Completed! The Blogging Challenge Is Over

completedCompleted! It still hasn’t sunk in that this is the end of an amazing journey. My last daily blog is under way. And I’m stuck for words. Really stuck!

So much has come out of this daily task. Dreams completed. Thousands of words that I never imagined I could write. Love and support from great people. And my own deeper understanding of what it means to live an intuitive life. Searching out my authentic self and giving her a voice. Understanding that I can be Marmite. Stripping away the masks. Working as part of a loving, supportive team with my Guides. The process of developing intuitive abilities and mediumship there to inform anyone who wants to dive into the posts. So many gains. Especially in showing me that I can do anything I set my mind to. Task completed and space for a new one to be disciplined and organised about.

A chance to fall in love with a whole new way of working for the Energy Beings. So now that it’s completed I have to be able to let my blogs go. There is a sadness in waving them goodbye. And a relief too. I’ve stuck at this much longer that I ever expected. My Spirit is itching for a new direction, new passion, new inspiration. My writing has to go on a new journey. So there is also excitement. I’ve looked back at my first tentative steps into this challenge and recognise that will be how I start the next one. I know I will be able to use the things I’ve learned about myself to keep me going. And I also have the evidence from this work that I can get to where I need to be.

If I have helped, I’m glad. If I have explained, I’m delighted. And if I have encouraged you to open to your own intuitive abilities then I am overjoyed. Because that has been a key part of my writing. Finally, what have you wanted to achieve? Have you completed your challenge? In fact, are you ready for the next intuitive leap in your life? Enjoy your journey. I’m sure I will enjoy mine.

Day 1001 of my blogging challenge

Abstract Energy Painting: Clear The Mind & Do It

abstractI feel very blessed today. I’ve been wrapped in the energy of ArchAngel Etieliel channelling his energy into paintings. He likes to create abstract pieces so that the energy transfer is emotional rather than structured. And I am always excited to see what will emerge from our blending.

As I let him take over my hands we chatted about the process of channelled abstract paintings. I am always interested in how the Energy Beings choose to work with us because there are so many ways they do. My Guide Team encouraged me to start being creative with art nearly ten years ago now. Over that time I have worked with several different techniques. Depending on which Energy Being stepped forward to connect with me. Each adventure into a new way of working, with a new connector, has been a bit nerve wracking. But very rewarding. I love the pictures I have produced. Many of them have gone off to new homes. New homes where they can radiate the energy to every one who needs it.

I believe that more of us can work with Energy Beings to create pieces of abstract work that contains their energy. But are held back by believing that they can’t paint. That was the case for me. Until my Guides helped me to get over my fear. They encouraged me to get the materials they needed. Then they asked me to clear my mind as much as possible. When I was ready I started to play with the paint. Not focussing on what I was producing. Noticing but nor reacting when my hand and arm tingled. The signal that the connection was being made. And energy was flowing into the piece I was working on. In fact clearing my mind left me able to go with the experience rather than challenge what was happening. Letting the abstract image bring itself out of the materials.

It took me a while to perfect a resistance free method. My Ego mind wanted the abstract paintings to look like something. After all that’s the way it sees the world. Yet my Intuitive mind was keen to let the end result be whatever it was meant to be. So I persevered. With the love and support of my Guides. Is it time to listen to your Guide Team and get creative with colour, sound, materials? Positive loving energy can be transferred in so many ways. Remember, you have so much to give if only you try.

Day 1000 of my blogging challenge

Striving For The Best: Connections To Love

strivingIt was my live broadcast this evening. Although I was striving for the best of connections the wi fi was patchy. Yet the love flowed through from the Archangels all the same.

It’s not the first time I’ve had to work with wi fi that faded out and in again. Nor with energy connections that switch on and off. In fact it makes me smile how similar connecting with non-physical beings can be to chatting online when the signal is erratic. When I first started channelling I got quite frustrated with myself about the way the signal could suddenly drop. Especially as I was striving to make the connection as strong as possible. My Guides were very loving though. They helped me to understand that the signal strength also depended on the energy I was surrounded by. And the way I was feeling and thinking too. So I focused on getting as good as I could in balancing my own energy and holding it steady.

