Return Of The Divine Feminine: Embrace The Energy!

return of moonlightWhat a week of contrasts. From the sluggishness of Monday and Tuesday to the return of energy from Wednesday onwards. The New Moon making it’s presence felt. And heralding the return of the Divine Feminine. At last!

My Guides have been taking about Divine Feminine energy for some years now. Especially from 2013 onwards. They kept advising me that a big shift would happen soon. Five years – counting as soon in their terms. They helped me to recognise that we are all a blend of feminine and masculine energy. Every one of us. And that I had to understand the importance of using both sources of energy in my life. I feel it’s fair to say I had worked out how to use my masculine energy. But I found it much harder to return to using the feminine flow within me. Yet my connection with my own Spirit and all the other Energy Beings depends on it.

However, I had long been interested in Goddesses. It seemed to me that there were more powerful role models for women if we sought out and experienced Goddess energy. So I did feel excited at the idea that the Earth would be shifting position to flow with more feminine energy. Because when the Earth shifts, as a human being who is part of the Earth’s aura, so do I. I also felt strongly that it was time for a return of Divine Feminine energy to empower my daughter and her daughter’s daughter’s children. Finally that energy has begun to manifest. From a cycle of feminine energy going back two hundred years I am now hearing women once again raise their voices to say ‘Enough is enough’.

What is missed when energy is out of balance is the opportunity to create and make it so – as a collaborative effort. When everything can return to a balanced position I believe each one of us will achieve beyond anything we can yet imagine. In a collective community of Spirit.

So back to this week and the first New Moon of the year. The first push of Divine Feminine to hit all of us full on. When I am riding the energy wave it can initially feel exhausting. Because I have to adjust to a higher vibration. Just like learning to surf bigger and bigger waves. My body, mind, feelings have to get used to the demands of that new experience. So I will feel more exhausted. For three days at the beginning of the week I was wide awake all night, riding the energy, and sleeping all day. Then the New Moon was finally here. I felt energy return. I could balance in this new energy and use it.

Use it to create order in my chaos. To dream some very big dreams. And to release myself from holding onto old me’s. This return of the Divine Feminine is all about activism. Not only talking about what feminine energy represents and challenging stereotypes I hold inside of me. But also turning my intentions into action. I have asked myself to take the necessary steps to embrace the full breadth of what being feminine represents. All the aspects of the Goddess. For me to honour the power of life and death as it inspires my creativity. And to work at balancing all of these aspects with their matching masculine energy.

I want to become a whole blend. Spirit and human. Feminine and masculine. I want the return of my true nature. The underlying uniqueness of who I am. So I’m looking forward already to the return of the New Moon in February. And wondering what wave I will be riding then. I hope it’s an even higher one!

Day 785 of my blogging challenge

Rising to the Surface

I’ve had a sort of grumpy week. A rising temperature, tricky shifts in energy, fever and a cough. Plus the push to speak out instead of stay quiet. With some stark contrasts between what I will accept and what I won’t.

Of course, having to step away from my work, getting rest and having my brain free to process stuff has been really useful. I don’t normally get political but observing from a distance it seems as if there is a tide of fear rising to the surface across in America. I can’t decide if the new President is a clever manipulator or an easily led fool. But what I see in his behaviour is a definite shift to a negative view of the American Dream. As for his spoken word, I find myself saddened that his angry voice is the one that a lot of people seem to want to follow. The fear is also visible across many countries right now. Like a dis-ease that is eating at the heart of what it means to be human.

Surfing the Internet I’ve come across some very strident voices today. People wanting to give their views by rubbishing the views of others. It’s as if everyone has forgotten to listen before replying. I’ve noticed very fixed attitudes creeping in and resulting in insulting and damaging comments. I don’t want to make a point of right or wrong but I do think we need a massive talking stick. A way of giving everyone a turn to say what they want whilst everyone else listens. Because I feel it’s the energy of not being listened to that is driving the fear. Which means that people are open to being exploited. And as I mused about this I could feel my inner Goddess rising.

I know we are in a time where the Divine Feminine energy is resurfacing. Until there is a much more positive balance between our masculine and feminine energies we will stay dis-eased. I also know that each of us has to balance both energies within ourselves. For and by ourselves.

