Requesting Help: It Matters That I Do

RequestingI found myself chatting today about the flow of money energy. Requesting what you require from the Universe often revolves around resources and finances. Much of life does.

I often think how much time I’ve spent in my life trying to make sure I have the resources I need. Requesting more abundance as my finances swing up and down. But often feeling that enough money hasn’t found it’s way to me. Yet whenever I needed to pay for something somehow I, or the Universe, made sure the funds were there. Throughout my spiritual journey of the last eleven years I have come back round to this point time and again. If I trust enough in abundance I have enough. If I wobble I struggle to have enough resources. Money and I have had a love/hate/love sort of relationship. Because it’s something I can’t quite do without.

Yet I’m also hampered by all sorts of social conditions around requesting money. You see, asking for money appears to be classed as begging. Or as some sort of statement that I can’t manage financially. Whereas requesting help is much more acceptable. So long as I let people give me the help they want to. Even if it turns out to be the wrong kind of help. And abundance seems as far away as ever. It’s interesting. So I’ve had many a conversation with my Guides about the energy of money, what ‘help’ actually is and the ways in which I hide from dealing with money as a form of energy. What I’ve learned is perhaps obvious when I’m detached from events that are happening. But easy to forget when abundance seems a long way away according to my Ego Mind.

Requesting any help at all is the first big hurdle. I had lots of values around being independent, working to pay my way and dealing with life’s earthquakes on my own instilled in me.

I feel that I am expected to cope. Many of our social systems are set up to penalise those who have the misfortune to be stranded by a turn of life’s tide. Because the emphasis is on being self sufficient. Especially around money and finances. My Guides have reminded me many times that until our world values every person according to their contribution to the community, rather than as a resource to be used, the power of money will persist. What they mean is that I should look at what I offer to my community as the valuable thing. Not what my community pays me. Hard to swap to when the requirement for money is so entrenched.

Yet they also remind me that when I work at what I’m passionate about I am always rewarded. And if I am doing the things I am best at I will always have all of the help I could possibly need. So long as I’m requesting that help. That’s where those values turn around and bite me. If I don’t ask I don’t get. It took me a long time to ask the Universe, my Guides, my loved ones in Spirit, my family and my friends for help. It didn’t feel right. Or easy. So I soldiered on. Until I couldn’t go on any more. Once I hit that point I did start to ask. Slowly at first. Hesitating to find the words. How many times had I said to people ‘I’m here to help’ and wondered why they didn’t ask? They were stuck for the words. Just like me.

Requesting help was a starting point. But I had a lot more to learn. Especially about the way I asked.

Often my voice got lost. Or I asked when people weren’t listening. Even when I asked directly I would fluff the words. Or pretend it didn’t really matter. And I asked in a confusing way so that the other person didn’t really understand. Or was unaware how much help I might need. Then I would refuse the help that was being offered. Or decide it wasn’t what I  really wanted. No wonder the Universe had a full on challenge sending me what I requested. Until my Guides started to sort me out. They got me thinking about my reluctance to accept help, money, support, positivity or anything else.

And they got me to deal with all the limitations I had placed on myself. Last month, for the first time in my life, I asked clearly and loudly for help. Help with all sorts of things. I asked my family, my friends, my financial people, my Guides, my loved one’s in Spirit and anyone else I could. Help came pouring in. Abundance became my new middle name. I didn’t suddenly win the lottery. But I ended my month feeling like I had done. Requesting all sorts of things moved me forward way beyond what I expected. I do love the way my Guides like to make a point. That wonderful flow of resources has continued. It followed me into this month too.

I’m determined to keep requesting help. The conversation today was a reminder to trust that I will always be given what I require and desire. And that everyone in my community will benefit if I share my abilities in order to help others recieve what they are requesting too. Never mind the energy of money. How can I help?

Day 693 of my blogging challenge 

Value For Money: How I Value Myself

Pendulum valueI’ve certainly had an interesting week. And today a conversation about value for money really rounded off my thought processing. I heard myself sharing a lightbulb moment that I had forgotten.

