfortable feelings. Anger, sadness, fear, anxiety. And many more. Simply because I wanted to avoid any conflict. The fall out from those feelings brought guilt, self doubt, blame and unhappiness. Instead I began checking out what I was thinking and stopped doing. Until I got myself all tied up and paralysed by indecision. I wanted everyone to walk away happy from every conversation, action or experience. But I’d forgotten that life isn’t really like that. There is always light and shade. Not taking action actually created as much conflict as getting on with doing.

Sitting at the back of my mind was the judge. And it wasn’t until I noticed her that I began to stop thinking.

Intuitive information comes through feelings. It’s not a thought thing at all. Even if I do think about something I’ve done or said afterwards. When I’m channelling the information through from the Energy Beings it emerges in what I feel. Because I’m in an altered state of consciousness. A not thinking state. As I experienced this different way of relating to myself I could see the part of me that was always ready to say I’d got it wrong. Or done something wrong. Or hadn’t done it well enough. Pulling this part of me out into the daylight let me see how often it had influenced me into over thinking.

Because I wanted to escape being judged I would analyse, review and revisit my decisions again and again. Never actually putting any of them into practice. Scared of being an idiot. Or so I thought. Frightened of offending someone, some law, some rule. I saw how much time I spent trying to back up my decisions with ‘fact’. What a waste of time. No wonder experiences were passing me by. Life was slow and heavy. I had made it so. The judge took some defeating. Learning to be spontaneous again was actually harder than it sounds. I persisted in challenging the judge. Over thinking is not the way for me to live. Getting into my feelings again took time. Yet with a recognition that I wanted to change my approach to thinking I got better at doing. Felling a prompt then following it through.

I’m not completely free of over thinking. Every now and then echos of old experiences throw me back into too much analysis. The judge is quieter but still trying to have her say. I only listen after doing though. And love myself enough to remember that judgement is something for the Afterlife. Not for today.

Day 494 of my blogging challenge.