Reviewing Twelve Months Of Letters: Time To Celebrate

Reviewing Automatic writing It’s been a kind of reviewing day. Not least because I have complete a full year doing my live broadcasts on Facebook. I started Letters From The Light Side with some apprahension. And a feeling that it wouldn’t last more than three weeks. I guess I was lacking in enough faith and belief.

So here I am twelve months later with fifty two videos and a great number of views. More that I ever anticipated in those wobbly days when I was setting out. I’ve been through the loop of wanting to appeal to everybody. Also of wanting everyone to like my channelling. I’ve been stressy with my Guides in case I wasn’t doing it right. Even short with myself for the way I look, speak and dress. Yet I’ve also laughed an awful lot. I’ve felt the presence of so many Energy Beings. Reading the positive feedback and the lovely comments I’ve felt humbled. And reviewing it all I’ve been satisfied that I’ve tried. That I’ve done my best. And  that the videos have reached anyone who needed them.

That’s my work for Spirit in a nutshell. Today I was getting rid of old papers. I came across all sorts of memories connected with my journey into mediumship. Reviewing some of the places I’d been, the people I met there and the work I’ve been able to do I knew I had tried my best. Even when it didn’t quite work out as I thought it would. Or when it worked out better than expected. My Guides have never asked me to do anything perfectly. They have always asked me to do my best. Because they have always said my best is good enough. I know they have smiled when my perfectionism has rushed to the surface. And kept on encouraging me.

Reviewing the last twelve months I know that my perfectionist part has shrunk. A lot of my apprehension was about getting the broadcasts wrong in some way. I am very privileged to be able to speak on the behalf of Energy Beings so I really want to get it right. But they have shown me that faith and belief are not the only things that matter. I also have to try. And keep trying. Then I will always be good enough.

Day 819 of my blogging challenge

Verbal Verity: Speaking My Truth From Now On

Verbal verityI’m sitting in the evening sunshine thinking about yesterday. My verbal expressions as a part of the end of Mercury retrograde. And about speaking my truth.

I’m running a challenge. A group of people finding their writing voice. And yesterday I was the only one who wrote about the topic I had suggested. Until it went past midnight. Then a couple of other people managed to express themselves in their writing. It made me stop and think about my voice. About how to make things verbal. Give voice to my inner world. Become vocal. Making sounds, speech, that conveys what I think or feel. And how authentic that sound is. How do I say things so that they have a meaning for those who choose to listen? Can I get my own voice out there in the first place? I know it’s an important thing for me to work out. Because I do my weekly Letters From The Light Side broadcast with words inspired by Energy Beings.

And I have to be clear where my voice ends and their voices start. I’m being verbal on the behalf of what the Energy Beings believe. Yet I also have my own set of values and beliefs. It’s important to me not to dilute their voices by distorting the verity of what they give me. My persona thoughts and feelings have to be on one side so I can speak their truth. But I also need to be able to speak my truth when it’s appropriate. Yesterday was a reminder to make sure I have removed anything that might block my voice. Because I am aware that our verbal exchanges are conditional. I know we follow rules of communication that have been set for us by the society and culture we are born into.

What are the rules? How do the words turn into a spoken meaning? And who sets the standards of truthfulness?

A discussion on Thursday reminded me of that. Different languages have different rules. That are not always easy to work out. I’m staying near a place called Kirkcudbright but it’s pronounced KirCOObree. Anyone studying English would wonder why. But it’s in Scotland where lots of words are pronounced differently. And it’s a sort of test, I suppose, of whether you are paying attention, or interested in saying the place name authentically. That’s only one little part of verbal veracity. What about others? As a woman there are voices I’m not supposed to use in certain circumstances. I’m not supposed to be aggressive, except in defence of my loved ones. My voice is supposed to be soft and nurturing. A hearty laugh belongs to the world of men.

I’m generally expected not to have an opinion on politics, religion or any of the affairs of a mans world. Also to know my place and when I’m supposed to say nothing. In the end, it’s worth acknowledging that there are many constraints on my voice. Not for the purpose of blame. But to understand how much a challenge it might be for me to verbalise what I feel or think. And even more challenging to offer what I feel is my truth. About anything. In fact some days I am amazed that I can speak at all. So what about all this Mercury energy. It’s been an interesting blast because for a long time I have been stripping away the layers of conditioning. I’ve been trying to find my authentic self so I can have an inner conversation.

Now I feel I’ve sounded out and rehearsed my authentic inner Spirit voice. The barriers are gone. So it’s time for me to bring that verbal skill out into the open. To speak for whole myself. As well as to speak in the service of Energy Beings. Are you ready to speak your spiritual truth too?

Day 656 of my blogging challenge 

Deep trance or light channelling?

Earth's ArchAngel Etieliel

Earth’s ArchAngel Etieliel

I’m sitting writing my blog a lot earlier than usual today. I normally wait until the end of the day so that I can reflect on what has happened, write about whatever has caught my attention and clear the energy for the next day. Today though I’m feeling slightly spaced. This feeling is always a signal that I’m going to be doing some deep trance work. Working in a trance, a sort of deep medatative state, is different than channelling. When I’m channelling I still have a lot of awareness about myself even if the thoughts and feelings that I am experiencing belong to the person writing or speaking through me. When I move into a deep trance state I loose all sense of myself, my body disappears and I have no concious thought process going on. When I’m in that ‘zone’ the Energy Beings around me can step in very close to me and use my physical body as well as my aura to transmit information, healing or other high vibration energies like love & compassion.

The preparation for a trance session usually happens a few days before the actual event. From Wedsday evening I lost my appetite, started drinking more water and felt like I wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. Yesterday in the Minfdful Meditation group, that I usually channel, I found that I was working in a light trance state which allowed a Guide to come through and speak the meditation to the group. Earlier today in the Reiki Refresh, when I was channelling in the energy, I was very aware of going into and out of deeper trance states. There were many Energy Beings present, amongst them Guides, ArchAngels Etieliel, Arsheliel and Dareshiel, as well as the wonderful energy of the Morrigan. The healing energy was extremely strong as well as the creative energy that was being delivered too. It felt as if it was the right time for everyone in the group to find their creative spark so the energy was the to help inspire us.

Creation follows destruction and the Morrigan is one of my inspirers when I face letting things go. She always reminds me that I have the courage to rebuild, to create anew, to manifest something fresh. The ArchAngels are all very ‘can do’, ‘make it so’ types so it’s exciting to feel that something new is happening even if I don’t completely understand what it is yet. Perhaps that is what the trance work is about. I love when they connect with me on such a deep level that only my Spirit part is aware of what is happening. Yet out of that switch off of my human part my Higher Self & the Guide team can remind me of my purpose and how I am meant to deliver it. So will it be my Letters from the Light Side being discussed? Will it be more inspiration from the Earth’s ArchAngels? Or will it be something completely new? How exciting that I’m meeting up with my friend & colleague Jan Booth from Ostrich Angels tomorrow. It should be an interesting catch-up!

Day 151 of my blogging challenge.