Embraced! Questions Keeping My Mind Open And Receptive

EmbracedI’m working on my Oracle card set. Doing so I’ve realised that I have embraced such a lot of things I once questioned. Even the idea that randomly picking a card from a pile was a way to get my questions answered.

Yet that is what happens. I’ve used Tarot and Oracle cards for many years now. They give me an insight into the way the energy in and around me is flowing. And a long time ago I embraced the support these psychic tools can give me. I guess I could have stopped at that point when I felt that I had found a source of help. But some part of me still had questions. And I was determined enough to want answers. Looking at that search for answers it was about certainty. In an uncertain world I want to know that everything will turn out for the best. So I have continued to ask questions. With the realisation that the act of asking questions is only useful if I keep my mind open for the answers. Whether I like them or not.

I know it is easy to fall into seeing or experiencing my life only from one point of view. I ask questions to check in with how others see life. Because when I have embraced another world view I can update my understanding of what life is all about. Even of my self. And what I am about. Questions help me to know that I can grow, evolve, live different choices.  Questions can also shake me out of my certainty. I feel it’s good to have my views challenged. Because those views might actually be restricting my choices and keeping me from more love, joy and laughter.

When I have embraced the answers I’ve already received there will still be more questions. Life is a progression. A flow. Otherwise all I am doing is going through the motions. And forgetting to embrace all that life has to offer me. Not a pattern I want to encourage in myself. What questions are you asking?

Day 948 of my blogging challenge

Like Minded And Open Minded: Groups Matter

like mindedI’ve had a really wonderful weekend. A retreat with like minded people who are also open minded. Then a day out at a Mind, Body & Spirit Fayre meeting up with lots more like minded and open minded people. Some whom I have the pleasure to have know for a long time. But seen only infrequently.

I’ve always know that one of my spiritual jobs was to bring together groups of people. Trying to introduce like minded people to each other. Not to sit agreeing with everything that each person said. But to have a debate. A wider discussion around the edges. The places where the views differ. Not for me to convert people. Or them to covert me. But for the sheer joy of finding out. Sharing knowledge. And valuing differences. I feel that this world really lacks that acceptance. The understanding that you can be like minded and open minded too. I met so many closed  minds when I first set off on my journey. Because I was a little bit closed minded too.

Now, after my years of learning, practice and teaching I know who will slot into a group. And who won’t. I always ask that those who I am unable to connect up find the best people to help them. Because the spiritual journey can be a long and lonely one when the positive vibe of a like minded group is missing. I know that from personal experience. We progress faster when we are bouncing ideas and energy around. I do believe that the whole group makes big strides forward more easily. And natural wobbles can be shared, supported and worked through together. My greatest wish is that we could connect more as a human race into like and open minded groups.

Being entrenched in a negative viewpoint that is constantly being reinforced spreads discord. Strife follows rigidly held views. If there is no space for questions and differences something beautiful is lost. Shared love, shared support, shared lives come from like minded, open minded groups where there is always room for love to grow.

Day 906 of my blogging challenge