Sentinel: My Watcher Waiting On The Beach

SentinelI love visiting a special place where I can sit in the energy of the Beings who work with me. Today I went to a spot where I can connect with a Sentinel. A Watcher. ArchAngel Dareshiel.

The Full Moon energy is starting to build. As is the pull of Mercury going retrograde. So the energy currents are unsettled and chaotic. I’ve been watching the rise and fall of these energies as they pass through me. And trying my best to stand steady. To keep my emotions from becoming too overwhelming. Going down to the beach allowed me to see the waves hitting the rocks. To observe the stillness of the stones as the water washes over them. The sky was cloudy too. The weather seemed to be reflecting the turbulence of the energy as well. I made my way to the sentinel rock. It always draws my attention. Gazing out to the sea. Watching the eternal flow of the tide. In this place I can take comfort from ArchAngel Dareshiel.

He is the one who helps me to detach from my emotions. Dareshiel helps me to become a sentinel in my own life. Not that I avoid my feelings. That would be very hard for me as my birth chart is ruled by Venus. But Dareshiel is supporting me to feel first and react third. His energy gives me a barrier of a sort. A second or two to process my feelings before I make a choice to act. That small nanosecond of reflection giving me time to work out how I want to deal with what I am feeling. Because my intuition also plugs me into the emotional energy of everyone on the planet. And that can be overwhelming. That’s why so many empathic people struggle to act and react in a balanced way. Especially when they have muddled up what they feel with what others are feeling.

Being a sentinel has served me well so far. I have been able to flow with the energy currents in the wider world. So that I can work out what I feel about any situation and then work out how it is best to act. Dareshiel is my sounding board whenever I get stuck. As well as my support in challenging energy. Finally, over the next two weeks, when you are struggling with your feelings why not ask Dareshiel to help you too?

Day 970 of my blogging challenge

Connection To Earth: Protecting My Energy

ConnectionSometimes I have to check my connection to Mother Earth. Usually when I have been dealing with people, places and situations that are ‘heavy’ energy. Now that I have opened up my intutive senses I’ve also had to learn to close the door on negative vibrations.

This is the same for all intuitively sensitive people. We are affected by the flow of energy around us. The connection to intuitive information that I have also allows me to ‘read’ the energy of others. If I’m not careful I can end up transferring my energy to them. And, more importantly, their energy to me. Dealing with other people’s low vibrational energy, on top of my own, is hard work. The way that I keep my aura energy clear is to make sure I can ground any negative energy back to Earth.

That means I try to get out into Nature as much as possible. Even if I can’t retreat to a forest or the beach I get out into my little garden. Sitting in my own tiny patch of greenery I can let things drift away. Drifting away is much better than storing up loads of old energy. So I also use meditation to go into the natural world I can visualise in my mind’s eye. Especially on the cold, wet days when my inclination is to stay inside.

I can also connect to Mother Earth when I have my feet in water. Beach is best. Although in the shower or bath will do. I imagine I have roots going down into the Earth. These roots can drain away all the energy that would be disruptive to me. This connection through my feet can be so strong that sometimes when I am letting the energy release I find I can’t move my feet. They are stuck until the last bit of negativity has gone.

Today I wanted to release all of the tricky energy from yesterday’s Full Moon. So I made my Earth connection on the beach. As I strolled along feeling the wet sand between my toes I felt a sense of contentment. The late evening sun was still warm. The pools of water were inviting. And my toes danced with excitement. A perfect way to balance off anything negative. Thank you Mother Earth for protecting my energy.

Day 946 of my blogging challenge 

Drift Into Full Moon Energy: Go With The Flow

driftIt’s been very hot. As the sun moves through the sky I’m waiting for my first glimpse of the moon in the daytime sky. At this time of the year both the sun and moon share the sky for a short period as the light fades. I’m looking forward to the full moon in a couple of days. And I’m already feeling the drift.

