Body’s Connections To Full Moon Energy

Body'sSometimes it takes me a little time to put things together. Especially my body’s connection to the energy. I tend to forget that, as a clairsentient, I can ‘feel’ all sorts of things that physically don’t belong to me. Often when I notice symptoms I have to check is it me – or is it someone else.

Realising I was strongly clairsentient was like being told I had to learn the language of another planet. Spoken by an inhabitant of a third planet. It was a challenge. First of all I had to identify what I was feeling. Then observe my body’s response when the Spirit and Energy Beings were around me. I might feel their emotions. Or their physical characteristics. And had to cross check that those things were separate from my own body’s reactions. Not easy to sort out. However, because I’m tenacious I stuck with it. Until I was satisfied that I could tell the difference.

Then my Guides started to link me into Mother Earth, the Moon and one or two of the other planets in our solar system. I began to ‘feel’ their physical energy. Including their pain as well as their elation. Finding out I could do this was a surprise. But it’s actually a logical extension of being clairsentient and able to ‘read’ energy. Any energy. Now and again I’m called on to ‘feel’ the pain of the Earth and to transfer it away. Exactly like I would when I am working with healing energy for a client. I finally realised last night that I was involved in Earth healing as the Full Moon energy made it’s presence felt.

My body’s response to this Full Moon was painful. Especially in my root chakra. There was a wobble going on that I had to focus my healing energy on.

However all the Reiki I did for myself to release the pain seemed to make things worse. Until I checked with my Guides. It was a relief in one way to find out the root chakra wobble wasn’t mine. It was the planet reacting to the Moon energy. The ‘pull’ and ‘push’ of getting ready for new beginnings. As the Full Moon arrive this afternoon I walked on the beach letting the water sooth my energy. The pain was gone. Any wobble had disappeared. I felt ready to take a big leap forward. I was also sure that others would have been dealing with the Earth’s energy.

So I popped onto my Facebook to do a live broadcast. There are many strongly clairsentient people who will have been wondering what was happening to them. It felt good to be able to explain my body’s response to the energy. And hopefully others could take some reassurance from understanding their intuitive ability too. Then I thought about my last Letters From The Light Side broadcast. In it I explained there would be some strong energy from Monday night and through Tuesday. If only I had remembered sooner. My body’s reaction would have made sense much sooner.

I love the way I am still learning to put it all together. And that my Guides let me work it out for myself. Until I’m stuck and ask. Or cheer me on when I’ve got the bigger picture. I’m also honoured to be involved in clearing Mother Earth’s energy field. The more of us that can do this the better she will become. Next time you find yourself with random symptoms, aches and pains take a moment. Are you experiencing your own clairsentient ability?

Day 915 of my blogging challenge

Showers Of Rain To Clear Away Energy

ShowersI am back in one of my favourite places for the weekend. The beach is close by as are the magnificent mountains. The forrest is calling me to take a walk into the wild woods. Overhead the clouds have gathered with their blessing of showers. Walking across to view the tide going out the heavens opened.

In a strong wind I embraced the showers. The rain blew into my face. It was quite a downpour. But exactly what I needed to experience. Out in the aura of Mother Earth I was cleansed of all the energy that has been surfacing. Because it needs to be released before I can take the next step in my spiritual service. I’ve had a long journey working through what energy is mine and what isn’t. It’s been a challenge to strip away all of the ego stuff and face myself head on. I haven’t wanted to. Yet each morning as I step into the shower I know I am getting closer to the authentic me.

The me that understands the difference between being kind and being nice. Becoming the person who will approach everything armed with tough love and empathy. The rain showers reminded me that I have a duty to myself to be myself. It’s not about pleasing others. Although I hope they are pleased to esxperience the true me. Because I’m not worried if they are displeased. In the end, my service to myself and others can only be effective if I am who I am. That means being down to Earth, unafraid and ready to do whatever I can. I want to contribute as much as I can during my time on the planet. As always there will be things I don’t get to do. But I am willing to do as much as I possibly can.

Showers blow into and out of my life. In these showers there was also a rainbow. Hidden and only visible for a few moments. But enough to remind me that I have a rainbow of colours, abilities, energy inside of me too. Finding them and sharing them is my next task. To finally contribute more. The more. Until I have achieved that goal of giving (to myself and others) as much as I can. Can you see your own rainbow? Do you need to go out into the showers and look?

Day 883 of my blogging challenge