Achieving an Energy Balance

img_2192One of the themes that came up today in my Reiki Reresh group was how often we get our energy out of balance. Achieving the harmony between Spirit, mind and emotions that keep us in a healthy condition can be a challenge. That’s why I love to offer people a chance to receive Reiki and Earth ArchAngel energy.

ArchAngel Nushiel is the ArchAngel of Harmony in all things and is here to help us understand balance. She came into the session too so she could help me in achieving a balance in the healing energy being channelled in. I know that we are learning to think of ourselves as energy beings, with a physical body and an energy aura. It’s also important to understand how the aura can collect all sorts of low vibrational energy that creates dis-ease in the physical body. What I feel we notice less is how quickly our energy/body connection gets pulled out of alignment. Noticing this as soon as it happens is quite an achievement.

Yet I know it’s something we have to develop so that we can remove the mismatch and restore our wellbeing. My starting point has been to look at myself much more closely. So I try to notice every little thing around me. And every little thing within me. By placing my attention on the energy of small things I have started to see the imbalance in the energy of large things. I’m open to the intuitive information that Nushiel also brings to my attention. Sometimes it’s to do with the way I am thinking or feeling. Sometimes it’s about how others are behaving.

Paying attention makes achieving balance a lot more possible. Because as soon as I notice that I am off centre in any way I can use my Reiki to self-heal. Or I can ask for balancing energy from the Energy Beings who work with me.

They are happy to join in this process of rebalancing. They helped me to understand that I can connect with my intuition better when I am balanced. So that means I can get clearer messages much easier – a must if I want to be able to offer people that kind of service. I do know what they mean. On days when I’m feeling a little off par the connection seems like a mobile phone link. One that keeps cutting out, as if I was in a tunnel, and some questions I ask have to be repeated more than once.

On the days when I’m feeling centred within myself the information flows as fast as I can receive it. It’s accurate. There is significant content for the listener. And I don’t even have to ask any questions. I love those kind of days. To make sure I get more of them I check in with my energy every morning. If I feel sluggish or off balance I meditate to find the energy part of me that has drifted off. It could be that I have a cold, or aches. It might also be that I have drifted into negative thinking. Or that I wasn’t keeping my aura clear of other people’s energy.

Whatever the source of the energy drift I know that achieving balance again will only take a few moments. If I am willing to take action.

I guess that’s the point really. If I take rebalancing action as soon as I can there is less to consider later. Because I am sure we drift off balance quite a lot every day. Leaving energy to get stuck means a longer repair job. Especially if we are so out of alignment that our body is affected. I also,close every day by sending out healing to all those who wish to receive it. Balancing my energy means not just giving but taking too. Please join me in being open to receive that’s balancing, healing energy ?


Day 320 of my blogging challenge.