Handbag For Success: Time For New Energy

handbagYesterday ended on a challenging note. I had to ask my lovely friends to send me a bit of healing energy. When I got up this morning I decided it was time for a complete energy change. Including changing my success handbag.

Thank goodness I was going to meet my friend at a large store. The urge to search out the perfect success handbag was with me. And I knew the Earth’s ArchAngels would be around me to show me exactly the right purchase. So after a good catch up we spent a little time browsing in the store. As luck would have it I found the perfect one. And some shoes to match. My vibration shifted upwards. Of course, I love retail therapy. But I also know that my success handbag is the new piece of equipment to keep me on track as I do the work the ArchAngels are sending me. That’s because I have used a success handbag for many years.

So what is a success handbag? In my mentoring I often encourage people to have a focus object. Something that will remind them that they can and will achieve what they want out of life. That object can be something small, like a crystal or key ring. It can be an item of clothing, like a scarf or hat. Or it can be something to carry around, like a bag or satchel. My first success object was a maroon satchel. I wore it out by carrying it with me all the time. Piling in everything I felt I needed to make sure I was successful. It was followed by a large black bag. Today I returned to a maroon handbag. After all, this year feels like being back at the beginning again. The time when everything is exciting and fresh. It’s one of ArchAngel Arsheliel’s colours. The action angel!

That’s why I need a new success handbag. It has to carry all that wonderful new energy out into the world with me.

So what do I keep in that bag? Pride of place, so it has to be a big bag, is my Passion Planner. I keep all my inspirations, notes and random thoughts in there. Along with my appointments and my progress. I also have my phone. I connect in so many ways over the phone. Calls, social media, websites. My phone is a small, very valuable way for me to reach out. Or to be reached. I have coloured pens. Different colours to prompt me to be creative. Even if I’m writing down an appointment. Or my To Do list. I have my car keys. There is a certain amount of travel involved in my work so my car is vital. Then there is the Tarot or Oracle deck or card that grabbed my attention that day or week.

I like to have reminders of the energy I want to create so there are also crystals stashed away in their little purse. I love picking them out and guessing what help will be coming my way. Of course there is my lovely pink purse. On it is written ‘You are in safe hands’. It reminds me that abundance is all around me and I will want for nothing. Sometimes I have my drawing pencils and a pad. Especially if I might be driving somewhere and I feel I might have time to stop and sketch. I often carry a copy of my book around with me. It’s lovely when people ask about it and I can show them a copy. There are always business cards too. In case anyone wants to be able to get in touch with me.

My success handbag has all of the things I need to remind me that my life is full of achievements. And positive energy. When I am carrying it I feel ten feet tall. I know I am out in the world doing things I am passionate about. And that those things help people. So, new handbag at the ready I’m ready to connect with new people.

Day 881 of my blogging challenge

Asking The Angels: Arsheliel Insists It’s Time For Action

Asking angelsI work with Energy Beings that we call angels and ArchAngels. So, from time to time, I can’t resist asking them all about what angels are here for or do.

Sometimes they turn that question around and ask me to think about why I’m here and what I do. Because I’ve found that angels bring a refreshing non-human view to my life. I’ve also been able to connect with a group of ArchAngels who most definitely push me to make a difference. They want me to make a difference to my life so that, perhaps, what I do will encourage others to make a difference to their lives. The ArchAngels know that I have free will but they also remind me that they are responsible for the Divine Plan. And my part in that plan. When I am asking questions it means I am trying to live my life in the energy and spirit of that plan.

I’ve been fascinated by the idea of a Divine Plan for many years. When I was sceptical I explored the idea that a belief in a Divine Being was a psychological necessity. Something I needed that was bigger than me to help me in challenging times. Like a super special parent who would make sure everything came out alright. I also flirted with the idea that my exsistance was a random accident arising out of a state of chaos. Which meant I was living a life going no where and with no meaning. When I started to have contact with Spirit people I started asking. Question after question to try to understand who and what they where. And how I was in contact with them.

Was this the Divine Plan idea fooling me? Asking myself if I had discovered ‘voices in my head’ and was running into psychological problems. Because they were reassuring. And real.

Eventually, as my experiences led me to a state of believing in the reality of the Energy Beings, I reached a point of understanding that there is an underlying plan happening. That plan is all about my evolution. Life is an experience that helps my Spirit to understand the absence of love. In the Divine Plan this process allows the community of Energy Beings to appreciate and stay on track with practicing unconditional love from a free will choice. I learned from the ArchAngels that Spirits have a form of free will too. But balance the choices against the requirements and desires of the whole of the Spirit community.