The full moon is a time for me to check in with my creativity. And how I am manifesting my dreams. Getting me ready for the waning cycle when I can let go of anything I no longer need. However, sometimes it is best to drift with the energy of this changeover. Each full moon brings with it a new perspective on my present position. Sometimes that calls for action. Other times I have to hold steady with where I am. Today I noticed that I have been sleeping a lot with this full moon energy. It made me smile to think of the wide awake energy that the full moon usually brings me.

The drift over the last couple of days has been about patiently waiting for the right moment to begin. I know there are many new beginnings this year. And I can get impatient if they don’t turn up fast enough for me. But that is because I want to get on with doing. This full moon is reminding me that I have to gather my energy. Ready for the leap forward. Which will only come when the timing is right. Of course it’s a lesson I’ve had before. I feel all of my experiences take me around the same spiral. Only each cycle gives me a chance to improve on what I’ve already created.

So the drift also allows me to notice what I want to be different in this next set of new beginnings. It allows me to double check what I am manifesting. When the Full Moon rises I will be clear and focused about what will serve my Spirit purpose in this cycle of growth. Plus energised and ready to send out all of the energy my manifesting requires. Now I’m back to drifting!

Day 913 of my blogging challenge

Muddles, Messing, Confusion: Being Out of Sync

muddlesSometimes I need to do some deep energy work. When I do I get a little bit out of sync with the third dimensional world. I can find myself dealing with muddles and confusion because I’m not totally in phase. Which also means I can mess up anything I’m doing a bit more easily.

This Full Moon has been a time like that. Muddles have been happening for the last few days. My body has also gone out of co-ordination with this reality too. So cooking, cleaning and general housework has resulted in more mess that less. I’m confused about which time line I’m on and busy trying to complete a key piece of psychic work. If you are thinking it doesn’t sound like much fun I might have to agree with you. However I also know that some of the deeper healing that has to happen can only work when I am more in my Spirit than in my human self. It’s not necessarily something that is taught in psychic school. But it’s certainly something I have had to get my head  around.

I’m working in the Thin Places. So I’n riding through the muddles and confusion that being on the astral plane or other dimensions generates. Because I also know that I am only called on to participate in this work when there is a key point happening. A decision node, as my Guides would term it. Not necessarily my decision node. But something that I can add positive, loving energy to. I’m willing  to do this and I know I could say no if I wished to. I also know that I agreed to serve in whatever way I could that would benefit others. So today has been a balance of my physical body reacting to all of the high energy vibrations I have been channelling and the needs of those around me. Who are also participating in the healing work indirectly.

So please excuse my muddles and confusion. There are reasons why I am not quite myself. I am busy being my other selves in order to help something positive happen. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I get myself fully back into 3D reality!

Day 828 of my blogging challenge

New Directions: Relationships In 2018

New Tonight I returned to a favourite group of mine. New Directions meets once a month in Halifax, West Yorkshire. It is a place for people to share healing, access spiritual info and listen to great speakers. I was supposed to attend in January but the weather postponed it until after the Chinese New Year. But, of course, I know everything happens for a reason! And I want to share my talk about 2018.

“Thank you for asking me to talk to the group again. It’s always lovely to return and share my understanding of the energy for the year to come. I’m actually rather interested that my talk was moved from January to February, to fall after the start of the Chinese New Year of the Dog, my birth year. I’m an Earth Dog and I suspect this talk is being given now to help us all ground into the Divine Feminine energy that has started to flow more strongly that it has since the 1960’s.

Of course we are stepping into another Aquarian age. Depending on the dating system used this can be any time from the Industrial Revolution until now. Or some years hence. See Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation. The influence of Aquarius brings electricitycomputers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianismidealismmodernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity, and irresolution. I support the common position expressed by many astrologers. Astrology sees the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience mental enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world. 

I think of this influence as four corner stones: energy, free will, personal responsibility and community. In this new energy our understanding of these in relation to our ways of living will increase.