As I read some of the comments on a Facebook feed about the President of the USA I found that I wanted to comment too. My voice started rising within me. Because some of the ‘facts’ being bandied about didn’t make sense. Or connect with factual information that is available. There is a great debate going on about fake news and who can be trusted. But when we don’t listen to one another carefully and with respect whether it’s fact or fiction becomes secondary. What takes it’s place is an entrenched I am right and you are wrong view. If that view is held passionately enough then verbal aggression quickly seems to follow. Not quite the world I would like to belong to.

And that is an issue for me. I have a temptation to say oh well, it’s all over there so what does it matter to me. Except that it does matter. The fear energy is rising up everywhere. Of course I can hope that I avoid it all. I can live in my spiritual bubble floating somewhere up in the air. Or react by wanting to leave the planet and let humanity get on with destroying itself once again. And I come full circle to the Goddess energy once more. I have a family. We have children and grandchildren. I can’t opt out. Because what will that leave for them. Thinking seven generations forward I have to deal with this rising tide. Opting out is not an option.

So what do I do to combat the rising tide of hatred? Even though I am feeling low in personal energy I have to speak somehow. I have to express the positive flow of love. Not fluffy love. The tough love only a true Crone Goddess represents.

You certainly don’t have to agree with what I say. You can always stop listening. Walk away. Or you can listen to me so I can listen to you in return. We can agree to speak with respect and open heartedness. It may be that we realise a lack of common ground. That’s ok. Or we might actually find that our concerns are shared. In all of the issues the world now faces progress will only happen when we talk our solutions out. When we try to come from a shared love of being human. And a recognition that our children’s children’s children have as much invested in what we do as we have.

Thinking about all of this I decided to make two comments on that Facebook feed. I’m glad I spoke my thoughts. I know that I wanted to speak without fear. To address things as I see them. To make the point that different viewpoints are what makes us face the fear and deal with it. I’ve put the snippets below. I hope you will find your voice too. Speak for yourself. Because when everyone finally does so we will understand, out in the open and fully, what people are frightened of. Then we can deal with it and move on.

My little bits of speaking out for today. Aside from this blog of course!

The comment: I’m glad Trump is having a go at the media. People like Rupert Murdoch have been influencing UK politics for decades to suit his own agenda. Well done Trump…Its time someone with some courage took them on!

My response: Yet the one news station Trump does praise, Fox, is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Is he hoping to make Murdoch the only mouthpiece for Trumpism? Perhaps we should be told!

The comment: Name a racist or sexist remark. Don’t say “grab them by the pussy” because that’s not even sexist. Just because your told over and over that someone is an “ist” (racist, sexist etc) doesn’t mean they are. He’s come up with lots of ideas to fix problems, building a wall, temporary immigration bans etc.

My response: If you don’t have a pussy you can’t say whether the remark is sexist or not. It’s outside your area of experience and expertise ?


Day 452 of my blogging challenge.

My Tattoo: an Infinity of Lives

img_2235Today I completed something that has taken 18 years. I got my second tattoo. Another personal reminder of my life’s achievements.

I remember my Dad’s reaction to my news that I was getting a tattoo at the age of forty. He though I was mad. Dad said to me ‘You know it’s for life’. He was so off balance at the idea of his daughter with a tattoo that I don’t think he saw the funny side of his comment. I did. My Mum was a bit calmer but also thought I was mad. They grew up in a generation where body art was only for rough, tough guys and prisoners. An ink portrait was a sign of low status. Yet I knew I wanted to commemorate the conscious start of my personal development.  The Raven I opted for celebrated my decision to become a therapeutic counsellor.

It also represented my desire to embrace the Goddess energy that I had denied for most of my life. Stepping into connection with the Divine Feminine was important for me. I needed to work out and balance who I was. In fact my journey into being a counsellor was inspired by the collapse of my corporate life. I knew it was time to make deep changes within. Exploring how to help others gave me access to lots of ideas about how to help myself. You could say that I’ve been developing aspects of myself ever since then. Now, eighteen years later, I have reached another level of development.

Today I opted to have body art representing Ouroboros – the World Snake or Infinity – on my arm. I want to acknowledge that life continues eternally in all it’s forms.

Working with the Spirits and Energy Beings I have been able to expand my understanding of why I am here as well as who I am. Alongside my passion for making sense of my past lives I look forward to the new lives I will live after this one. I also look forward to the new beginnings that will arise in this life. As I shed each snake skin and evolve it’s exciting to think about all the surprises that are in store. What new patterns will I develop? Which are the ways I will best serve myself and others? How can I help people to appreciate that we are infinite beings of Light?