Of course when I get under the influence of heavy energy it can get me spinning around in all directions. Like a pendulum that is struggling to give a clear yes/no answer I can’t seem to get a grip. Underneath all of the reviewing Saturn has had me doing there has been a thread about value. My worth. Or importance. Even the way people think of me. Connected with how I value myself. And what I feel I am worth as a person, with my abilities and what I contribute. Sometimes I’ve been told I’m valuing myself too highly. Other times I have told myself I’m not worth anything. The reality is somewhere between the two.

But there is another aspect to this. I charge for some of my work. I live in a material world and bills have to be paid. However I also choose, on some occasions, not to charge my full rate or to do work for free. The value I place on my work, reflected through my charges, relates to how I feel about my worth. Interestingly not everyone recognises this. They are looking for a bargain. The lowest possible price. The cheapest option. Or as much free as possible. And if you have done it once at a lower rate then the expectation is that you will continue to do so forever more. But what I’ve noticed is that the cheaper the price the less they value what I have given them.

It’s an interesting facet of human nature. A kind of perverse value system. The assumption that higher the price the better the service. But wanting to be the one who gets that excellent service at a rock bottom price.

I have to admit at this point that I love a bargain. I sometimes spend time seeking them out. Often not thinking of the cost that has gone into the item I’m after. Or the loss that someone takes from supplying something under it’s true value. Until I’m faced with someone who expects me to provide something at low cost to them. Who hasn’t considered the value to themseleves of what they want to receive. After all, if I keep telling myself that I can only spend a minimum amount on myself I’m really saying I’m not worth investing my money in. I’m reinforcing a belief that I have no value. As I’m not prepared to pay the going rate for myself. Then I go out and spend a fortune on others.

It’s also something that comes up when I’m asked to do a set piece of work. I’m given the numbers involved so I work out my cost and price on that basis. Then that work is cancelled. Often at short notice. Or I get there and find only half the people have turned up. I am expected to take the loss of trade. It’s something that I know happens a lot to small businesses and self employed people. As if our time or effort has no value either. This is one reason why I do very few events away from my Centre. At least I have other work I can be doing if I get a ‘no show’. Meaning I value my time too.

But I want to come back to this idea of the value I place on myself. We are often encouraged to give much more to others than we give to ourselves. Often in the form of money.

Money is a flow of energy. It can feel positive or it can feel negative. Because it is a flow it can feel like there is very little. Or plenty. More than enough. What it can’t be is stuck. Yet when I look for my bargains am I telling myself to hold on the the energy of money? Having an inner voice reminding me that I dont know when I will get the next wave of abundance? Is my sense of low worth fuelled by a misunderstanding about the nature of money. And am I considering that I am restricting the flow of money by only passing on a minimum amount to the person who is supplying me a service? So that I am not valuing them either?

Today as I talked about this issue of value and worth I recognised that I have to hold my boundaries. I have to give to myself in the same amount as I give to others. That way I have those things that show me I value myself. A haircut, massage or new trousers. Nourishing food, an exercise session with a personal trainer, a book I want to read. That means charging for my services at a rate that will allow someone to value what I give them. And to let them show themeselves that they matter just as much as everyone else.

It’s time for me to take a look at those boundaries again. I want to show myself that I value myself. And that I can also value others appropriately too.

Day 618 of my blogging challenge 

Step into the unknown

imageI’m often asked how I make decisions in my business. Or sometimes whether I should be running a business at all if I’m spiritual and want to help people. These are two really interesting questions for me. I’ve considered them over & over since I started to give messages and channellings in public.

I’ve actually been self-employed since 1998. At that time I made a career change and started to work as a counsellor whilst I was studying hard to get my qualifications. Most of what I did in the first two years was on a voluntary basis. I felt I needed to be experienced before I could charge for my services. I was also recovering from an illness that had worn me out completely. A small amount of voluntary work let me gain confidence in my skills until I could begin building up a full time business. By 2000 I had developed my work into a source of full time income with some voluntary counselling in projects that I felt were important to me.

By 2006 my connections with the Spirit World were developing fast. I was still counselling but there were elements of the sessions where it seemed I had more than intuition guiding me. As I learned more about my natural skills, especially with my clairesentience, I found that the information I was getting was stronger, more detailed, more clear. I felt that introducing Spirit people into the counselling sessions was inappropriate. So I took a step in another direction. I stepped off a cliff into fresh air. I began to give people Spirit messages. Soon after that I found I was standing up in Spiritualist churches and Centres giving those messages in public.

