Detective Work – Finding Stuck Energy

detectiveSome days I get to play detective. When I’m mentoring or working with Reiki I can sense stuck energy in the person I’m working with. It’s not always clear to them why the energy is stuck. Or even what the energy represents. However it is getting in the way of moving forward. That’s when I get my investigator head on.

Using my clairsentience always helps. I can ‘feel’ where the energy is stuck with my own body. Then I can reflect this back to my client so that they can ‘feel’ the stuck energy too. Because it might be causing all sorts of symptoms – some related and some not – for that person. That’s when the detective work begins. We can discuss the symptoms and I can relate them to the chakras that might be affected. I can also sense the energy as it flows around the stuck point. Is it blocked completely? Does some energy get through the blockage? Are there more than one patches of stuck energy?

That can prompt a useful discussion about how the person is experiencing these waves of energy. And for how long they might have been getting these signals from their body. Some energy can be age related. Especially when I consider the way we all have intuitive ability open and closed at different points in our life. It can also lead to a discussion about the energy of other significant people in my client’s life. We do take on each others energy. And even the energy of total strangers. The detective work also includes tuning in to their past lives. Karmic threads are still active in our present life. These can create situations of stuck energy too.

As I analyse the information, like a detective, I can usually find a probable cause for the issues my client is having. Knowing what is happening, what is creating dis-ease, is the starting point for dealing with releasing the energy. I enjoy this aspect of my intuitive work. Helping someone find a way to come into a better balance is very rewarding. Especially as I can ‘see’ the lift in their own energy as everything starts to flow again.

Day 916 of my blogging challenge

Handbag For Success: Time For New Energy

handbagYesterday ended on a challenging note. I had to ask my lovely friends to send me a bit of healing energy. When I got up this morning I decided it was time for a complete energy change. Including changing my success handbag.

Thank goodness I was going to meet my friend at a large store. The urge to search out the perfect success handbag was with me. And I knew the Earth’s ArchAngels would be around me to show me exactly the right purchase. So after a good catch up we spent a little time browsing in the store. As luck would have it I found the perfect one. And some shoes to match. My vibration shifted upwards. Of course, I love retail therapy. But I also know that my success handbag is the new piece of equipment to keep me on track as I do the work the ArchAngels are sending me. That’s because I have used a success handbag for many years.

So what is a success handbag? In my mentoring I often encourage people to have a focus object. Something that will remind them that they can and will achieve what they want out of life. That object can be something small, like a crystal or key ring. It can be an item of clothing, like a scarf or hat. Or it can be something to carry around, like a bag or satchel. My first success object was a maroon satchel. I wore it out by carrying it with me all the time. Piling in everything I felt I needed to make sure I was successful. It was followed by a large black bag. Today I returned to a maroon handbag. After all, this year feels like being back at the beginning again. The time when everything is exciting and fresh. It’s one of ArchAngel Arsheliel’s colours. The action angel!

That’s why I need a new success handbag. It has to carry all that wonderful new energy out into the world with me.

So what do I keep in that bag? Pride of place, so it has to be a big bag, is my Passion Planner. I keep all my inspirations, notes and random thoughts in there. Along with my appointments and my progress. I also have my phone. I connect in so many ways over the phone. Calls, social media, websites. My phone is a small, very valuable way for me to reach out. Or to be reached. I have coloured pens. Different colours to prompt me to be creative. Even if I’m writing down an appointment. Or my To Do list. I have my car keys. There is a certain amount of travel involved in my work so my car is vital. Then there is the Tarot or Oracle deck or card that grabbed my attention that day or week.

I like to have reminders of the energy I want to create so there are also crystals stashed away in their little purse. I love picking them out and guessing what help will be coming my way. Of course there is my lovely pink purse. On it is written ‘You are in safe hands’. It reminds me that abundance is all around me and I will want for nothing. Sometimes I have my drawing pencils and a pad. Especially if I might be driving somewhere and I feel I might have time to stop and sketch. I often carry a copy of my book around with me. It’s lovely when people ask about it and I can show them a copy. There are always business cards too. In case anyone wants to be able to get in touch with me.