Interestingly, I also learned that ArchAngels and angels are without free will. They exsist to serve the requirements of the Divine Plan. Not slavishly. But lovingly. Understanding that all of the Beings subject to the Plan are evolving to a state of being that is like the angles. And therefore close to the unconditional love generated from the Divine source. The ArchAngels are also very clear. They aren’t all soft and fluffy. They are the ultimate experts in tough love. I appreciate this distinction. I’ve found that in challenging times I appreciate a being who can not only encourage but insist that I face my challenges. That’s where ArchAngel Arsheliel is a great inspiration.

Asking Arsheliel for help is like asking to be pushed, pulled and shoved into action. He is very clear. Loving but certain that I need to do something if my life is going to bring me fulfilment.

There are even times when I haven’t asked for help when he appears anyway. Because he already knows I am struggling with something. Or wobbling about my decisions. Even those times when I’m dragging my heels and avoiding taking any action. Arsheliel wraps me up in a warm but firm energy. I feel his support and I know that he is insisting because the time is right to put my human plan into action. Dreams have to be encouraged to manifest by me taking the steps towards them. Even if those steps scare me. Or when I have stopped believing in myself. That’s when Arsheliel will make sure I am being proactive.

It’s actually his job. He provides the energy boost I need to keep my momentum going. I know that he enjoys getting all of us moving forward. Like the person who fires the starting pistol to set off the race. That jump start we all sometimes need but have stopped asking for. So that I and everyone else gets on with delivering our individual bits of the Divine Plan. Especially so that we understand how unique our contribution is going to be. Arsheliel, along with all the other ArchAngels and angels, wants me to remember that there is no other individual with the same abilities as me. No other Annie Conboy. So doing my bit is important. Even if I don’t understand what my ‘bit’ represents.

They are asking all of us to rise to the challenge of being our authentic, Spirit/Human selves. And to be good enough as ourselves. Arsheliel asked me today to get on with my chosen work by becoming a minimalist in all aspects of my life. Travel light he said. It will help he told me. As it will give me space to let in all the new opportunities waiting for me. Push given and accepted!

Day 689 of my blogging challenge

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Earth’s ArchAngel Parashiel

Still more leavings and joinings to go! Yesterday I wrote about the changes that have been happening. How I felt that letting things go was also bringing new things forward. Today it’s all been sunshine on a rainy day.

I woke up to the rain on my window. The clouds had arrived so the sky was gray. One of the changes in my Centre has been to stop renting out my healing room to other practitioners. I’ve been getting the signal from ArchAngel Parashiel, one of the Earth’s ArchAngels, that it’s time to offer his healing more widely. Today I got the push to get his room decorated. I’ve already had to order his new therapy bed. And reorganise what furniture is going to be in his room. As I stood looking at the colour charts in my local paint store he pointed to a bright, almost fluorescent green. What! Bright green, I thought. It’s a ray of sunshine he told me. Get it in silk not matt.

Enjoying a little chuckle to myself, these ArchAngels can be a bit insistent (make that bossy), I purchased the green paint. Yet when I started to paint the walls I understood at once. The colour has gone on a wall that catches the sunshine when it’s about. I saw immediately that the healing rays of the sun would bounce from the wall right onto the therapy bed. Clever ArchAngel! It might have been rainy outside but I could feel the warmth of the sun already and I’d only done a little bit of the painting. Now I have a peach and green room that reflects Parashiel’s warmth and healing love. No wonder he calls his healing a Balm.

I can’t wait for my first client on Monday to road test the sunshine for me. I’m sure there are going to be many happy people walking out of that room.

And Parashiel jumped in later this evening too. I’ve been getting some design work done for one of my new adventures. Chatting with Kirsten, my lovely graphic designer, I mentioned that I would need a logo for the Parashiel’s Balm healing. She started doodling as I mentioned the room colours and before we knew it there was Parashiel’s burst of sunshine captured on paper. How to design a logo on the back of a beer mat, so to speak. Of course it seemed obvious to both of us that he had already picked his colours. All I needed to give Kirsten was a little more information and it was done. Parashiel pushing me forward yet again.

I’ve grown used to being unsure until the relevant Energy Being speaks up. That’s because it happens such a lot. I love the way their beams of sunshine bounce around me. Bright inspirations drop in endlessly. All I have to do is ask. Then be listening for an answer. They don’t control me though. I have my own free will choice so I could have picked any colour of paint I wanted. It happens, however, that I agree with the choice that was made. I love my newly freshened room. It’s going to be a pleasure to work in there.

Only one little issue. ArchAngel Parashiel want some his energy painting hung on the wall. Currently the space is occupied by ArchAngel Arsheliel’s energy painting. Arsheliel doesn’t want to give way. We are in his month so he feels he should stay. I wonder who will be on the wall come Monday?

Day 440 of my blogging challenge.