That meant striving to love myself more. So that I could be relaxed when other energies interfered with the connection. Because that happens sometimes. Especially if what is being channelled through is likely to have a big impact. And share more love around. In fact my good friend Alan Cox and I always laugh about this. When I join him on his radio show we often get ‘interference’ in the energy. Interference designed to hide the message and make sure it gets lost. But I don’t give in to that. Because the Energy Beings always find another way to make sure they are heard. They direct their messages to lots of other people who are also striving to make strong connections. So that, in the end, many of us are helping to spread the love.

If you have been striving to connect with your Guides and wondering why the signal is a bit iffy keep going. It’s natural that the connection will fade and then strengthen. What matters is sharing the loving energy of these Beings. And passing on that loving vibration to all of those who you are connected to in the material world.

Day 994 of my blogging challenge

Claresentience: On Feeling More Not Less

claresentienceI have very strong claresentience. I feel the presence of other people, sometimes physically and sometimes emotionally. Most times both. So it makes sense that the Energy Beings first used that intuitive sense to communicate with me.

However, it was a lot like learning a very unfamiliar language. Because how much do we really pay attention to our feelings? I know I suppressed mine a lot more than I let them out. And sometimes I was so muddled I had no idea what I was feeling either. Yet opening up to my claresentience meant I had to start learning my own feelings too. Though it started very much with experiencing a tingle through my body. Rather than emotions. A tingle I though was some sort of shiver effect. But as soon as I started to pay attention to it it developed into something stronger. I began to feel like someone was touching my hand. or my shoulder.

That distinct feeling of a hand touching me alerted me to a whole lot more sensations. Soon I could feel a hand stroking my hair. Or a finger tickling my cheek. Then I noticed that I felt a watch on my wrist or a ring on my finger. Or my ears being pulled. Eventually my claresentience started to involve feelings. Unexpected sensations of love, anger, tearfulness. And, of course, all of those feelings could have been mine. So I had to start asking myself who the feelings really belonged to. Especially if they came up when I was giving messages or was around other people. This development of my psychic sense of feeling accompanied the development of my other intuitive senses too. So picking the strands of information apart took some time.

Now my claresentience adds up to much more than tingles or an occasional feeling. When I want it I receive a constant and accurate flow of feelings and physical sensations to help me deliver a good message or channelling. If you are interested in connecting with Energy Beings let yourself notice the sensations. And start asking who the feelings belong to. I’m certain you will get some interesting answers.

Day 980 of my blogging challenge

Astral Art: Another Connection With The Angels

AstralI’ve been Astral Annie for many years. It’s the name I adopted when I started using my intuition to give card readings. Today I was painting as the angels drew closer. They reminded me of my first business name. And said it was time to bring it forward again.

It made me laugh. When I started using Astral Annie I felt really daring. It was the start of a new adventure for me. Stepping out into the wider world to offer card readings for guidance and support. I was also nervous. Because this was something way outside my comfort zone. But I also felt sure that somehow it was something I was going to really enjoy. I have never thought about why I picked the word astral. Somehow it dropped into my head and seemed to fit. I was about to journey into the non physical realms of existence by using my intuitive connections to translate the energy of the cards. And to read for the people who chose those particular cards. At that time I had very little idea how it all worked. I just knew it did.

Recalling those feelings and thoughts today I realised what a long way I’ve come. From those tentative and uncertain steps. Now the astral realm is very much my home a good part of my life. I’ve learned to balance between both worlds and pass on the energy from one to the other. As I watched the paintings and images emerge I could feel the flow of angelic energy being imprinted on them. The transfer of unconditional love into a material object. An object ‘loaded’ to transfer that energy to anyone who is open to receive the positive flow. Not necessarily only those who are positive. The angels work the energy to give all of us a boost in any way they can. The offer is open to everyone.

It made me think again about my art page on this site. It’s now Astral Art. A place to show, share and sell these angel inspired creations. Along with the art from my connections to other Energy Beings too. I know it’s a new beginning. My art is becoming visible in the world. And my tentative steps are turning into decisive strides forward. What ability do you need to stride forward with next?

Day 964 of my blogging challenge

Determination Pays Off: Letting The Archangels Join In

determinationI run a couple of home circles with people who have been working through the mediumship learning curve for a while. I enjoy their determination to discover all they can about their abilities. So it’s always great when they start to sense guiding Energy Beings who bring the bliss of unconditional love with them.