The Snake and Ouroboros are ancient symbols of one of my past lives too. Having my tattoo where I can remind myself of the fluid nature of past, present, future is also about reminding me that Ego is a dead end for humanity. Spiritual progress comes only when I recognise my Spirit Within and express that in the way I live. I’m moving firmly from my phase of personal development into a new cycle that is my grown up spiritual development. Of course there has been some overlap with both. My new body art is my promise to myself that it’s time to expand and grow much more. I feel it is the culmination of the work of many lives to reach this cliff. I’m prepared to step off into a new ascension journey.

Day 337 of my blogging challenge.

Celebrating the Divine Feminine

imageToday’s blog has slid over into the First of May, the celebration of Beltane by Celtic tradition, marking the beginning of summer and the desire for abundance through fertility. May Day also honoured the feminine and masculine energies by uniting couples in hand fasting relationships for a period of time. The sharing of the pleasure of making babies belongs to both but the pain of giving birth rests only with women. Celebrating the change of seasons, the creative force of the Divine Feminine and the recognition that abundance flows if you honour this energy were a key part of the rituals of Beltaine. As I moved through my day it certainly reflected these themes.

Two mums, both at different stages in their adjustment to becoming mums, came into the Centre. They were trying to find their feet amongst all of the well meaning but contradictory advice they were being given. The urge to follow their intuition was really strong but the books, their partners and often friends had differing suggestions. I felt sad that these two women had been left so uncertain of their intuitive knowing that they doubted themselves. They were experiencing motherhood as a disempowering state instead of the joy of being creative, fertile women. Where was celebration of all the ways they were nurturing happy children? Where was the encouragement that their babies would grow up ok so long as they were loved and nourished by that love? Instead, confidence has been replaced by anxiety.

In the same afternoon I had a lovely discussion about the Course in Miracles. Although the course refers to God I believe it can equally be understood by referring to Goddess. The course talks about awakening to the realisation that the Divine spark is inside all of us. We are not actually a separate individual but enfolded in the totality of that which we have identified as Divine. For me it seems perfectly logical that the Divine source will therefore encompass both feminine and masculine energy. Since we can experience both kinds of energy it’s important to be celebrating both of these inner flows. Yet much of our spirituality is still based in acknowledging the masculine energy of the Divine only. The wonderfully creative spark of Divine Feminine energy is mostly excluded from our discussions and practices around how to be a spiritual being.

That leads me on to the third thing that caught my attention. I have been aware since I was nine that everyone talked about God as a masculine being pronouncing paternally on all aspects of women’s lives. As I explored other religions and avenues of spirituality it seemd that even those with multiple Gods and Goddesses gave the lead to the masculine deities. I’ve recently picked up a thread of knowledge I began to explore in my teenage years. So I was reading a book by Lynn Picknett, one of many authors to write about Mary Magdalene, where she explores the creation story many people use as the basis for their attitudes in life. It is interesting that in the story of the garden of Eden God gave Eve the pain of birth because she had temped Adam. He also placed the idea of ‘sin’ with women as our responsibility for being able to tempt Adam. Interestingly enough these attitudes captured in an old book have become the bedrock for the way women are treated. Celebrating Goddess energy has therefore become something to be suppressed, denied or ignored. Much like the fate of women for centuries.

One of the things that I ask my Guides about a lot is how we can change this denial of the Divine feminine.  What will my daughter’s daughter’s daughter make of it all. Will she still be told what to wear, who she can be with and where it is safe for her to go? Will she approach the birth of her daughter feeling anxious, disempowered and believing that childbirth has to be a painful experience. Will she be free to learn as much as she wishes, work where she wants and be paid as if her work is of equal value to the men she works with. Will she be praised for raising the next generation of citizens and rewarded accordingly? Will she be free to love whom she wants for as long as she wants? They always throw these questions back at me. They ask me what am I doing to make changes so that this child of the future will inherit a brighter world. They have a rule – there is no interference in the way we operate our free will choices. So it’s up to me and the women of the world to start celebrating the Divine femenine.