My success handbag has all of the things I need to remind me that my life is full of achievements. And positive energy. When I am carrying it I feel ten feet tall. I know I am out in the world doing things I am passionate about. And that those things help people. So, new handbag at the ready I’m ready to connect with new people.

Day 881 of my blogging challenge

Homesteader or Adventurer: What’s Your Type?

homesteadersI love mentoring. It gives me an opportunity to help someone identify their strengths. And then work forward from them. Today I was working with an adventurer who is stuck in a pattern of being a homesteader. It was great to identify the differences. Because that means an old pattern can be left behind. Also a new pattern can emerge.

So what do I mean when I say homesteader or adventurer? One way of looking at life is to work out where I draw my energy from. In what ways do I want to serve my community? And how does that make me feel? Because the best source of energy comes from doing something I am passionate about. Yet I might be doing things that actually drain my energy. So checking what I like to do alongside what makes me feel stuck or bored will show me the best energy for me. Homesteaders like to serve and protect their community. They start from the basis that they are here to nurture and provide. They are also concerned to create stability especially for the more immature around them.

Whereas adventurers like to be on the move. They look for new information or opportunities. Adventurers go out into the world to discover useful things for the community. They act as guides and foragers. Their aim is to create a steady flow of abundance. They are more comfortable with uncertainty and can keep their wits about them. Of course, I understand we need both the homesteaders and the adventurers. It’s what keeps a community vibrant. But if I am a homesteader I will want certainty. That can mean rigid rules, set beliefs and a focus on the inward facing of the community. Adventurers are quite different. I would need opportunities to find new resources, to travel outside the community and to explore new ideas.

This is where being a homesteader in an adventurer’s role makes for a challenging life pattern. Or vice versa.

A homesteader has her intuition tuned to the safety of the community. An adventurer has her intuition tuned to what is outside the community. If I am linked to the wrong intuitive flow my pattern will be distorted and disrupted. I might feel very unsettled. Life might not seem like it’s full of synchronicity. In fact I might be passing up all sorts of choices that would suit me better. Homesteaders tend too like everything to stay the same. Adventurers tend to want change. I believe we need both. I benefit when I have a reliable home base, perhaps a feeling inside me of certainty about the world, that I can return to. It is how I am grounded into being human.

I also benefit from the inspiration that comes with being open to new influences. My world can expand and grow as I take on more of these ideas. I can create from a sense of a bigger picture. Ideally I will be able to swap from one type to the other as needed. But it’s often the case that this more fluid flow of energy is missed. I have spent chunks of my life trying to be a homesteader when I forgot to honour that I am actually an adventurer. I need to be on the move in some way. When I finally recognised my underlying type, and what made me feel passionate, I started to change my life to include plenty of adventuring. Now I feel that I have a better balance too. I can be a part of my community in both ways.

Deciding if you are a homesteader or an adventurer may be a little simplistic. There are a lot of other factors to consider. Yet it’s a good way to identify where you might feel unfulfilled, stuck or restless. Or where your current patterns and habits are keeping you from a more creative, expansive life. Understanding these types gives you more choice. I’m all for that. So, which type are you?

Day 845 of my blogging challenge

Chocolate: I’m Sure It Was In My Contract!

chocolateIt’s been a mentoring and Reiki attunement day. Lots of lovely energy flowing through to get all of us self-healing. I really enjoy energy healing and took the opportunity to think about the way I tumbled into doing it. It brought to mind my contract for this life. And chocolate!

I had no ambitions to be a medium, psychic or energy healer. When the opportunities came in I had no idea why I’d been nominated. I often wondered if I had somehow been volunteered because everyone else had said no. I asked my Guides lots of questions about how I got picked for the Spirit Team. And they had many moments of laughter at my expense when I learned I picked this for myself. Apparently I signed up to exploring my spirituality. And to getting into it so much that my intuition woke up. It seems in my plans I agreed to be human again because I could have chocolate.

Now, I love chocolate. No doubt about that. But love it enough to go through a long, complex process of waking myself up? Especially when I suspect it might have been easier all round to carry on sleeping. Apparently so. I forgot to read all of the small print. I just saw the word chocolate and jumped at the chance to be reincarnated. So having got myself here it’s a bit of a laugh that sugar has become one of the substances that my body really doesn’t like. However I have found I adore having the contact with my Spirit Team. Doing so has made my life a lot simpler and clearer. I wouldn’t change that for all of the chocolate in the world.