I believe these strands will be unmissable during 2018 as the boost of Divine Feminine energy pushes us to tackle how we relate to one another. In my communications with Guides it seems it is both a creative and collaborative energy bringing before us the challenge to change our relationships. So that we can co-create a more harmonious world. This doesn’t mean the rise of women over men. I believe it actually means that all of us will be learning to better express our own feminine energy – something that women and men both have – in ways that are assertive and strong. Together the whole of the human race can greatly improve our lives and our connections with Mother Earth. Who is also going through this process with us at the moment.

In seeking to understand how this will affect us it is always best to go from the heart and with the intention to do the right thing. Manifesting (making it so) becomes so much easier. But ‘what you give out you get back’ also becomes more prominent. Since 2008 we have been asked to consider what energy we are putting into the ‘system’. At the end of this cycle in 2018 all that you have given will return. With interest. There is a strong ‘tough love’ vibe coming from the angelic community, especially the Earth’s Guardian Angels. See each return of energy as an opportunity to correct your energy and to return to heart centred living.

There will also be a great need for healing. We cannot function in collaborative relationships until we release the Us/Them split, the disempowerment and lack of love for our fellow beings.

Switch on your self-healing. Start with yourself. Then offer healing out to others too. Listen to the words of Desiderata. It is a good starting point. There are many other inspirational words waiting to be heard. Pay attention and listen. Then work to understand how those words can be translated into living a spiritual life. Each one of us has the seeds of greatness within. It is for each of us to find and magnify those seeds, to energise them and help them grow. Greatness does not mean Ego. Greatness is the freedom of the Spirit Within to shine it’s Light along with all others and offer love, compassion and gratitude to and for all things.

The Impact of Divine Feminine Energy Month By Month Using The  Lunar Calendar (Channelled from the Energy Beings)

Use the New Moon to Full Moon (waxing/growing) for asking for dreams and wishes or energising the requests you have already sent out. Use the Full Moon to next New Moon (waning/shrinking) for letting go of what no longer serves you.

15/02/18 New Moon 02/03/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Where are you lacking in love for yourself. Examples will arise to show you the ‘voice’ or script that you keep repeating to put yourself down. There may be challenges. You may find that you are reluctant to say what you mean for fear of causing conflict, in case your words may be hurtful or because you are not used to speaking as you find. Do your best to let go of assumptions and judgements about how you will be heard or understood. Relationships can only strengthen when they are build on truth and trust. Take a risk and say what you feel.

Outer work: There is a great deal of fear and uncertainty as the pattern set in 2008 is about to come back. Be aware of all things financial – not because there will be a crash but because that is what people fear. Stay calm and grounded about your own finances and resources. Remember that the Universe always provides exactly what is needed at exactly the right time. To the penny if necessary. Steer clear of the drama others are creating.

17/03/18 New Moon 31/03/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Review your use of words. Can you express your feelings about yourself in more helpful and kinder ways? Have you identified what you are actually feeling and do you name it to yourself? This month opportunities will arise to understand the energy of your own feelings. When people mirror them for you accept the information with gratitude and remember not to shoot the messenger. Mastery of feelings brings focus in all things.

Outer work: What a grumpy month! In all relationships we must learn boundaries and respect. However it can be hard to hold to boundaries. And to respect that every single being has a place in this wonderful creation. Notice where you are relying on stereotypes. Give everyone the permission to be who they need to be right now. And remember not to take it personally. It’s not about your behaviour. It’s about their inner challenges.

16/04/18 New Moon 30/04/18 Full Moon

Inner work: You may feel a little raw and uncertain. Change always makes us wonder if we are heading in the right direction. This is the month to make sure you are grounded and balanced. Check that you are achieving inner harmony by a careful blend of creativity and manifesting. Give room to both sides of your nature so that you can make plans. There is more clarity within you. And you are ready to acknowledge your bigger dreams.