That is where my day ended up. I went to a gala performance at the Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival. I sat in an audience of probably 60% women as we enjoyed the positive energy of women who were perfroming with pride and passion. They had applied their creative energy to displaying positive body images, love of the skin they were in, and joy at being able to share the true beauty of being a woman. Celebrating the sensual nature of being female, something stripped away by religious condemnation of women as sinners, the freedom to be who they chose to be and the power of empowerment these performers are helping to change the perception of women as women.

Interestingly there is still a great deal of misunderstanding about burlesque and a lot of it comes from women. Sadly celebrating having a body that gives and gets pleasurable sensations is still under heading of ‘bad’. The assumptions underlying this view centre around the idea that men are weak minded, have no control over their physical urges and therefore it’s the woman who has to be hidden so as not to tempt the man. Burlesque is definitely not hidden. Burlesque is a glorious celebration all all things feminine. It connects women to their sensual nature by encouraging the love of your own body. There is a freedom within burlesque that has been hidden. It is a statement of women being women and ‘playing’ the paternal system. Celebrating the Divine Feminine means looking for the Goddess within and bringing her into the outer world. Here’s to all those Goddesses who were in Todmorden tonight sharing the positive feminine creative energy.

Day 166 of my blogging challenge. 

Ostara – the Spring forward

Etain - Goddess Knowledge Cards

Etain – Goddess Knowledge Cards

One of the ways in which we can mark the turning of the year is to see the shortening and lengthening of the hours of daylight. The Solstice and Equinox points help us to notice how much light and dark each day contains. In older traditions the seasonal changes in the amount of light are also marked by their association with Goddess energy. Ostara is a Germanic Goddess associated with the return of the Spring light. As the day grows longer in light the fertility of the plants and animals increases and it is time to plant ready for the longer hours of sunshine. In some traditions the festivals around the spring equinox have become known as Easter and the mythology is of the man who dies and rises again.

There are other Goddesses who predate or run alongside the God mythology of Spring Equinox. One of my favourite is Etain, the shining one, who was a Celtic moon Goddess. Though a series of misfortunes, including dying and being reborn, she is destined to spend half of her year underground and half above the surface. She is therefore, in her risen state, a symbol of fertility, of the vitality of all growing things. This echoes the myth of Persephone, the Greek Goddess who spent Winter in the underworld taking the life of the growing world with her. And even further back, for the Sumerian people the Goddess who spent half her time in the land of the dead was Inanna. She returned once again in the Spring to bring new life and a temporary triumph over death. So whether you favour Ostara, Etain, Persephone or Inanna, there is a tradition dating back many thousands of years that links the return of new life on the Earth with the Divine Goddess energy.

Spring is the signal to clear out the old energy of Winter, to emerge from the retreat into solitude around the hearth fire and to begin the work of manifesting the new growth in all areas of our life. If we attune to Nature we notice the buds on the trees, the frog spawn, the daffodils starting to open. Cautious at first, for a stray frost may still hold the warmth of the daytime sun back, the Northern Hemisphere awakens. In the Southern Hemisphere it is time to gather the harvest and prepare for Winter. And that is the most wonderful thing of all. We have two sides to our planet. We have a system where one side grows as the other rests. We need never be hungry as growth is always going on. A complete solution to all of our basic needs of only we realised and organised it to be so.

I always feel at my most creative in the Spring. My Guides bring me new ideas, challenges and opportunities. I love to grab all that is on offer even if it may be some time before I get the fruits from all of my work. I also enjoy acknowledging the return of the Divine Feminine energy as it flows back in to plain sight. No longer hidden inside (underneath or below) the emergence of my creative voice and action is a way of honouring the part of myself that is more visible in the world in Spring. It’s hard to step outside of the conditioning that women have faced, the casual but insidious pressure to be and behave in certain ways. Each Goddess reminds us that there is a trade off for being a creative force; that at times we have to withdraw and await the turning of the seasons.  Finally it is our season. It’s time to spring forward with all the positivity you can muster. Enjoy your opportunity to create the new, fresh, energy for the world. Share your inner Divine Goddess connections with everyone as you make, do, feel and think all of the newness into your life.

Day 125 of my blogging challenge.

Divine Mother Love

34026_1148385487374_8302252_n-2Some Mothers are good, some Mothers are bad and some Mothers are mostly a mixture. We experience being the child of a mother whether she is in our life or not. And women experience being a Mother whether we are with our children or not. Some mothers loose their children & some children loose their mothers. Some children walk away from their mothers and some mothers walk away from their children. When someone hands you that small, vulnerable bundle and says this is your child it can be overwhelming. Mother love isn’t quite as instinctive as it’s made out to be. Some women choose not to be mothers at all. For lots of reasons, none  of them selfish or unnatural, some women use their creative energy in different way. And some women who choose not to have a child look after many, many children. Then there are those women who desperately want their own child and can’t have one. Mother is one of our fundamental concepts but it’s a far from straightforward one.