At that time I had to revisit what I felt about giving my communications. It was clear that putting people in contact with their loved ones in the Spirit World was a wonderful priveledge. The people who got the messages seemed to be helped so much by the connection still being a ‘live’ link. I spent a lot of time giving the messages for free. I felt that once again I was learning so perhaps a charge wouldn’t be right somehow. I was going here, there and everywhere. I was in demand in one way, but also meeting people who wouldn’t have a message unless they gave me some money. My donations tin came out – exactly like it had when I was a counselling student.

One day a good friend of mine asked me to have a coffee with her. She asked me if I was enjoying my mediumship. I said yes. The leap of faith I’d taken was very rewarding. Then she asked me who was paying for my travel & the costs of the car. I was a bit puzzled & said it was me of course. She said to me that if Spirit wanted me to do their work wouldn’t they provide an energy exchange. I hadn’t thought about it like that so I said I guessed they would. So where are you getting the ‘energy’ of money from to pay for your travel she asked. Of course I wasn’t getting anything like what I was spending by taking only donations.

That conversation prompted a conversation with my Guides. They had been trying to get my attention for weeks to discuss this with me. Giving is wonderful. To be able to share something and choose to make it a gift is positive energy. What my Guides needed me to understand was that I had to give to myself as well as others. All the voluntary work has to be balanced by accepting what is given to me in return. And sometimes I have to ask up front for an exchange of energy. I have to let people give to me in the form of money as a return for the ‘energy’ I give to them.

Anyone who begins a spiritual business (one that is aimed at helping people evolve & grow) faces that set of questions no matter how big or small the business actually is. Becoming a full time medium brought me to that set of questions from my friend. When I started the Down 2 Earth Heart Centre I came back again to the same set of questions. I faced a step into the unknown where I had to trust that there would be firm ground beneath my feet throughout. I’ve become better at accepting payment for my services – it’s an exchange of energy. Having a Centre means doing it in a bigger way.

One of the key things about the Centre is that I have supported it from my income so that we can keep offering free sessions for people to come in and find a warm welcome. The lovely practitioners who work in the Drop In do so with no expectation of being paid by anyone. They offer their time to be a listening ear, a comforting presence and a source of support. A number of practitioners of all sorts have volunteered to be around for the Drop In sessions. Quite a few of them haven’t quite understood my ethos. They have expected that the sessions will be run in order to get them customers. They have worked from the standard business model where competition for clients is a built in requirement. The Centre’s energy is entirely different. We work as a collaborative team with no expectation of the people who come through the door. We all have other sources of income having learned that the best way to build a business is to focus the energy on relationships not on money.

Those practitioners who stepped into the unknown with me two years ago and have remained have learned a new way of being in a spiritual business. They understand the value of relationships in building a community. That is what we have grown – a community of support, compassion and acceptance. I’m delighted that our success is measured by those people who came into the Centre when lost in their lives & selves and who are now so very different. The money I have put into the Centre has been my gift to them. I’m certainly ready to ask for and accept the return of that money energy.

So how do I make my decisions? I make my choices by listening to my heart, to my Guides and to the people who use the Centre. Soon we will be starting in on our third year of offering ‘something for nothing’ in the Drop Ins. Although it isn’t really something for nothing. I am happy to keep giving to people. What they give me back is their own personal growth. And if they can afford it at any time some money energy. It’s been a new idea for our visitors too. The donation tin has had to be out there on the table in case someone is not yet ready to accept unless there is an immediate return. There is a whole other blog required to discuss obligation & our tangled up way of holding onto barriers that prevent us from receiving, lol.

There is one final aspect to this blog this evening. We want to offer more to our visitors. I have actually joined a crowdfunding collaboration to improve the equipment of the Centre. A big step into the unknown again! You see, I am determined to offer as much as I can to the people who want to use our services but at the moment I’m working flat out & still can’t raise enough money for the extras I’d like. It’s time to send out a message to the Universe, my Guides and everyone who will listen. The Centre will happily benefit from the positive flow of abundance your donations represent. If you can donate money energy please email me for more details as the crowdfunding link isn’t  live at the moment. Thank you for reading to the end of this piece & thank you also if you decide to give ?

Day 59 of my blogging challenge.