I believe we all sorted out contracts. That each of us is working on having a simple, clear and loving life. Our reward is whatever we put into that contract to keep us going through the difficult bits. Is it time you had a chat with your Spirit Team to ask them what your contract says? And to check that you remember what you asked for as a reward. Don’t miss out!

Day 837 of my blogging challenge

Progress Through Focus and Determination

progress in loveThis Mercury retrograde period has been really good for looking at my progress. Especially in a year where there has been so much change energy. It’s also been something I have been lucky enough to encourage my mentees to do.

One of the things I love best about mentoring is that I get to share someone else’s journey through a period of self-development and change. I can monitor the progress they are making. It gives me a chance to remind the person how much they have actually achieved. Because when we are making changes it can sometimes be hard to see how we are different. And what has been achieved. Today I’ve had the chance to discuss with several mentees how brilliantly they are doing. I have been able to point out their determination to make their lives different. And the focus they have brought to getting nearer their goals.

I feel that all too often we ignore our progress. Certainly I do. I drift into looking at what hasn’t changed yet, instead of what has.  But I am learning to recognise what I have done differently, where I have grown and how positive I can feel about more changes. Because I want to keep going towards my dreams. Even if I have to keep changing what, when, where and how I do the things in my life. So sharing the successes of my mentees gives both of us a renewed sense of more progress to come. I’m really excited that anyone who sticks at it, understands the need for self-discipline and takes responsibility for themselves can achieve everything they want. And I am fortunate to be working with people who have decided to do just that.

Progress is what brings me back to the service I do for the Spirit World. They are already in a place where progress is a natural party of their community approach. Each one aligned to the results of what they doing being a part of the greater good. I know that my mentees will contribute so much more than they imagine at this present moment. Our community down here will benefit so much. Here’s a big shout out to everyone determined and focused on growing and contributing their best!

Day 749 of my blogging challenge

Harsh Judgements: My Inner World

I love mentoring. Bringing things into the light so they can be released. Today there was a theme. Harsh judgements. It made me think about how my judgements hold me back.

I know that I can be a bit harsh on myself. I also know we all can. In my life I’ve tried to follow the rules. All the ‘how to’s’ that fill my day. Yet those rules have caught me out very often. Because I am unpredictable. We all are. Without that little bit of unpredictability I feel we stop being human. I find it really funny that our machines, those engineering innovations of predictability and reliability, are also unpredictable. Because it seems that everything needs a bit of spontaneity. A random chance. Two atoms, cars or people colliding with unforeseen consequences. I know this generates variety in my life. So when I’m choosing what I do it seems a little harsh to try to judge the outcomes. Although I admit to trying very hard to second guess my life.

And that’s often the problem. In judging my choices I agonise over what I’ve done. Was it the right thing? Have I said something I shouldn’t? Where will it all end up? Then I store away the judgement I have made. I keep it in the shadow side of my inner world. I tell myself I’ve failed or done badly. Because I’ve kept the judgement it is always ready to surface at a moment’s notice. To remind me, in a new situation, that I was rubbish the last time I had to deal with something like this. Added to unpredictability it’s a cocktail for my disaster. So I hesitate. Or shout at myself. Using harsh words I tell myself to doubt myself. Eventually that judgement ends up paralysing me. My inner world can never be a calm, safe space. Because that judgement is waiting to surprise me again.

I’m working on loving my shadow side. Noticing how harsh I can be with myself I have renewed my promise to be gentler with myself. I’ve also decided it’s time to clear out those old judgements. I’m no longer the person who made those choices. It’s time for the new me to free the old me.

Day 662 of my blogging challenge 

Relax, Rest, Review: Time to Think

Rest is very important. It’s a point I make over and over when I’m mentoring. So today I’ve taken a rest day. And perhaps to give myself time to think.

Of course taking a holiday break gives me a chance to step back from my work. To move out of my life as it is and do something different. I also enjoy the time I get to reflect when I take a break. Because I can think about those things that are going right with my life. And what isn’t. Interesting these things often come up in the events of my holiday. Take noise for an example. I hadn’t realised how much I enjoy quiet time. At home and in my Centre I am very lucky to enjoy the absence of most noise whenever I want. Staying in a hostel full of noisy people has been a challenge. Rest has sometimes been hard to find.

