Retesting All Sorts: Have I Really Moved On?

RetestingI had a wonderful adventure today. A trip to Cairn Holy to see the two cairns. And, of course, take time to soak up the energy of this Thin Place. It made perfect sense to find my way there after my reflections in the middle of the night. Because I realised I was actually going through retesting.

I view my life as a series of prototype me’s. I’m working to be the best possible me I can be. Often that involves moving through similar situations and events and deciding to do them differently. All based on what I’ve learned about myself so far. If I’ve noticed and if I’ve learned the lessons. So one test won’t do. I have to keep getting retested. Retesting, I will say, sometimes until it feels like to my destruction. But funnily enough that never quite happens. Every time I’m tested I seem to open up to finding a new way to decide or act. One that moves me forward to becoming more my authentic self.

Up at the cairns I thought about all of the testing and retesting the builders might have had to do so that these monuments served a specific purpose. The cairns are ladened with astronomical, mathematical and geomantic significance. All worked out thousands of years ago. Without the aid of computers. But full of symbolism for the people who used the cairns. I felt uplifted. My retesting is the same thing. Realigning and balancing me so that I respond more as a Spirit in a human body. So no wonder all sorts of things have been popping up. Questions about loyalty, trust and working with the best energy vibrations. Reminders that I need to keep my energy in a positive state,

What I’m happy with after my day trip is the recognition that, in spite of wobbles, I am much clearer about what I need to do. I’m also building up powerful evidence that I am changing how I handle my world. My voice is strong, my vision is clear and I am confident that I will succeed. The retesting will continue. I am ready for that. So will the emergence of the new me.

Day 861 of my blogging challenge