Parashiel: The ArchAngel Of Earth’s Healing

ParashielI’ve had a lovely day doing readings at one of my favourite places, Gallery 339 in Halifax. Whilst I was setting up for the readings I found myself sitting with ArchAngel Parashiel at my side. I knew that the messages today were all intended to bring powerful healing.

Parashiel stepped into my life several years ago along with the other Earth’s ArchAngels. These Energy Beings are the Earth’s Guardian Angels bringing the wisdom and energy we all need to rebalance and transform the Earth. Parashiel has a particular responsibility. He works hand in hand with ArchAngel Raphael to inspire and work with all healers. Being up close and personal, so to speak, means Parashiel can boost the healing energy available in the healing process. I have worked with him in my healing energy practice for a couple of years now. So I felt really excited to bring his energy into the mix with the loved ones who were stepping forward from the Spirit side.

Because I also know that his energy brings about powerful shifts in the people who choose to recieve and use it. This year is all about powerful shifts. I know that it’s time for me and others to really dedicate ourselves to the mission we came for. My life purpose is calling me forward. But I have to be free of all that I have let hold me back. That is where Parashiel helps. He steps in and lift the energy from me simply and easily. Reminding me that I am powerful in my own life because I have choices. Keeping me focused on giving the best of myself. And removing the fear based blocks I have put in my own way. Parashiel encourages me to connect to my intuition and recieve all the help and support I need.

No wonder the energy transfer is a powerful process. And that I am grateful to work with this ArchAngel passing on the healing energy to others. My day is ended and it has been a very healing one. For me and others. I hope tomorrow will be the same.

Day 779 of my blogging challenge 

If you would like to recieve a blast of Parashiel’s energy please click to pop over to YouTube for the video

Total Wellbeing: My Focus On Physical

Total fitnessI had to go along for a blood test this morning. It’s part of my aim for total wellbeing to check how I am doing with various bits of me that need attention. And to keep on improving my physical health.

I know that I feel much better emotionally and mentally if my physical body is well. Although I have a few things that don’t work as they should I’ve always tried to keep them under control. When I started working with my Guides they were quick to point out that symptoms had to be dealt with. Especially since something left untreated can end up being the thing that really debilitates me. And stops me from being of service to the Spirit World. They gave me a total run down on all of the things that were affecting me. Then gradually encouraged me to tackle them one by one. Because their view is that dis-ease comes from stuck energy in my aura. And as I released that energy I found myself agreeing with my Guides.

When I moved into energy healing I began to understand that I was bringing in energy to the whole body. Not just the bits that were aching or hurt. I also realised that I could help myself by making my intention, my goal, total wellness. That way I was telling my physical body that I care about it enough to want it to be well. I also followed up my intention by changing my diet. Not going on a diet. And not cutting out all of the things I liked that might be seen as bad for me. But a steady shift to remove sugar, caffeine and processed food from my menu. I also looked around for activities to keep me moving. Or to get me moving much more. I consulted a homeopath, had energy healing for myself, discovered yoga nidra and made sure to get reflexology.

All things to show my body how to embrace total fitness. Of course, I was showing me how to love me more.

That’s the important point. Total wellbeing is all about loving my physical body as it is. Helping myself to have the body that is right for me. Not the body someone else thinks a woman of a certain age should have. I’m ok with the reality of aging. My body does get older. It will develop more issue as it soaks up more of life. My focus is to keep well for as long as possible by doing things now that help me. The trip for tests is also useful to keep my focus. I’m pleased to say that over time I have improved my general health quite a bit. As well as improving the physical issue I have been dealing with.

I know that it’s a work in progress. It will take time to be in a state of total wellbeing across my body, mind, feelings and Spirit. But it’s something I visualise. I know that if I can imagine it and believe it then the Universe will also make sure to deliver it for me. So my attention to diet and exercise continues. My wellbeing affirmations are said every day. When I look in the mirror I see a healthy body emerging. I remind myself that I am capable of lots of physical activities. Then I block time out in my diary to make sure my body is working out, one way or another. My body feels happy and much healthier for my attention to it.

The point of wellbeing, for me, is that happy feeling. It means I can do the things I want and be of service to Spirit because I feel capable of being so. And my happiness at following my passions in life feeds the feeling of wellbeing that my body shares. It’s a win/win!

Day 660 of my blogging challenge 

Rediscovering Selfhood

I’ve been thinking about selfhood today. When I work with Parashiel’s Balm healing energy I notice how often people make great shifts in their emotional energy. It’s as if the presence of this ‘hug from the inside’ trips a little power switch that cause a surge of I Am energy.