The walls are very thin. The communal areas can get very busy. The doors bang continually in the morning as people get up, shower, have their breakfast and set off for the day. One or two late night parties have taken place overhead. When the silence descended today I breathed a sight of relief. I’ve had a couple of moments of praying for deafness. And of wondering if people are aware of being inconsiderate. I realise how precious silence has become to me. In the quiet I can tune into that inner voice of guidance. The Guides can draw closer. In this relaxed space we talk about all sorts of things.

I’ve also enjoyed a rest after all the walking. My body loves being active. Wind, rain or shine it doesn’t matter. Striding along gives me more time to think.

Ideas jump into my head. Wondering and wandering. Reviewing my life as a journey like my walking. The past couple of days I’ve enjoyed thinking about what my life would have been thousands of years ago. Probably lots more walking, of course, but still a journey from birth to death. Maybe a few more children than in this life. Probably grandchildren by now, if not great-grandchildren. Of course there might not have been much in the way of medical care so childbirth could have been a hazard. It reminded me that my body matters too.

After I watched the ferries arriving and departing this afternoon I sat down for a coffee. In a quiet cafe I sat with my Passion Planner to review last week. It’s something I do every Monday even if I’m on a rest day. I find the commitment to looking back over my week helps me shift any thoughts or feelings that I’ve got stuck with. It also clears my head for the week in front of me. The ferries got me thinking. When I am on a boat there is nothing to do but rest. Surrounded by all that water there is nowhere else to go. I am contained within the area of the boat. Like my life is contained in my diary most of the time.

I am contained by my passion for what I do. Yet I can also find those trips to other places that help me relax. As well as recharging my batteries taking time out refreshes my ideas and purpose for my life. Well deserved rest!

Day 602 of my blogging challenge 

Themes, Dreams and Patterns

After my day of resting yesterday today has been a day of themes. I’ve been mentoring people most of the day and noticing the similarities in the energies people are dealing with.

Of course I felt the big energy download on Sunday – my reason for resting yesterday – and the spike due to the full moon is only a day away. The mentoring couldn’t have come at a better time really. When there is a lot of positive energy flowing in it forces the stuck energy to the surface. I can help someone see more clearly what patterns are still operating within them. And how they might be sabotaging their own dreams. On alert for any similarities I wasn’t at all surprised to find several themes emerging.

Dreams was one of the themes I picked out too. I’ve had some vivid dreams. So had all of my mentees. The thread was all about what habits were still playing out. Or where had endings been inconclusive. I was able to stand back and highlight emotional or thought patterns for people. Because the dreams gave me clues. And also because in our work together we had teased out the patterns based on fear or insecurity. Discussing the content of the dreams along side the issues of the past few days helped everyone to look at their patterns much more clearly.

Human beings do things out of habit. It’s one of our themes. It helps me and you feel more secure in the world if our lives are generally predicatable. Yet often those habits become a trap.

I know I like to feel that there is a sort of order in my life. Chaos feels like a scary option. Yet I know that some of my patterns have finished serving me well. They have changed into self-imposed resitrictions instead. If I stay following them I will limit my personal and spiritual growth. That might mean I never fully achieve my dreams. I might even stop dreaming altogether. I would become stuck. That might not sound like a bad idea to my Ego mind which wants to keep me safe. But to my Spirit it’s something to be avoided.

Back to my mentees. The themes today were a reflection of their potential to become stuck in a pattern that has already become unfulfilling. And hidden in the dreams and patterns are the clues of what could change to prevent that. In fact for some of them they had already become unstuck. This current energy blast is a top up to keep their momentum for change going. This evening I also thought bout my patterns. It’s worth considering every now and then if I’m on track with my dreams. Or whether I’m sabotaging myself. Then I can adjust what I do to make sure I’m heading in the right direction.

Old habits die hard. It’s up to me to move into doing things differently. Each time I ask my mentees to review their progress I know I also have to review mine. That way we all learn and grow and change together.

Day 533 of my blogging challenge