Outer work: There is an awful lot of talk but perceptibly little action going on around you. It’s as if all the ills of the world are being identified but no one is working to deal with them. There is an absence of hope. In the best relationships we can acknowledge the point where things seem most stuck. Ask questions. Get people talking. Share your feelings and thoughts. Discussions can become inspirations. Remember stuckness can shift.

15/05/18 New Moon 29/05/18 Full Moon

Inner work: As we head into a new season it’s time to enjoy more love. Make sure you are taking time for yourself. Rest as much as possible. Be easy in letting things happen in the perfect time. You are being asked to understand that birthing the new takes time. Divine time. Be gentle with yourself when you feel you should be pushing ahead. The longer you wait the more your energy will grow. Work on your confidence. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have everything ready to go when the moment is right.

Outer work: Everything is suddenly rush and bustle. However too much impatience actually slows manifesting down. Or stops it. Be the steady one in the relationship giving reassurance. Spread calm and peace. Refuse to engage in panic or dismay.

13/06/18 New Moon 28/06/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Let your imagination run wild. Think of all the ways you can improve your connection to others. Be brave and try them all out. All the while letting your true self be more visible. Rejections do happen but they are more about the other person than you. Look around you. There are many people on your wavelength if you are prepared to see them.

Outer work: Fear peaks again. People are being reminded of the uncertainty that is life. Dramatic events may throw you the test of being a leader to others. In all relationships there is a time when you have to lead. It’s likely to be this month. Don’t step back. Step forward. Help others to rebalance themselves. Show them how to do it.

13/07/18 New Moon 27/07/18 Full Moon

Inner work: It is time to get comfortable with all of your abilities. This month you may feel the urge to do lots of new things. Try them. Let yourself explore what you can do rather than what you believe you can’t. You are coming into blossom, ready to add more to your world than you have ever imagined.

Outer work: The debates are turning from talk to action. Don’t be surprised that others are showing you a new picture of yourself and their relationship with you. Give the energy between you time to grow. Acknowledge each other’s abilities as openly as you can. Give praise, feedback and thank you’s.

11/08/18 New Moon 26/08/18 Full Moon

Inner work: You are growing stronger in acknowledging yourself, balancing your needs against the needs of others more easily. Try not to be tempted to give endlessly to others again. Remember the balance of give and take is vital to a thriving relationship. Release any person, situation or circumstance where the only thing happening is taking.

Outer work: As people adapt more to giving and taking some old language has to be replaced with new words. Pay attention to the words you use to others. Invest them with compassion and kindness. Give your support rather than advice or instruction. Encourage them to return the give by being open to receive.

09/09/18 New Moon 25/09/18 Full Moon

Inner work: The start of a month of endings and completion. In each relationship there are many endings as the relationship thrives or falls. Be aware that you are being asked to end any relationship that no longer sustains you. Including your own relationship with yourself. Use the power of endings as a way to transform your relationship with yourself.

Outer work: All around thing seem to be ending. Uncertainty is at it’s peak. People are anxious and you may find your words falling on deaf ears. This is the time to stay quiet and composed within yourself. Give the other person room to review the relationship and be ready to help them let go of it. Remember that grief is a natural part of letting go too. Make room for that grief and sorrow to be expressed.

09/10/18 New Moon 24/10/18 Full Moon

Inner work: The energy shifts rapidly. Radical changes are happening. You feel a new freedom to be yourself. You are embracing your strengths and your ability to share yourself with others. It is time to put yourself to work sharing all of your wisdom. Talk, discuss, debate. Feel the creative Divine Feminine flow and feed your imagination.

Outer work: There is a big sigh of relief. The worst still hasn’t happened. People feel able to carry on living. There is a better ability to cope with uncertainty. Relationships that were rocky are now on firmer ground. There is a sense of community emerging. A feel of not being alone and up against it. Make connections for people whenever you can. Help them to sense the bigger picture for humanity.

