Ask, Believe, Receive, Heal

One of the most interesting things about the Law of Attraction is that when we ask we get. It’s all about the Secret to Cosmic Ordering. Sending out a request for what we wish to have manifested in our lives.

I know that it sounds simple. Ask for anything. Any dream or wish can come true. Yet I also know that putting it into practice goes through several stages. First I had to find the right way to ask for what I wanted. It took me some time to think big and to remove any limiting language from my requests. I think there is an ‘I don’t deserve this, or this much, or so much’ part of all of us. It means that I had to work hard to dream big. Plus work hard at removing that edge of ‘do I deserve this’ that also crept in.

The I hit the next hurdle. The doubt. Again, I’m sure in all of us there is that little niggle of ‘it won’t happen, it can’t be this easy, people like me don’t get what they want’. Even when I started to ask for small things – feeling like big things were too far out of reach – the doubt nagged at me. Of course I was then disappointed that I ended up not getting what I asked for. So it took quite a while for the Universe to finally get the chance to deliver what I had been requesting. But slowly little wishes got granted. I began to feel more adventurous. And slightly bigger wishes happened.

However, in came the next issue. The Universe happily sent me what I asked for. I could ask very well by now. But could I receive?

Lucky break. Synchronicity. Coincidence. I called these fulfilled wishes all those things. It was amazing. Yet there was another hitch. I still had one more restriction to remove. I couldn’t receive. It seemed that we are all more comfortable with giving to others. I bounced a lot of my abundance on to other people. Somehow I felt I had no right to ‘have it all’ so it had to be given away. I kept myself in the restrictive comfort zone I’d got used to. Financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, creatively I put myself second. Funnily enough second to anyone I could find.

Second to people who already had much more than me on all those levels. Or so I thought. But my giving was an excuse for not receiving. If I received everything I asked for it might feel to frightening. Or too easy. Or selfish in some way. I’m grateful that my Guides kept sending in the message that I had to open up to receiving. It came in all sorts of ways. Through songs, books, people who spoke to me, inspirations and gifts. As well as them bouncing up and down on my head every time I gave away what was meant for me. They must get so fed up of me. It did take me a little while to learn to receive. There was quite a bit of resistance to clear. They let me ask some really silly questions. And kept beaming in the love.

Today has been a day for me to notice that I do receive now. Without giving it to others.

I have been getting the most marvellous blasts of healing energy all day. That’s because last night I asked for it. I’m still working on removing my restrictions and had identified another. Discussing it with my Guides I knew that the attitude I needed to shift would respond if I took advantage of the healing energy they and other Energy Beings were offering. So I said bring it on. Well, you get what you ask for. So I have been plugged into the healing energy all day. Even in the Spiritualist church tonight. No wonder I’m feeling full up of positive energy.

I think back to when I started to ask for what I wanted. Things came through in a trickle. Now it’s almost instant. I love that this is available to everyone. The abundance of energy that we can all tap into is phenomenal. My life has become so much better since I started to ask, believe, receive and heal. I hope that you can switch on this way of being too. Test it out. Keep challenging yourself to receive more and more. This isn’t a magic wand. It takes a focused effort to work. But once I started the flow of abundance I’ve never looked back. Let yourself receive ❤️

Day 394 of my blogging challenge. 

Shifting Childhood Fears

img_2342One of the things I’ve learned as a counsellor and healer is that our childhood experiences often stay deeply buried. Sometimes those experiences have created fears that end up driving our adult lives.

When I look at the world as an energy environment one of the strongest energies is our emotions. Every day what we feel is radiated out into the communal ocean of energy. So what I feel in any given moment also washes over anyone who happens to be around me. That’s lovely if the energy is love or joy. Not so nice if I’m angry or upset. And if I am afraid then the fear washes out to join all the other emotions around me. Learning about my intuition through my psychic senses opened my mind to the impact of a childhood spent in the energy of others.

That’s a point I try to make in all of my healing when it becomes necessary to clear deeply stuck energy. The energy may manifest as phobias, panic attacks, irrational bouts of fear where the cause is unknown or self-beliefs that don’t fit the reality of the person in front of me. Where do children learn that they are lazy, stupid, annoying, powerless or insignificant? It may not be because they are told that every day. But sometimes there is that kind of energy around them. They sense it and start to believe it. Because small children don’t have a rational thought process. They can’t check if what they sense is correct or the truth. Early childhood is a place not held in cognitive memory. I remember snippets from smells, sounds, senstaions.These are the prompts that make me react in all sorts of ways without quite knowing why.

