Today a long period of hard work came to an end. I was finally able to offer ArchAngel Parashiel Balm as a healing energy to some people at my Centre.
I’ve already sent out a wave of his energy as a Facebook video but the time wasn’t right to do individual treatments. As with everything the Earth’s ArchAngels do its all about providing a service at exactly the right time for it to be of most benefit. They are always perfect in their timing.
So along with my lovely friend and colleague, Jan Booth, we set out the ArchAngel products and waited to see who would pop in to explore the Angel energy. How great to share the day with some lovely visitors. And I was kept busy with the tasters of Parashiel’s Balm. This wonderful Angel of Inner Healing was full on with his loving energy. I feel that each person got exactly the support and boost they needed. No surprise really as Parashiel has been by my side for the last three years helping me with my inner work.
Finding that you need to do inner work might come as a surprise. For some people it always does. Yet I know from my development as a medium that the best connections only happen when you have dumped your own stuff.
That’s why working with the Earth’s ArchAngels has been a long journey to get to here. They look after the planet, and by extension, us too. So that we can all benefit from their vibrational energy they need to make strong connections. They can only work with me because they have taken a long time boosting me. I’ve also been expected to do the inner work to clear a path for these connections too.
In turn each Angel has spent time with me. We have worked to blend our energies together. Then I have spent time making the changes in me that this sharing brought to my attention. I know that I’ve become stronger. More focused on why I’m here and what I have to do in my lifetime. Finally I am ready to offer Parashiel’s Balm and much more. The Earth’s ArchAngels are the custodians and guardians of all of our Earthly knowledge and Wysdom. It is finally time for us to remember all of this shared information. Not in scraps. Or bits passed around in secret.
We have always had everything we need so that we can understand the world and the Universe. It has been carried in our transpersonal chakras. What we have forgotten is how to access this Wysdom.
To change the world we have to remember. I know I resisted remembering all about me. Actually I still resist some of the wysdom I hold. I am challenged by my own doubts. But the Angels are working on that too, lol. So I will be setting up the Earth’s ArchAngels Mystery School here in Hebden Bridge. We will have another campus at Nont Sarah’s with Jan. There is so much to discover. The best bit is that anyone who wishes to can also join our adventure and explore the wysdoms these Energy Beings are ready to share. I’m sure we are heading for exciting times!
Day 271 of my blogging challenge.