Regret… I’ve had a few… Many…

Regret is a natural consequence of making choices. That though surfaced today as I discussed someone’s past life recollections.

It started a reflection for me too. How much regret do I carry? And do I still need to? Because that’s the issue with regret. If I feel I carry too much then does it impair or stop my current decisions about what I do? Does my mind over think, assume and delay choosing? Am I trying to avoid all consequences. In reality is that possible? One thing I have learned in 40 years of past life work is the truth that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Choices have consequences. Decisions count. Because even now I am dealing with energy consequences I set up for myself in my past lives.

It’s important that I don’t let myself get paralysed by a fear of choosing. Regret is a natural human emotion but it shouldn’t stop me from taking action in my life. It often surfaces long after the choice has been made. When I’m wondering what if? Perhaps most often if I feel like I got something badly wrong. Is that a good reason to stop choosing? I don’t think it is. In the end I have to move forward. That is the nature of living. Mistakes get made. There is fall our from what I have said or done. But who am I to judge? I’m close to the action, so to speak, unable to really see the big picture. If I did something but it turned out to have positive consequences would it be right to regret it?

Looking back is helpful. Recognising that a choice made may have had unforeseen or unexpected consequences may bring regret. However the lesson to take from regret is to try to do it better next time. And then continue making the best choices I can.

Day 531 of my blogging challenge 

Set a Course for The Next Nine Years

I’ve been writing about the energy shifts for a little while now. About how this is a year of new beginnings. The first in a cycle of nine and this year I get to pick my course for all of that time. So how do I choose?

If you have been reading my blog for a while you’ll know I can get stuck very easily with choosing. It’s a bit of a Libran challenge. The urge to procrastinate in case I decide on the wrong thing. So I’ve been working for some years to get comfortable with the idea that all choices can be reversed. Or can lead to new choices that take me back to where I started. If I want. In fact I’m getting more spontaneous because I accept that not choosing at all is a waste of energy. I’ve discovered that choices aren’t concrete. And they don’t all have to be perfectly right. That’s a useful change when I’m considering setting my course for the next nine years.

Now is the time to step into fresh energy. To make choices that will set me off on a better course through those nine years. But how? One of the things I’ve noticed over the past five or six days is an energy shift. Once more I’m finding it hard to sleep or stay asleep. I’m waking up tired. Because I’ve been having restless, vivid dreams all night. Dreams that bring up uncomfortable feelings. Ways I’d rather not feel as they are low vibration emotions like fear, anger, sadness. Some have been quite graphic I think. Yet when I wake I can’t quite remember the content of my dreams. Interesting, as I’m usually a good lucid dreamer.

As usual, when I’d had three nights of this type of sleep I asked my Guides what was going on. Of course I’d already forgotten it was the waning phase of the moon. So obvious really. My Guides came back with the answer that I was letting go.

Letting go of what I wondered? Some of the snippets I could remember seemed at odds with my life experiences. Then there was another lightbulb moment. I was busy letting go a whole load of past life stuff that was still hanging around in this life. I find that the interesting thing about my karma is that I’ve built lots of echos of past life struggles into this life. But I don’t always know it. Often it’s after events have happened that I realise it’s an echo. Sometimes I haven’t realised. So it turns out the energy I’m releasing whilst I’m asleep has never made it into my consciousness. Somehow it has to go. Or I risk being blown off course.

I have to say that I thought I had done as much clearing out of stuck energy as I could in 2016. What a challenging year! Now it turns out that I have stuff stored away that I hadn’t known existed. But it’s stuff I don’t need to really bring into my conscious mind. Instead I can let my subconscious mind get to work releasing it. The benefit to me is when it goes my decisions will be clearer.  Especially since they stop being based on stuff I didn’t know was influencing me in the first place. Whew! I hope that makes sense. Time for me to embrace this current period of internal housekeeping. I have lots of exciting decisions to make!

Day 432 of my blogging challenge. 

Choosing your Future?

img_2209One of the things I get asked to do very often is to tell someone their future. Either by using Tarot cards or by communicating with Energy Beings. It’s one of the aspects of my work that people rarely understand.

Today the question of the future cropped up a lot. Of course I, as well as many other people, am curious about what is likely to happen to me in my life. There is a sense of reassurance in knowing that everything will be ok. I’m not sure I would feel that same sense of reassurance if any prediction was about challenges and hard times. It’s also exciting to think that all the wishes and dreams I have will manifest for me too. That’s why so many people try to use the Law of Attraction techniques. However, it’s never that simple. After all I’m human and I like to control the way things happen.

It seems to be a deep part of our nature to not only send out the wishes but to expect them to be delivered only in the way we want. Of course, life, the Universe and everything doesn’t necessarily accept that rule! Hence all the questions about the future. What makes predicting hard work is that at every moment my energy is a shifting thing. I may choose one option over another. I could reject all the options I’m being given. Or I could try to catch them all and end up with a future full of things I should have let pass me by. You see, I also like to hang on to my exsisting choices much longer than I should. Especially if I’m in the middle of the changes I’ve asked for but am confused about.

One thing is very certain. The future is always out there. So how do I let it manifest easily from the here and now?

Telling someone their future involves many variables. What is coming in on the energy is rarely as fixed as we would like to hear it is. I’ve learned to step out of questions about my future and focus on why I’m here. After all, why would I be here if there wasn’t something to experience? I can’t imagine any Spirit wanting to go through a whole load of ups and downs for no reason. It’s possible becoming human helps to relieve the boredom of being a Spirit. It could also be like taking a holiday. Or even be a game like a murder mystery being played out amongst friends. However I like to think that I’m here with a purpose that will help me and others. When I think of it that way I can get a hint of what my future could be.

I can look at the choices coming in front of me to check if they help me to help others. Knowing that I want to do things I am passionate about I can also check any choices to see if they draw me into interesting things. I can also pay attention to my intuition. Some experiences will feel like they are for me and some won’t. If I take each choice and check if it is taking me nearer or further from my life mission I am also showing the Universe what I want. Manifesting the future is about making positive steps towards those wishes or dreams. I’ve lost count of how often I’ve self-sabotaged my dream future by rejecting the next necessary step. Now I try to notice if my ego is making excuses, bringing up a feeling of fear or a lack of belief.

I can counter those thoughts and feelings by focusing on what I hope for instead. The future in in my hands. It’s all about what I choose to do.

One of the key things I have learned about manifesting my future, as opposed to reading it, is that I am in charge of my choices. That’s the bit I can control. The outcomes of my choices depend on many other energies, including the choices of the people who are in my life. But sticking with my purpose, knowing what I want to achieve with my life in the end, each choice will lead me to more choices. If I keep following the chain of choice my future will turn out to be all that I hoped it would. In the way that it is meant to be. With many surprising aspects that will turn out to fit perfectly with what I was trying to manifest from the Universal energy.

Of course I will still consult my cards or ask my Guides if they can give me a hint to what is coming in. I’m always curious, lol. But I also know that I can shape my future too. It’s all about my choices.

Day 327 of my blogging challenge.