I remember when I was struggling through my learning curve trying to connect with the highest and brightest of Energy Beings. Sitting in meditation or circles. And discovering that those non-physical beings came in all shapes, sizes and origins. It took some determination on my part to keep going. Angels, elementals, dragons, unicorns, star people and the cat race made their connections to me. It was hard because, at this time, I was still more sceptical than not. But sorting out the different energy signals, getting confirmations and new contacts unfolded naturally and easily. It was hard to hold onto doubt in the face of the evidence I was given. And in the face of the wash of blissful energy that regulalry greeted me in our sessions.

I knew I wanted more of that unconditionally loving energy. I decided that if I had wandered off the path of sanity then I was happily insane. As I accepted the connections to all sorts of inspiring Energy Beings I found myself working with a group of Archangels too. They tested me in the same way as I tested them. Determination kept us working the connection to get it as strong as possible. Because I knew they had a service for me to perform on their behalf. Part of that service, my purpose, was to help other people connect to these Archangels. I knew the people I was trying to connect up would be tested. In the same way that I was. I also knew that they would face a steep learning curve. Just like me.

I also recognised that anyone who did make the connection would feel the bliss. It was worth it. In my home circles people are reporting the feeling. Without knowing or being told about the Archangels they share the evidence they are receiving. Evidence I can validate. Their determination to work for the best connection has been rewarded. I’m very proud of them. And I know that their service is about to begin. The Archangels are stepping into their lives!

Day 894 of my blogging challenge

Preparation – Getting Ready To Speak For Spirit

preparationIt’s been a snowy evening so I’ve been glad to sit and do my preparation for a Mind, Body and Spirit event tomorrow. My Guides tell me I will be able to get there. And I’m really glad because I am doing a talk on one of my passions. Past Lives.

I’m actually going because I want to show people my new book – Down 2 Earth: My Intuitive World. I’m very proud to have written it and am delighted that it’s getting good reviews. I have also taken the opportunity to do a talk about Past Lives. Because I am sure they will feature in a book soon. And, of course, they are the topic that first really challenged my understanding of my world. Although it took me many more years to learn to speak for Spirit. The preparation I got from learning about past lives helped me be open. Open to many ideas about the energy world and intuition. Even if I remind a sceptic for a long time.

It’s that preparation that made it much easier for me to accept that the Guides who stepped forward were actually there. And made it much less of a fight when the Energy Beings asked me to start telling people what they were saying to me. The work I had done, and the research about past lives, gave me a sense of connection to a greater whole. This connection became much clearer as I explored my own past lives. I began to think of time as fluid rather than static. When I also realised that the Guides could show me the past lives of other people I knew I had to give that information out. Eventually my Guides, with plenty of preparation, got me to run workshops so I could help others start their journey too.

Tomorrow is another chance to get people into preparation for accessing their past lives. Then clearing the energy the lives still push into this life. And, who knows, to help the people who come along to start their own speaking for Spirit. So, my CD’s of the meditation are ready, my books are packed and my car is outside gathering snow. It’s New Moon too so bring on the flow of wonderful energy!

Day 842 of my blogging challenge

Creating Space For Spirit Communication

creating spaceI’ve often talked and written about letting my Guides have time to speak to me. Or how to provide a moment to listen into what they want to say. One of the ways in which I work with them is by creating a space when we can talk to each other. I call it a Home Circle. First because it’s done in my home. And second because it’s with a circle of friends.

The term Home Circle isn’t unique to me though. Far from it. It goes back to the beginnings of the Spiritualist Movement and even before then. Home circles were used by religious groups to share, discuss and understand the teachings of their faith. And, I’m sure, before that in all sorts of communities where knowledge needed to be shared, talked through and agreed upon. Creating a home circle to include the Spirit and Energy Beings is therefore an entirely natural part of the way we human beings get ourselves organised. But because it can sound a bit secretive many people don’t even think about getting together with friends this way.