Childhood reminders are everywhere. But I know that they are not open to rational exploration. The stuck energy has to be re-experienced in some way for the release to take place.

When I’m working with the difficult childhood times that others are stuck with it’s important to find a balance. Too much re-experiencing can be as traumatic as too little. Creating a safe way for the energy to be cleared may involve me in calling a halt to the healing work of a session if necessary. I may also have to highlight the precious, positive childhood times too so that there is an appreciation of that same balance. Nothing is black and white. Especially where feelings are concerned. And helping someone to recognise that the stuck energy may not even be theirs is also a positive.

We all swim in that shared ocean of feelings. Sometimes the energy we get stuck with is actually from the emotions of someone else. When we are small we don’t know the difference between our emotions and the emotions of others. We haven’t learned that skill yet as it comes along when we are able to think. Childhood, as I’ve said, isn’t about thinking it’s about feeling. Working through issues as an adult by checking out who the feelings actually belong to often clears stuck energy almost miraculously. Once I know it’s not my feelings I can choose not to be swayed by them. Whatever the feelings are. And whenever they originated.

So although I am influenced by my childhood I can release the fears through understanding how that energy got stuck there. And whose energy it really was to start with. Then I can try to radiate positive energy to all of the children I come in contact with. That is one way to change their future.

Day 367 of my blogging challenge. 

Betty Shine – Never Ending Inspiration

imageAfter all of the clearing yesterday today has been a day of rest and healing. I love the fact that we can all self-heal. We just have to ask for it and it will flow in. Though sometimes we have to be inspired to ask.

Over the past couple of days I’ve been reading a book by a wonderful healer and medium, Betty Shine. It’s called My Life as a Medium and it was clear when I first started to read it how much she wanted to help and heal people. I also appreciate the journey she describes from healer to reluctant medium and channel. Betty Shine worked her own path through the connections with the Spirit World. I find that really encouraging as I have found my Guides tend to prefer me to figure things out for myself. So reading about another medium who did much the same is an inspiration.

That is the special legacy that other mediums have left. There are many biographies to help me consider anything that I am experiencing.  Understanding all the different ways that communication can happen makes me feel much more secure. I know from experience it is hard to work out what is my thought and what might be a thought from an Energy Being. So being able to read about how other mediums have worked through the doubt is really good. I also take a lot of encouragement from the fact that they are many ways to develop my abilities. That it’s ok to do it my way.

I’ve reached the part of the story where Betty Shine starts to write her first book. She wants to encourage people to seek the help and healing they need. She also wants to encourage an understanding of the Afterlife so people find hope.

I’ve taken a lot of support from this today. My book is well under way but it does take discipline to stick at it. And a desire to put into words some of the wonder that life becomes when you open up to the possibility that life continues after the body is gone. It is possible to heal my life if I wish. I can hope for better things in my future if I embrace my life full on. If you have never had a chance to read Betty Shine’s books why not try one now. Or let yourself be drawn to some of the other writers who are busy sharing their experiences of Spirit connections. No one person has the definitive voice. That’s why I find that inspiration is never ending. There is so much to listen to and learn.

Day 309 of my blogging challenge.

Nine by Nine by Nine – Triple Endings

imageI like to do my Oracle Cards most days. I feel that I am turning in to the general every of my day. Today I got a card about lightening.

In a traditional reading using playing cards the Jokers stay in the pack. If one comes out in your spread the interpretation is said to be a bolt of lightening. Depending on which way up the card is pulled suggested whether the lightening is on it’s way in or on it’s way out. The good thing about lightening is that it shakes things up. But not exactly in the way you might want. As I thought about the lightening card I’d pulled I wondered what my day would be like. Could I ride out the energy storm and embrace the lesson of the lightening? How could I use the energy of nine alongside the lightening?