07/11/18 New Moon 23/11/18 Full Moon

Inner work: It’s time to recognise your ability to make connections in a much more focused way. You can imagine and manifest positive outcomes. You are better at solving problems and moving things forward. Without noticing it you have stepped into your spiritual mission. Keep on track by continuing to love yourself.

Outer work: It is time to suggest collaborations. People are more willing to listen and understand. There are going to be new ways of doing things and you can contribute so much to this wave of energy. Show people how to live from heart centred conciseness. There are many opportunities to empower all of the people you relate to. Be creative!

07/12/18 New Moon 22/12/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Having stepped into collaborative relationships the next step is to forgive yourself for anything you feel has not gone right. Mistakes happen so that we can learn and progress. You will find lots of feedback coming your way about what went well. And what didn’t. Use this feedback to check that you are doing your best. There is no perfect. Good enough is good enough. So don’t take these messages from the Universe, whatever way they arrive, as criticism. Use them as seeds for your next period of growth.

Outer work: This is a month of reflection. A time of refocusing on what is really important in life. You will find there is a stronger sense of community, everyone pulling together and helping one another. Stay proactive. Add your voice to the reflection. Share what you feel you have learned about relationships. Suggest the ideas you have developed about making better connections with one another. Above all, let your voice be heard. Your loving, trusting, wise voice. Believe in yourself and others and the power of change. It can happen if you are prepared to make it so.

Day 817 of my blogging challenge

Eeek! Wild Weather, Journeying And Returning Home

Eeek!Eeek! It was a wild storm last night. So I had to wait for the weather to calm down before I started my journey home. And driving steady means I’m slightly late with my blog again. So now my fingers are galloping along to get a post live. Because I don’t like to break promises I’ve made to myself.

I had plenty of eeek! moments last night as the wind direction changed and our dwelling was battered from one side then another. A couple of times it felt like the heavy rain and driving wind would bring the windows in. Of course it didn’t. I was really very safe. But sometimes living with a risk gets my adrenalin pumping a bit too much. So I watched for the faint glimmers of the full moon. I knew she would still be shining a calm Light up there somewhere. In my shamanic practice I enjoy using the Moon energy for journeying. Stepping out of my physical self and exploring further afield.

Just like I’ve been doing for the past couple of weeks. Leaving my usual home behind and exploring a second place that already feels like home. I can do that thanks to the kindness of good friends. And in the same way my shamanic journeying is assisted by the kindness my Energy Being friends. Tonight they also made sure I got back home from all aspects of my journeying. There were no eeek! moments on the motorway. In fact I am sure our car was powered by dragon energy. She certainly roared back at the winds trying to blow her off course. As the miles ticked off and I got closer to home I could feel the pull of familiar energy. Even my house was calling me back home.

And now I am. Settling into my sofa, putting my feet up. No more eeek! experiences for today. The journey is over, as is the wild weather and calmness is flowing all around. Was it a good journey? Certainly. It brought me back to right here and right now. Did I learn anything? Certainly. Every experience is a lesson in who I am and what is important to me. So now it’s time to rest before the next journey, lol.

Day 769 of my blogging challenge 

Storm Eleanor, Full Moon: Wave Upon Wave Of Energy

stormI saw the moon last night, nearly full and incredibly bright, and basked in waves of energy. Tonight I’m in the middle of Storm Eleanor, the night is cloudy and the rain is pelting down. More waves of energy!

Somewhere up above the clouds the moon will be full tonight. Beaming positive energy in my direction. Whilst the wind and rain bring a huge blast of clearing storm energy. It’s time to send out my biggest dreams for this year. Ideas that have been floating around in my mind now need to get out into these waves of energy. So they can be carried far and wide. In time they will loop back to me, on a breeze or a sunbeam, a moonbeam or a tide, bringing me all that I’ve asked for. The secret is for me to dream big and then bigger. With so much positive energy around anything is possible.