Yet I love creating this kind of space. Inviting people who I enjoy sharing time with. Having a cuppa and relaxing. Then all of us sitting quietly to see what we experience. And sharing during and after the connection with our Guides and the Spirit people. I enjoy hearing what other people have picked up. There is often a good discussion about what it all might mean. And an opportunity for me and everyone else to learn new ways of connecting with our Guides. I like to keep the time to one hour of sitting quietly. Not because we couldn’t do longer. But because it helps all of us focus enough on what is coming in without drifting into our Ego Minds or physical needs.

There are times when our circle is more active, less still and quiet, blasted by laughter too. I appreciate all of these moods. But it is the quiet that I appreciate the most. Because in the stillness even the most subtle or small of signals gets through. The stillness of a home circle and the creative ways in which the space is used by our Guides is wonderful to experience.

Day 831 of my blogging challenge

Snow Hat : Protection, Warmth and Cover

snow hatThe wind was bitterly cold today. Big gusts of icy air impossible to avoid. Good job I was wearing my snow hat. I’ve had it a long time and I love how it keeps my head warm. It is also my cover and protection. It reminded me today of the way I shield myself from negative energy.

I believe that all of our thoughts and feelings are energy. This energy flows out, around, through and back to us. It’s one of the reasons why sending healing thoughts to someone can help. My positive energy thoughts can rebalance their negative energy. Because I also believe that dis-ease is low vibrational energy that we are stuck in. The energy that I sense around all of us can be warm and loving or cold and uncaring. It all depends on what the other person, and me, are sending to each other. And what everyone in the world is generating. That’s why we can get caught inhale force energy storms of negativity. And why I need a snow hat to keep it out of my head.

When I started opening up my intuition, recognising it was there and sensing Energy beings, I had no idea that there were low and high vibrational beings. I was so excited to be opening up that I didn’t take much care of who I was letting into my aura energy. I am very grateful for my Guides who quickly stepped forward and gave me the Spirit equivalent of a snow hat. They helped me to see that I had to keep my mind clear and positive. So having a hat, so to speak, became an issue of protecting my energy, keeping myself in the warmth of love energy and hiding me from the low vibrational Energy Beings. I guess you could say I have had many psychic hats. Each one designed to keep me safer. I use my imagination to dream up bigger and better protective hats.

The snow and cold over the last few days has been a challenge. I have had to look after myself. In the same way I have been reminded I have to look after my energy. It goes with the intuition side of my life. Perhaps my current hat needs a revamp. Maybe I haven’t checked on it for a while. So I’m off to dream of a brand new hat in the Full Moon energy. How exciting!

Day 827 of my blogging challenge

Reviewing Twelve Months Of Letters: Time To Celebrate

Reviewing Automatic writing It’s been a kind of reviewing day. Not least because I have complete a full year doing my live broadcasts on Facebook. I started Letters From The Light Side with some apprahension. And a feeling that it wouldn’t last more than three weeks. I guess I was lacking in enough faith and belief.

So here I am twelve months later with fifty two videos and a great number of views. More that I ever anticipated in those wobbly days when I was setting out. I’ve been through the loop of wanting to appeal to everybody. Also of wanting everyone to like my channelling. I’ve been stressy with my Guides in case I wasn’t doing it right. Even short with myself for the way I look, speak and dress. Yet I’ve also laughed an awful lot. I’ve felt the presence of so many Energy Beings. Reading the positive feedback and the lovely comments I’ve felt humbled. And reviewing it all I’ve been satisfied that I’ve tried. That I’ve done my best. And  that the videos have reached anyone who needed them.

That’s my work for Spirit in a nutshell. Today I was getting rid of old papers. I came across all sorts of memories connected with my journey into mediumship. Reviewing some of the places I’d been, the people I met there and the work I’ve been able to do I knew I had tried my best. Even when it didn’t quite work out as I thought it would. Or when it worked out better than expected. My Guides have never asked me to do anything perfectly. They have always asked me to do my best. Because they have always said my best is good enough. I know they have smiled when my perfectionism has rushed to the surface. And kept on encouraging me.

Reviewing the last twelve months I know that my perfectionist part has shrunk. A lot of my apprehension was about getting the broadcasts wrong in some way. I am very privileged to be able to speak on the behalf of Energy Beings so I really want to get it right. But they have shown me that faith and belief are not the only things that matter. I also have to try. And keep trying. Then I will always be good enough.

Day 819 of my blogging challenge