I’m a nine person. In a nine year on a day that is a nine as well. Going through the ninth month. Would this lightening leave me feeling foolish or wise? Could the trickster energy of the Joker give me a way through whatever I needed to experience. Or was I just fooling myself? To guide myself I thought about the key energy of this number – the ending of cycles. I’ve certainly felt the energy of endings all year. Things in me and therefore outside of me have been changing rapidly. This is my third time off grid, so to speak, and I’m finding myself, once again,  reading interesting, soul searching books on my kindle. As with the previous times, I’m also with a companion who is kindly allowing me the space to be off grid too.

So what about 9 being divisible by 3. Three is the number of creation and my retreats are certainly turning out to be creative in one way or another.

As I moved through the day it was time to go out and eat. Yet in the restaurant the pain of neuralgia in my gum and jaw took over. I felt physically ill, emotionally vulnerable and all my efforts to retreat or release the pain failed. Stepping outside I went to a bench and sat down. Had I been struck by lightening? Colours flooded into my clairvoyant vision. The land felt like it was in pain. There was some sort of ancient energy calling for release. Within me I also felt surges of painful energy. It was hard to hold on to what they represented because the waves of pain were flooding over me.

Because I am used to working with challenging energy I let the pain increase and flow. My feet were glued to the ground as I asked for the energy to be released. I called on my Guides and the ArchAngels because I had become pure feeling. My mind had slipped into the pain too. It felt as if I was drowning in pain. I know that I was receiving encouragement to let this cycle of energies end. Yet I also felt like I needed to retreat. Which I did. Back at the apartment I lay on my bed repeating a positive mantra in my mind. I knew that I was in the grip of lightening and the only way to come through it was to ride out the storm.

I work a lot with colour. So I put my pink (unconditional love) scarf over my head and focused on my breathing. Relax and release I told myself. The pain will pass I repeated.

Gradually I sensed the three pains I was feeling. I realised that I had connected to a deep ancestral pain of the land burning from the volcanic eruptions. Death and destruction are powerful ways for rebirth and new growth. But they are not pain free, easy events to experience. I also realised that I had connected to the pain I felt in my mother’s womb. At the end of pregnancy, prior to birth, the baby is in a restricted space. The confined feel of the womb, whilst sometimes comforting, is also the energy push needed for the child to begin being born. It can be painful to leave a safe space for somewhere unknown. The third block of painful energy was connected to all that has been left unsaid in this current cycle.

I know that I have a tendency to let things pass. To stay quiet about my truth or even feel reluctant to give my view of emotional events. This has resulted in all sorts of fall out. And it seems that today I was collecting the physical pain associated with holding back the words. So I started to make sounds. Any kind of sounds. Letting noises emerge from my throat to move the stuck energy on. I also switched on my channel for the energy healing to flow through me. Letting the healing go out to the past and the present. Reminding myself that I could stay foolishly stuck in the pain or choose to use my wisdom and let it leave me. Tears finally came. Like a wash of rain after the electricity of the the lightening.

It’s never easy to end something. To release yourself for the next phase. The Earth, me, everyone else, the Universe. All going round and round in cycles that are, hopefully, spirals upward.

Waves of pain left me to be replaced by waves of calm. I fell asleep. It seems a hard way to do it. I know that the lightening shook me up. But I woke feeling at peace. There are some slight after-twinges still being released. However, those powerful, yet hidden, energies are gone. I have space to embrace my new challenges. I’m also sure the land breathes a bit easier underneath my feet. I know that we are encouraged to persevere. To push the feelings aside and keep going. Yet to move onto the next go round the circle of life we also have to embrace the emotions we have experienced. This is so that we can be cleared and refreshed ready for new adventures. Not to do so only stores up physical pain in the future. Then the letting go may be much tougher.

Today has helped me to remember that acknowledging feelings as they arise and releasing them as quickly as possible is the most positive cycle of energy. Holding on is like keeping karma at bay. It has to be experienced at some point, regardless of whether we want to or not. So why carry stuck energy with us endlessly. Is it time you released your stuck thoughts, feelings, situations and embraced change? Don’t wait for a nine times nine times nine moment. The lightening might not be so easy to handle!

Day 308 of my blogging challenge.