I’m also excited about the wild energy because it brings the possibility that the storm will blow new things my way. Inside the chaos it carries infinite possibilities. Energy that can power me forward if I let it. All I have to do is let go of my expectations and go with the flow. As an air sign I’m used to being carried on the wind but in a wild storm I know I can end up anywhere. Am I headed for Oz? Or the stars? Will I be flung far out into the Universe? Or swoop across the oceans to the mountains? Wherever I’m carried it will certainly be an adventure. I’m open to all possibilities and looking forward to the calm afterwards. Because I know that I am learning to surf the energy waves successfully.

Full moon storm energy is blowing through my life right now. Empowering me to use the waves as I need. Encouraging me to achieve my desires. Enhancing my abilities. And gifting me as much forward momentum as I need.

Day 768 of my blogging challenge 

The Big Picture: Seeing That All Is Well

big pictureAs the dust of the last twelve months settles I can finally see some of the big picture emerging. Enough to encourage me that I’m on the right track. So I am ready to make more decisions.

I’ve understood for a big part of this year that I had to be ready to travel light. In other words the glimpses of the big picture always seemed to be about me making sure my aura energy was clear. I’ve worked hard to lighten my energy load. Letting go of the past has been quite a journey. But I also understood that at some point I would have to let go of material things too. That process started and stopped, then started again, as my Ego Mind clung on to the ‘reality’ of this world. The reality represented by my possessions. I guess I was scared that if I stopped having so many things I would be judged as less worthy somehow.

But that was me in my Ego Mind. Pressing me to stay in the box of my own creating. Because the box stops me from seeing the big picture. More importantly it stops me taking the action to move myself forward to new things. And life is really all about moving forward. I’ve had to keep focused on the snippets of the bigger picture. Trusting that there was a lot more to see. And seeking out the guidance and support to help me recognise or focus on what else is there. Now I feel the shift in energy I’m also aware that the dream I sense is becoming more visible to me. Last night I wrote about the Full Moon energy and sending out my wishes for the future. Right about now is the time. And I have a lovely list to release.

The picture I want to create for my life is full of amazing experiences. New possessions will replace the ones I have let go. And I can see that all is well in my Intuitive World.

That doesn’t mean I have that big picture yet. Just like my paintings the image has yet to be completed. I am using what I can see to guide me forward. Putting my trust in the flow of Universal energy. And I am also sending my belongings to new homes. To people who are ready to use the books, crystals and paintings I have loved. These things have served me and are ready to serve the next person who ‘owns’ them. Because that is the reality of energy. It should flow out and back between all of us. As it does so, I create the space for those new experiences.

After I sorted out all of my books today, did I mention that I felt inspired to by the lift in energy, I looked at them. There was a large pile of books ready to move on. I noticed that I had been very clear what to keep, a not too overlarge pile, and what was going. In the releasing pile were some books I would have found it hard to let go of even six weeks ago. But I know they need to be gone. Their wisdom is stored away inside my head. I have embraced all they had to share with me. The much smaller pile on the other side of the room may shrink too. As I recognise the big picture more the information the books contain may turn out to be redundant.

That’s the beauty of getting to see the big picture. I know the items I need for the next part of my journey. And I am able to lighten my load some more. Until I’m down to the essentials and stepping lightly along my road!

Day 682 of my blogging challenge

Abundance Energy Rising With the Full Moon

Abundance full moonI can feel the lift in the energy. It’s nearly time for the Full Moon and all the abundance that the magical Moon energy can bring. The clouds are finally lifting!

It’s been a long hard slog through most of 2017. Each wave of energy has acted like a jet wash on my aura. I’ve never felt so energetically ‘clean’. Grit, grubbiness, caked on low vibrational energy has been shifted bit by bit. All the layers of stuckness that got in the way of my ability to use my intuition. And to trust those intuitive messages I kept receiving, yet never quite fully understood. All those layers also got in the way of my own abundance. I had to learn to recieve what was best for me, rather than what I thought I wanted. The swap from asking for things from a thinking point of view to asking for what I felt I needed has taken some time. But the waves of energy got me focused on working from my heart rather than my head.