That I Am realisation seems to be all about selfhood – the quality that constitutes one’s individuality; the state of having an individual identity. So often I am defined by partial aspects of myself. Daughter, sister, mother, teacher, customer and so on almost endlessly. I could add painter, writer, therapist, Reiki healer. Each one is only a part of the whole me. And each one is a shortcut to knowing me. That’s what we do. We use the aspect that be come into contact with to assume we know everything, or almost everything, about another person. I know the same could be said for a country, a team, the opposite sex even.

But selfhood is much more than a list of attributes. Or roles I play. I am much more than the assumptions that go with the labels. Somewhere in the middle of all these different views of me is a more authentic person trying to get out. Because I want to be acknowledged for all that I contribute to my life. And to see myself as a whole person. I feel that’s where the difficulty with selfhood arises. Many of us have a very shaky grasp of individual identity. Family, school, friends, work colleagues, bosses, landlords, sales people. All of these, and many more, expect me to conform to a generally accepted range of behaviours and reactions. I can be myself but strictly on their terms.

It’s clear my desire to embrace, explore and expand my selfhood can be blocked. I can make myself feel all sorts of judgements and guilt. Feelings that deny me any sense of individuality.

I know that the way to move from being blocked is to recognise the judgements. Then to remove their influence. I may be a carer or a mother. It might be a responsibility I’ve chosen to take on. Especially if I wish to express my love for someone. However, that doesn’t mean that the person I am caring for or being a mother to has no role to play. The effect of the Parashiel’s Balm energy is to remind me that I Am. So is the other person in the relationship. We both have to act from our selfhood when collaborating together. Honouring and respecting the nature of what each of us contributes to the other. Because together We Are.

For me that is the end conclusion of selfhood. If I live as I really am, if others experience me as I really am, then I can experience them as they really are. Together we can recognise our similarities. The full meaning of I Am Annie can be blended with the I Am-ness of all those other people. When each of us contributes exactly what that I Am represents we have a way of co-creating a very exciting world. A world of collective selfhood. Where each unique quality I and you possess is available to be used in the best possible way for all. I’m delighted that working in ArchAngel Parashiel’s energy brings to this world the understanding of service for the greater good. Each person who discovers their I Am is ready to work from an Ascension consciousness. Which means lots more hugs on the inside to go round.

Day 451 of my blogging challenge. 

Clearing and Cleansing

imageIt was too hot for me last night. Windows wide open to get a hint of breeze I couldn’t sleep. Waking up to another warm morning I had to get moving early. Never one to enjoy high temperatures I dived into the shower to cool down. I felt the flow of water clearing away the heat.

I was on the move early as I needed to take my car to the garage. As I set off the heat was broken by a thundery shower. For about ten minutes the heavens opened and poured down rain. Flashes of lightening accompanied the downpour. I got rather damp running to the car but it was another blast of clearing going on. Getting out of the car the air was slightly fresher. Not much though. Walking back along the path from the garage I enjoyed the damp air. The trees continued to drop water on me. And the sun came out once more. Here comes the heat again I thought.

The path was quiet. The flowers and trees seemed grateful for the brief downpour. I started to think about the rain. About how it cleared the air for a few moments. Then I thought about my aura energy. Mainly because I was photographing some wonderful light rays through the trees. The pictures reminded me how we collect other people’s energy if we aren’t careful. We also get our own emotions stuck in the aura field when we hold back from releasing them. My healing work is mostly connected with clearing auras, my own included.

Just as I clear my physical world of clutter I also need to clear my energy world of clutter too. Thoughts, emotions, experiences that really belong in the past can pile up to make blockages. They clutter up the free flow of positive energy so that I can feel heavy, overburdened or stressed.

Making sure I do my aura ‘housework’ is the only way of clearing the energy flow. I’m not over fond of housework (as my friends know) so it can seem like an effort when I start. Yet I have learned to be disciplined with my aura. I check in with the energy several times a day. Making sure that I clear away any baggage. I visualise any unwanted energy flowing down my body, as if I’ve stepped into a shower, and going down into the Earth to be cleansed.

That is the second step. Clearing the clutter is great. But it can leave a mark. Like a red wine stain on a white carpet. Yes, I’ve had one of those to clean up too. So I also take the time to do the cleaning that follows clearing. If I’m in the shower I visualise white light pouring all over me, soaking into my skin and all through me, including my aura. If it’s any other time I imagine a beam of white light hitting the top of my head and flowing down my body through my spine and legs. The light travels out from my spine to all of my body and aura. I also imagine feelings clean and fresh. Re-energised.