Healing intentions manifest

imageTalking with a lovely friend this morning we were catching up about some healing requests we have been involved in. Both of us practice our own forms of energy healing and believe that even over distance you can send healing energy to anyone who needs it. We are also both involved in sending healing energy to the planet and to all animals. Sometimes I wonder if the healing intentions have a positive impact and that is something we have discussed a lot. Both of us do feel that healing intentions work. Actually we have had feedback to tell us that it does.

Our will is a very powerful instrument. We can will ourselves ill (by negative thoughts, feelings and choices) so we can also will ourselves well (by positive thoughts, feelings and choices). Not everyone would agree with what I’ve written about illness being a matter of intent. Certainly we are used to the scientific medical model that looks to treat symptoms first and search for causes in the chemicals, cells and organs of our bodies. By reducing our dis-ease to physiological imbalances or even to the level of genetics we miss a choice that is very important. Dis-ease is a way for the body to express the energy that is stuck in the aura or chakras. It manifests when that energy has built up too much and transfers into the physical part of us. Working to remove that stuck energy from the aura will also, eventually, clear it from our physical body too.

To help us start up our own aura self healing we can receive energy from others. And that brings us back to the conversation I was having this morning. Over the last couple of days several people have given me feedback about the effects that my Reiki treatments have had for them. Each person took the time to mention that they hadn’t thought the energy healing would have much or any result. Yet afterwards each one said they felt as if something had shifted for them. They were taking the time to tell me because the treatments were helping them to feel less dis-eased with their lives. Of course this feedback could be considered unscientific. It is people telling how it is for them not some carefully researched double blind experiment. And in today’s social conditioning claims about success can only be validated by ‘scientific’ research. So I make no claims for healing energy outcomes. Instead I encourage you to find out how healing energy can manifest positive changes in your life. Try a healing treatment with someone, read about energy healing, discuss it with your friends and most of all, keep an open mind. Self-healing miracles do happen from the connection to healing intentions and energy though they take time to become visible.

Day 144 of my blogging challenge.

Permission to grieve

imageOne of the hardest things to deal with is the unexpected. Life is jogging along. Some days are up and some are down. The pattern of our days remains reasonably unchanged for long periods. Then something happens that we couldn’t predict and life changes dramatically. We have lost our pattern. At these times it is hard to recognise that we can give ourself permission to grieve for the loss of the old routine. I feel one of the skills we could choose to learn is that of understanding and letting ourselves have feelings of grief.

In my healing work I meet with so many people who have been soldiering on. Putting their feelings on one side they carry on trying to behave as normal yet feeling shocked, lost, uncertain. Mostly they are holding themselves together with sticking plaster so that the people they care about can be supported first. The love and compassion they feel for those they connect with, who are also dealing with the unexpected event, translates into a continuous flow of giving and supporting. Yet these lovely, brave people have no one supporting them. Support, if offered, is usually turned away towards another person as being more in need. They find it hard to give themselves permission to mourne for the old way of life that has been snatched away from them.

Grief is a natural process because losses, little or great, happen to us every day. Change is a fact of life. We become equipped to deal with change more or less. However, the sudden changes that are in any way life changing, life threatening, or a death itself, hit at the very foundations of our security. The feelings that major events generate can be deep, complex and confusing.  I often find myself acknowledging to someone that they appear to be experiencing feelings of grief (which can include shock, disbelief, anger, sadness, depression, lack of motivation) which they might be finding challenging to express. Especially if they feel that they have to be strong for others. Sometimes having permission to put a name to the muddle of feelings is a great relief. We all respond better when we know what we are dealing with. Often the identification of a grieving process taking place will bring an immediate lift in someone’s spirits. We have coping strategies we can use when we recognise we are grieving.

Once the feelings start to be identified there are ways that we can, individually, let those feeling out. One of my ways of releasing grief is to watch a movie I know will make me cry. My daughter always passes me the box of tissues if I put Les Miserables on.  Or to stand in the shower & cry because I don’t know which drops of water are tears and which from the shower. If I’m angry or upset and need to be physically active I get as many cardboard boxes as I can find around the house (usually in my recycling bin) and spread them all over the floor. Then I enjoy a good stomp to flatten all the boxes. And sometime I enjoy a good scream. Usually on a quiet road or in a field so that I don’t scare anyone. With the moors so handy screaming usually ends up with me laughing my head off too.