So it’s become much easier to let abundance flow into my life. Instead of deciding that I wanted a new car, then setting off on a plan to find one, I waited patiently for the one the Universe decided would best suit me. And it arrived in good time. Unlike the car I had before it which had been a panic buy. That one resisted me driving it and eventually stopped being driven by developing a fault. This time I gratefully accepted what the Universe provided and I have a car I love to drive. More importantly she loves me to drive her. Lesson learned. When I shifted my focus I found that what I required came easily to me. In fact I began to notice my resistance. The sticking points where I was still trying to control what was manifesting for me.

There are always sticking points to hold up the flow of abundance. Identifying mine has been a work in progress for much of the year. Not that I’ve got a lot.

But I’d like to remove them all to see what the Universe is waiting to bring me if I allow myself to have it. As I felt the energy lighten up today I reflected on what I really desire in my life. I want to use the booster power of the Full Moon. I want to send out my wish list charged with a positive intention that I’m open to recieve everything the Universe has to offer me. No doubts or hesitations. Free from judgements about whether I deserve all the abundance of not. And happy to share that wonderful list of wishes with everyone around me. My heart always tells me to wish for abundance to flow to all the people I connect to. That they get everything they desire too.

That’s the wonderful thing about the Universal energy. I know we can all have as much as we wish for. So long as we trust it will be delivered. And so long as we are asking for enough. Asking without reservation. Requesting that everyone benefits. I know that’s so true. My car has needed work doing to it. Somehow the funds have always arrived. I’ve been able to make sure someone else had an income or energy exchange from working on my car. The energy has come in to me then been passed on to others. It will be on it’s way back to me somehow. If we all ask, recieve, share and ask again we are using the energy in the best possible way. Getting to that point required the jet wash. And I’m determined not to let myself get stuck again.

Is it time for you to ask for your own flow of abundance? Now is a great time to do so. As you gaze at the Full Moon tomorrow night send out your dreams and wishes. Ask for more than you usually would. Include everyone you know in the good fortune you are wishing for. And get ready to recieve more than you ever thought possible.

Day 681 of my blogging challenge 

Flowing Through Full Moon Energy

It’s been a day of flowing high energy. The moon is full and affecting all of us more than usual. Perhaps that’s why there is confusion and uncertainty about the UK General Election.

But I decided early this morning to step back from the debate and discussion of what went right or wrong. I am sure that we are being asked to think deeply about our choices and who makes the key decisions in our lives. I also feel that this uncertainty is going to pull us, eventually, into talking instead of division. That’s the challenge now. To hold with a positive view that things will work out. The energy flowing from this election can be, like the full moon energy, a force that reveals the truth of our future. What I would like to see happen is that all sides finally recognise that we all have to live, work and thrive together. Dividing along any arbitrary lines will keep us stuck in uncertainty.

The benefit that the full moon energy brings to us is that it can boost our good intentions. If I set my thought to the desire for a good outcome for everyone the energy can amplify that wish. I can use the energy flowing through me to really boost anything that I require or desire. Manifesting will be much easier with the extra power of the full moon to back it up. So today I took some time to think about what I wanted next. Not just in the government but in my own life. Where am I going to? What else do I want to bring around me? What purpose would I like to serve with my next actions? I feel it’s important to be clear about my intentions. Because I’m not only asking for myself. I want to ensure positive energy is flowing out to all of those people I connect with.

Things will settle down in a bit. Some of the uncertainty will disappear. Life will go on. By using the full moon energy I hope to ensure that abundance is flowing towards all of us. How wonderful if we all help that intention too. Then election results wouldn’t matter. Because all of us would be wishing for the best for the whole world.

Day 564 of my blogging challenge