Leaving, Joining, Growing

It’s been one of those strange days. I have them now and again. Leaving or joining? Which ever way I look at it I’m growing.

Leaving or joining comes with a question on these days. Sometimes when I let go of control over my life it’s a chance for fate, destiny or whatever to step in and turn what seems to be a loss into a gain. In the deep flow of energy whilst I was doing some Reiki healing for myself and others it seemed that whatever I let go of went easily. Leaving was just about a temporary parting. Anything that was necessary to me was still with me. I felt myself joining the Universal flow. Understanding that the grief of loss was also a temporary feeling. That there is really no loss at all.

This evening I was doing a demonstration of mediumship in a spiritual centre. Leaving once again seemed to be around me. Of course the Spirit people who came in had left this Earthly life. Yet in their leave-taking they had also been gifted another life. They had joined another community. They were continuing to grow and thrive in these new surroundings. So they came, one after the other, in groups large or small, to show that their going had been a progression. To give us the hope that we will join them eventually. When it is our turn to leave they will welcome us as we join once more with them.

I know that to leave and to join are the challenges we face in our human form too. Connection is what we desire. Belonging. A sense of place. Of community.

I’ve seen people stick hard to being part of a family, a group of friends, a club or a community. I know I’ve done that myself. Working to fit in and be accepted. Yet it hasn’t always worked. Part of my experience, my growth, has been to find myself sometimes on the outside. Still looking for like minded people. Joining and leaving time and time again. For a long time I wondered why I moved from community to community. Then I realised that each move, each set of new faces and views, added something to my understanding of me. I began to find it easier to take my leave. Because I knew fresh adventures were waiting.

Sometimes I grieved deeply. Other times I realised it was a relief. That the particular group or community had become a restriction. Today I sensed it was time to embrace more leave-taking. To look forward to fresh joining opportunities. As I sat in the Reiki energy I felt the shift in my energy. I’m letting go without resistance so the new energy can flow easily into my life. It made me smile to remember that it’s the Chinese New Year and we have a Fire Rooster. It’s the energy I need right before my Dog Year next January. I hope the fire energy pushes the leaving and joining along for me. After all,  no matter what, I’m growing, changing, progressing. As above, so below ?

Day 439 of my blogging challenge.