The Next Job In Front Of Me

The waves of energy continue. My job today was to work through a tide of depression. Only a tiny bit of it was mine. The rest was all the background emotions generated by the massive changes we are experiencing.

Even if I wasn’t sensitive to energy I’d be unlikely to miss the waves of feeling that have been crashing over all of us for some time now. The fact that I am connected into the energy can make it a bit more of a challenge when a tidal wave rushes over me. Since mid way through yesterday I have been noticing the depression energy. I picked it up in myself. It was also very noticeable in the people I met and my social media contacts. It had got so heavy that by this morning I was struggling. I had a job or three to do but felt flat in my energy.

I sat down to meditate about my energy levels. My Guides very kindly rustled up some extra energy to help me. They also pushed me to recognise and acknowledge my own feeling of depression. There is a point when I am going through big changes that my energy gives out. The next job seems like too much effort. Especially as it seems as if I’m not actually getting anywhere. Then I start to focus on the fact that my world has changed. Whether I wanted it to or not. And I can’t go back to where I was before. Like a first experience of death. Or the ending of a first relationship. Even making a change for a better job. It’s not about whether I can control the change or not. It’s that I can only go forward.

I thought about the changes that are appearing on a global scale. There is so much uncertainty. It’s been going on a long time. No wonder people are feeling the depression.

For some people it certainly might have echos of the 1930’s. The period called the Great Depression. The impact of that period of uncertainty led to another World War, fear and anxiety about survival. There are certainly events happening at the moment that appear to be bringing out the worst in people. Looking back people fear that the same thing is going to happen again. Yet there is a difference. If I can accept that my feeling of depression is part of the process of change I can also allow myself to release that feeling. Depression is based on the suppression of feelings. Refusing to allow myself to feel uncertain, scared or worried. Even angry that I can’t have what I had before. My first job is to let myself have those feelings.

If I shine a light on myself, tell myself it’s ok to feel that way and to find ways of releasing what is there then I’m creating a way forward. A way to keep doing the next job in front of me. Until I get past the uncertainty of change and my world settles down once more. That’s what I’ve done today. One job after another. Not thinking or planning for tomorrow, next week or next year. Working through what I had lined up for myself today. Doing something rather than nothing. Keeping the forward momentum going. And forgiving myself for not having enough energy to do all of the jobs I planned. I realise that doing the important things matters. The rest can wait for an energy filled day.

Day 480 of my blogging challenge. 

Energy Sensitivity

imageOne of the things I started to learn very early on in my development of my intuitive abilities was that it meant I could sense energy. Not just make a good guess at how people were feeling but that I could feel how people were feeling. This energy sensitivity got stronger as my clairsentience improved. It got so strong that I could ‘feel’ people’s pain, fear, love, sadness very clearly. I could also feel their physical aches and pains too. When I connected to Spirit people I could use the sensitivity to feel the illnesses, physical characteristics and features they had when alive. It was a shock to experience the heart attack one Spirit gentleman had passed with. The pain I ‘felt’ made me wonder if I was actually having a heart attack too. Learning to separate my physical and emotional feelings from other people and from Spirit people was a key part of understanding energy vibrations.

As my senstitivity to these vibrations grew I also noticed that I could pick up the energy of objects, other living things and the land itself. Psychometry – getting information about objects – is a psychic technique based on sensing the energy of something you are touching or holding. I got very good at psychometry by understanding that the energy of many people can be in layers around an object. The secret is to sort out the energy of the current owner from all the rest who might have handles the object. I once read a ring for someone who couldn’t understand any of the info I was giving her. It turned out the ring was second hand so who knows whose memories I was connecting to. That taught me to always consider the info I get very carefully before passing it on. And to focus better on the info I was going looking for.

Eventually I also started to tune in to the energy around us and to the land itself. Mother Earth has a conciousness and an energy vibration. We are all a part of the energy flow. So it is possible to ‘feel’ the feelings of our planet. Standing with our feet on the ground we have a direct connection with the Earth’s energy if we choose to pay attention to it. As this aspect of energy sensitivity opened up for me I found that I could be involved in directing that energy from point to point around the planet. Mostly the energy being transferred is for healing purposes though sometime it’s also necessary to balance the Earth’s chakras and aura energy. What is also apparent when you work with Earth healing is that the flow of energy is also connected to the wider solar system and the Universe. We are all receiving blasts of energy from a Universal source too.

The planet and everyone on it is regularly bathed in the incoming energy. If we tune in, or if we happen to have been open & sensitive all of our lives, then we will respond to these regular blasts of energy more strongly than people who are still zoned out. There are cycles to the energy blasts. They tend to build up, peak and then die back. At each pass of energy we react by surfacing stuck energy, releasing fears and increasing our overall energy vibration. This is the same for everyone whether you can sense it or not. Symptoms of a positive energy wave tend to be heightened awareness, a general increase in noticing how others are feeling, feeling the need to release stuck emotions, tiredness, poor or restless sleep, exhaustion, stronger intuition and a feeling of just knowing. The waves of energy are designed to bring about healing so towards the peak of the wave people can be more irritable, angry, fearful or gloomy. As the emotions are released the wave fades out leaving a drained feeling but also an underlying positive energy feeling. New ideas, choices and options emerge out of the release of stuck energy.

Another wave is currently with us. It’s a strong one that will peak on 26th April around 23.23 GMT. It is surfacing anger based on injustice, fear of lack and judgemental attitudes. If you are already energy sensitive be kind to yourself when these feelings surface in you & the people around you. Don’t develop an over sensitivity. I always tell myself it’s a phase everyone is going through. I also try to focus on letting the feelings go as easily as possible. As the energy fades over the next five days remind yourself that you are a valuable Spirit in a human body doing the best you can to experience life positively. Be gentle with yourself when around other people who are also getting the same blast. Let them get on with clearing their stuff whatever way they can and don’t take anything personally. We are in a waking up phase. There will be lots more energy waves this year to get us aligned with living the life that is positive and joyful for us. To do that we have to be self aware and prepared to heal ourselves.

Ride each wave as if you were the best surfer in the world, not afraid of being dunked in the water now and again, always ready to climb back on your surfboard to meet the next big rush of energy. And remember, sensitivity to energy can be a powerful way to improve your life.

Day 161 of my blogging challenge.