When we do acknowledge the feelings it won’t put our life back the way it was. It won’t rekindle our lost dream. But it will help us to face forward and see if there is anything good still left in our life. Being able to grieve positively about what is changing in our lives is a way of ensuring that we live in the moment. That will allow us to find a flicker of hope. Each day will be more precious because we are able to understand we may never get another one like it. A wake is a celebration of life – with ‘missing you’ rolled into it. Give yourself permission, every day, to hold a wake. What have you had to let go of? What is changing? What loss hurts right now? What are the memories about what you have lost? What space has that loss opened up in your life to find new ways of doing, feeling, being?

Grief is something we all share, all experience and all survive. Celebrate your grief because it is really a measure of the love you feel for someone or something. Grief means that you are a loving human who is still alive and living.

Day 142 of my blogging challenge.

My psychic life: Day 14

Great-Barrier-Reef-coralThe theme today has been healing! Myself included. I try to start every day with a Reiki meditation so that I can put myself in as much positive energy as possible. I love being a Reiki Master/Teacher though I fell into it, or better still, my Guides prodded me into practicing Reiki. They worked very hard to get a message to me to do Reiki attunements & then made sure the right people were around to keep me on the Reiki path. I actually did my attunements over a number of years, being nudged every now & again when it was time to move up to the next level. Being able to self heal at any time I needed energy support has been a constant benefit of the attunements.

I also enjoy that every time I do a Reiki healing with my Reiki Guides I have another blast of healing energy too. The Universal energy is there for all who are willing to receive it & we can have as much as we wish. Over the years Reiki has been one of the ways in which I protect myself from any low level energy I’ve been exposed to or taken into my aura. It’s also been a way of raising my own energy vibration so I can make stronger connections with the Spirits & other Energy Beings. One of the things that helps communication is a clear aura full of positive energy.

As I’ve learned about the world as an energy world rather than a physical world I have wondered so often why what I know isn’t common knowledge. We have some sayings that explain how the energy world works e.g. what you give out you get back, what goes around comes around, karma comes back. Yet we often choose to ignore what these saying are actually telling us. My Guides explain it this way: Imagine you are a wonderful coral on the Great Barrier Reef, being fed & nourished by the water that flows all around & through you. If you are in pure, clean, happy water you will grow strong, thrive & blossom. If you are in polluted, unhappy, dirty water you will starve, fall ill &, eventually, die. Which would you rather be?

We are physical only on one level. At another level we are aura + physical energy. Our feelings & thoughts are also energy. We ‘swim’ in a great big energy ocean along with everything & everyone else (including the animal kingdom & the planets). As we swim along we are giving off the energy of our feelings & thought – not the ones we would like people to think we have (the masks we wear to hide our true selves like the shell of an oyster). Our true energy is going into the energy ocean. So are the energy feelings & thoughts of all the other swimmers around us. If our shell isn’t strong enough their energy mixes with ours. We get whatever their true energy signals are. We also get caught up in the tides of huge energy outpourings. For example, if enough people are worried, stressed & anxious about money guess what kind of energy tidal wave we will be bathed in. Or even a tsunami of feeling & thoughts.

Keeping our own energy clear & clean within a good strong shell will benefit everyone. First because we aren’t sending out low vibrational feelings & thoughts. Second because we can choose to send out positive vibes into the energy ocean so that others experience the positive flow rather than a negative one. Keeping positive doesn’t mean that we can’t feel anger, grief, fear, depression. These are all human emotions & everyone experiences them at one time or another. Remember – we are not looking at the masks we wear – we are awake to the true energy signals we transmit. We can recognise the benefit of these emotions & thought and learn to let them wash over us; rather than become a hard build-up of stuck energy requiring a lot of healing energy to shift. We can also remind ourselves that we can choose what to focus on in our lives – the ups instead of the downs – so that as much as possible what we add to this ocean of energy is for the good of all.

And the best reason of all to be in a positive ocean? If enough low vibration energy gets stuck in the aura it manifests in the physical body as dis-ease. Once our physical body is affected it becomes much hard to heal oneself. So back to my Reiki meditation – I want a clear, deep blue ocean to swim in. To make sure I have that I clean & heal my aura every day. Remember, what you give out you get back. Is it time for you to start healing yourself?

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