Believing In Miracles Takes Time & Patience

Believing is a big part of what I do. Although there was a time when I certainly didn’t believe in myself, my Guides or what I was being told about the Afterlife.

Today I was recalling that time when believing seemed to be a real effort. At the beginning of my mediumship, even though I was getting accurate information, I found it hard to trust that Spirits exsist. It took a lot of time, patience and many, many messages before I could accept their presence in my life. So I understand how hard it can be to believe in miracles. Those random happenings that resolve the challenge in front of me. As if by magic. Completely unannounced and unexpected. Miracles happen. I just never know when one will occur. That means it can be a frustrating waiting game when I require a miracle.

First of all I have to be in a position of believing something miraculous can happen. When I keep telling myself it’s not possible there really is no room for something special to happen. Because I’m blocking the possibility. Keeping wonderful stuff at bay. If I get into believing it can happen the next issue is my desire to control when and how. I know that most of us have a definite plan for what we want to have happen. I find myself wanting things to turn out in a certain way. By a precise time. So when it doesn’t I can get anxious and my belief wobbles. That’s the hardest part for me. When I get the wobbles. Because that can stop the miracle solution in it’s tracks.

It has taken me a lot of practice to let the Universe deliver what I require in the way it has to be. Letting myself remove my own expectations so I am open to all possibilities. Steeling myself to trust that everything will turn out exactly right. With each miracle that turned up I have stepped closer to believing I will always receive all of my dreams and desires. Miracles do happen. If I let them.

Day 607 of my blogging challenge