Life Doing It My Way

imageI’ve had a lovely day being inspired in so many ways. What has been clear is that the way I do things has to be mine. I can take inspiration for the what others do but the responsibility for what I do is all mine.

Meeting up with my PartyLite leader, Liz, for lunch we talked about the way people can access our products. Some of you might know already that I sell these candles because it’s my hobby. I also use the income to fund my Centre. There are many ways I could do this but I like people to try before they buy. Perhaps I’m not pushing sales like another person might. What I am doing is doing what works for me. That’s important. I feel that all the fun of these products would disappear if I had to work in a set way.

Then I popped over to see Natalie who has a beautiful shop full of wonderful things. She works hard to find things that inspire people. I had to be pulled away from her display of new crystals. We talked about how personal development leads us to want to change. And how sometimes the change didn’t seem to come quickly enough. I was laughing as I identified my way of changing. I usually rush at things madly wanting it to all happen all at once. Then I have to wait. Knowing that this is my pattern I have got much better at letting change arrive exactly when it’s time for it to do so. I’m still doing it my way only now that way has changed too.

This evening I zoomed off to do some mediumship. Zoom is the right word as my car sounds like I’m driving a WW 2 biplane. I went to a lovely community centre where the welcome was very warm.

Tonight I connected with several Spirit people who in their life had lived exactly as they wanted to. I love that I get to meet these ‘characters’ because it makes for an interesting evening. It also means that they get to give their messages exactly how they want to. As each person stepped forward to make the connection I thought about the way that we worked together. I do my mediumship my way and they bring their information and comments their way. Between us we can reach out and support someone else. I’m glad that my Guides left me to develop my own style. That I had freedom to try lots of different ways of connecting.

In the end I feel that I have worked out what works best for me. I can deliver the messages straightforwardly to the people they are meant for. In other things I do I am guided by what works best for me too. It may not end up being perfectly or exactly what someone else would do or want. However, I feel I am honouring my abilities, skills, choices and feelings. That is so important to me now. I spent a lot of my life trying to do things the way everyone else said they should be done. It rarely worked. Be brave. Make that decision. Approach your actions and decisions from the ‘my way’ point of view.

Day 317 of my blogging challenge.