All of these ‘shades of motherhood’ exist because we are a species who reproduces with male & female participants. If we only had one way of being then whoever had a child would still face the same range of choices, dilemmas, fears and joys. And judgements. There are fads & fashions about how to be the best mother to a child. There are studies that try to determine which type of mother will meet the child’s needs best. Mothers are at the head of the queue when a child is looking for someone to blame. Mothers send their child out into the wild world eventually (or not!) and that is another reason for a child to turn into an adult who fails to appreciate the favour his mother did for him. Mothers soak up all the responsibility. They often take on much more when their own daughter has a child too. Yet we find it hard to praise mothers – except on Mothers Day. Perhaps it’s only the loss of a mother that brings home the real value that love and nurture from another person brings.

That’s another point. What we get from our ideal mother is unconditional love and nurturing. To nurture someone is to care for and protect another whilst they are growing. So many other people in our lives might step into our mother’s shoes – a favourite teacher, a grandmother, a father, a sister or brother, a partner or friend – the list can be endless. As children we often search out people who will care for us and nurture us like our birth mother did (if we knew her) or like the person who stepped into our birth mother’s shoes when she stepped out. In adulthood we repeat the patterns of that mother & child relationship. If we are the ‘mother’ we provide something that the ‘child’ wants. If we are the ‘child’ we receive whatever we have chosen that nurturer for. However, being the mother or child in this kind of way when you are both adults mostly leads to difficult, co-dependant relationships, unless both people are very clear about the underlying parent/child dynamic.

Today I was channelling for Earth’s ArchAngel Tiphoniel. She is the Guardian Angel of the Solar system who represents Divine Mother Love. She came around me because I’m a mother faced with decisions about how to do the best for my child. The decisions aren’t only mine. Others are involved in all the discussions. Yet I carried this the person, I fed her and I watched her first faltering steps in this world. I’m still watching as she steps further and further away from me. Some of the things that are happening are based on other people’s judgements of me as a mother. Because they are judging my child and I am the one who has nurtured her to be the way she is. Of course she has her own personality & nature. People are now finding that a challenge because she is old enough to speak for herself. So I certainly needed some guidance from somewhere this morning.

I shared Tiphoniel’s wonderful words on my Facebook page as she asked me to do. It’s amazing how many people have appreciated that post. It seems to strike a chord. When did we loose the connection to the Divine Mother?

We have all stepped into the waning Moon period and may be finding it hard to let go of what we once valued or dreamed about. ArchAngel Tiphoniel, resonating with the love of the Divine Mother, is stepping forward to enfold you in that love.
Let her wings carry you high above your worries and woes. Let her serene smile lift your Spirits and sooth your mind. She is here to remind you that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Like a child when we push against the energy flow of life and are knocked back she is here like a mother to teach us another way.
She is sending you encouragement, strength and courage. Be brave. Explore the world without fear as once you did in childhood. It is the right time to look for the wonderful blessings that are flowing your way. 

She is with me now as I write this blog. She wants us to recognise something that is often overlooked in the West. We cannot have a God without a Goddess. We have assumed that the Divine is one gender (male) but we must make room for the other gender (female) too. In fact, the best way to understand the Divine from an angel’s point of view is as an energy with no gender at all. Since that wouldn’t resonate with our dualistic energy flows in our experience of the Divine we need to understand God and Goddess. Our connection to the Divine is felt when receiving the unconditional care and nurturing of both Goddess and God. To deny ourselves the experience of the Divine Feminine lessens our own understanding of motherhood. If we don’t understand motherhood in it’s fullest, Divine sense, whether we are actually mothers or not, then our childhood and our children will be warped, missing the compassion, protection, encouragement and creativity that flows with the feminine side of the Divine nature. Be kinder to yourself – the child and mother within you is an aspect of the Divine Goddess. Open up to the flow of her unconditional love. Help others to find the Divine Feminine within themselves – especially your children – so that we can all embrace her gifts to humanity.

Day 102 of my blogging challenge.