If you are feeling cluttered with energy try having a clearing and cleansing session. Pay attention to how you feel before and after. Use the aura techniques any time you get weighed down again. A little attention to your aura energy can make a big difference to how you flow through life ?

Day 248 of my blogging challenge.

My psychic life: Day 25

IMG_0092Today has been all about healing. I run a regular Reiki Circle from the Centre for an hour on a Friday so that I can bring in the Reiki energy for the group & give each person a short hands-on blast of energy as well. Today I had a chance to chat with some of the people who dropped in & Keeley, one of our practitioners, about how people recognise that they need healing. It got me thinking about how we heal ourselves and if we even know that we can do so.

I live in a world of energy. I see the ‘dis-ease’ in a person’s aura – the place where the energy is distorted or out of alignment. Depending on where that stuck energy is located tells me what physical illness they are likely to be experiencing. The energy of feelings, thoughts and experiences is ‘held’ or recorded in the aura. The aura is the bit my Spirit will take back to the afterlife to review how this life experience went, much like the memory card in a computer or phone. The aura is my history. If something I have felt, though or experienced had a big impact then it creates a large ball of energy. The energy is positive or negative depending on how I dealt with what happened. I can also add to this ball of energy if I have the same feeling, thought or experience again. And again and again.

Energy that has gathered in this way can be used.  It can be saved and spent as I navigate my life. Positive energy is useful to push me through less positive feelings, thoughts & experiences. I can remind myself that life has a good side even when I’m experiencing the worst of life’s challenges. Negative energy is more likely to get me stuck in pessimistic thoughts or feelings about life unless I can balance it’s effects with my positive energy sources. I’ve already talked in my blog about the ocean of energy we swim in. So we also need to understand that the energy in our auras can come from other sources – people, places, events. Sometimes we actually find that the stuck energy isn’t ours at all. This is when we need to be aware that we can self-heal.

One of the most difficult things, I find, is that because I ‘see’ energy I usually know when someone has lots of stuck energy. By the way, I’m not immune to having stuck energy too. I have to be prepared to look at myself and deal with the energy I carry in my aura as well. Certainly it is wonderful to be able to see the energy flow in someone’s aura and to try to support and help them. There may be an opportunity for me to speak to them about what I sense, perhaps to offer options for the person to deal with their own stuck energy, or to ask them if they would like a blast of healing energy to boost them. However, if that person is unaware of the cause of the stuck energy, or chooses to hold onto the energy, I’m in a bit of a pickle. I have no right to tell another person how to live or how to be healthy. Only if I’m asked can I suggest. Only if they listen and understand can they do something to help themselves. Even then the changes required might seem to them to be too difficult. Or it might feel too scary to let go of who they think they are for an uncertain ‘new you’.

Standing back is difficult, especially if the person who needs to heal is someone close to you. There is almost an implied responsibility in our social conditioning that it’s our task to make the people we love feel happy. Of course it’s mission impossible. The only one who can make me feel happy is me. The responsibility lies with me alone. If we acknowledge this it means that we have no option but to become a detached observer of someone else’s pain & suffering – their ‘dis-ease’. We have to wait until they question the dis-ease for themselves. So usually it is other people who most recognise in you the need for your body, mind or spirit to be healed. They can see what you are prepared to hide from yourself. Be prepared to listen to what they say and to think about their feedback. If your intuition is pinging away like mad then what they have told you has at least some truth to it. When you are ready to deal with the stuck energy remember how to self-heal.

The first step is to be prepared to let energy go, leave and never come back. The way in which you let go doesn’t matter as much as the intention to let go. Once we have made our mind up to change the energy around us we are already signalling to our aura that a clean up is on the way. Some people need to experience the clearing physically (e.g. through reflexology, massage, EFT etc); some need to feel the clearing (e.g. through counselling, art therapy etc); and, some people clear themselves through reflection (e.g prayer, retreats, coaching etc). Add into this the direct ways of energy way of healing (e.g. Reiki, spiritual energy healing, Earth’s ArchAngel healing etc). We can be helped by a therapist in all of these methods but the reality is that we won’t heal unless we have decided to.

Self-healing is there for everyone once we listen to what people say to us and agree with it. Then we have to intend to heal. And finally, we have to translate that intention into action. Love yourself enough to become an observer of your own energy flow. Monitor your aura for stuckness. Clear away the low level energy that will generate dis-ease. Choose to stay whole and healthy as much as you possibly can – it really is the best energy choice.