Encourage Young People To Follow Their Dreams

encourageAs a mum I know how important is it to encourage my daughter to follow her dreams. I come from a time and place when people had limited expectations for their work. No one really talked to me about doing what made me happy. They talked to me about earning a good income.

In a couple of conversations today I heard myself raising the topic of doing what makes you happy. Not what makes you rich. Firstly, at my Open Studio event I was visited by a young girl who loved to draw and paint. But she was already worried about going to High School because she couldn’t draw hair. It was lovely to talk to her and her mum. To encourage her to keep doing her work in the way that she liked. And to use painting and drawing as her way to stay happy. Her mum was very much in agreement that she wanted her daughter to be happy. And if painting made her daughter happy then that’s what her mum was encouraging her to do.

A little while later a young American man and his friend wandered in. His friend asked me how to get artwork out into the world. We began a conversation about the young man’s art. She showed me one of his pictures and I found more of them on his Instagram account. His work was wonderful. But he was a little uncertain how to send it out into the world. I knew I had to encourage him to do so. Artwork that touches the heart is a wonderful gift to give to others. And it was clear that painting and drawing made him happy. I was delighted to share some hints with this couple. Because using our talents makes us happy. I know that my painting takes me out of the world for a while. I can work on letting my creativity flow.

In the end, that is the important point. All of the young people on this planet have so much to offer. Their talents and abilities, fired by their creativity and energy, can make this world a much better place. If. If we encourage them to follow their dreams. Take a leap of faith. And do what makes their heart sing. Finally, one of the best ways I know to do that is to do what makes my own heart sing. I have had a tune in my heart all through this Open Studios. What about you?

Day 955 of my blogging challenge