Raised In Praise: New Beginnings

raisedIt’s a red letter day! I finally jumped off another cliff. With much love and support from some special friends I raised my game and drew the face of an ArchAngel. Something I believed I couldn’t do. All because of art lessons where criticism was the background to everything I did.

I know that our Crystal children are different. As were the Indigo children. Here to help prepare the planet for a huge energy shift, both these sets of young people had a lot to deal with. Schools, where we placed them to be raised, were often places of repression. And energetically toxic. I still find it hard to understand why people think it is an excellent idea to corral fourteen hundred teenagers together. And expect everything to be plain sailing. Raising our children often becomes an everyday battle to shield them from negativity. I know that some teachers are amazing. But not the ones like my art teacher.

Her words have blocked me for most of my life. Instead of praising where I had got to she was critical. I soaked up that energy. Her cynicism and dismissive appraisal of my early efforts to engage with art. My English teacher worked on praise. Raising our esteem with kind words of encouragement. I’m not surprised that I got great exam grades in English and didn’t even take art. Today I thought about all of the wasted potential we create when we deny our children praise. When the positive words from home are ripped away by the cruelty of some people in our schools. And when we are raised to be limited. My Guide Team have persistently worked to raise my vibration. So that I can pass that on to other people.

Let’s make a promise to our children’s children’s children. I know we can start this straight away. Raise your standards. Root our the inner critic in you. Do all of those things you thought you couldn’t. Praise yourself. And finally, start raising your children with praise. Help them to see that they are able to try anything they want. Because they might find they have loads more ability than they expect.

Day 907 of my blogging challenge

Determination Pays Off: Letting The Archangels Join In

determinationI run a couple of home circles with people who have been working through the mediumship learning curve for a while. I enjoy their determination to discover all they can about their abilities. So it’s always great when they start to sense guiding Energy Beings who bring the bliss of unconditional love with them.

I remember when I was struggling through my learning curve trying to connect with the highest and brightest of Energy Beings. Sitting in meditation or circles. And discovering that those non-physical beings came in all shapes, sizes and origins. It took some determination on my part to keep going. Angels, elementals, dragons, unicorns, star people and the cat race made their connections to me. It was hard because, at this time, I was still more sceptical than not. But sorting out the different energy signals, getting confirmations and new contacts unfolded naturally and easily. It was hard to hold onto doubt in the face of the evidence I was given. And in the face of the wash of blissful energy that regulalry greeted me in our sessions.

I knew I wanted more of that unconditionally loving energy. I decided that if I had wandered off the path of sanity then I was happily insane. As I accepted the connections to all sorts of inspiring Energy Beings I found myself working with a group of Archangels too. They tested me in the same way as I tested them. Determination kept us working the connection to get it as strong as possible. Because I knew they had a service for me to perform on their behalf. Part of that service, my purpose, was to help other people connect to these Archangels. I knew the people I was trying to connect up would be tested. In the same way that I was. I also knew that they would face a steep learning curve. Just like me.

I also recognised that anyone who did make the connection would feel the bliss. It was worth it. In my home circles people are reporting the feeling. Without knowing or being told about the Archangels they share the evidence they are receiving. Evidence I can validate. Their determination to work for the best connection has been rewarded. I’m very proud of them. And I know that their service is about to begin. The Archangels are stepping into their lives!

Day 894 of my blogging challenge

Angelic Energy Watching Over Me

angelicIt’s been an angelic day. Not that I knew that when I got up this morning. I’m used to my Guide Team being around and stepping forward when I need to know something. But I’ve also learned to look for their signs when they come in unexpected ways. Paying attention always makes a great deal of sense in the long run.

So I’m pushing against my posting deadline and typing as fast as I can because the angelic vibe has pushed my attention into other things. Which is mostly what happens in my day anyway. I expect to be doing what is needed just when it is necessary because my Team know someone needs something. From readings, emails and catch up chats with friends. To letters, research and social media posts. However, today the Angels and Archangels have been at the front. They always remind me to practice unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude and service. To not take things personally as I could be a karma agent. And remind me that love and laughter are the best antidote to hate, fear and oppression.

I hope I spread some laughter today. And I hope I lightened someone’s day. I know that everyone who I met today did that for me. They were being sent on that angelic vibe, speaking messages to me that they couldn’t have known. Helping me to put on a coat of angelic protection. Sharing the wisdom of the Angels. And reminding me how fortunate I am to share my day in this way. Never mind the newsletter that was waiting. Or the planning for May and June events. Instead I have reflected on my direction. Thought through my plans from a different point of view. And revised the way I am approaching my work. Because I know I’m being prompted to change things for the better. That’s not a bad thing at all.

Angelic energy is very distinct. Look out for the random white feathers. Keep an eye out for number sequences. This is day 848 so double Archangels (number eight) and single Angels (number 4). Be open to the approach of strangers who have a certain glow about them. Or a certain smile that lights up their eyes. Especially if the tell you something. And listen to what your family, friends and colleagues say. They could be speaking with the voice of an Angel. I hope you find that your Angels are watching over you too.

Day 848 of my blogging challenge

Shining Light Into Dark Places

My work today has all centred around shining light into dark places. Working with healing energy flows to illuminate where people have got stuck. Because sometimes it can be hard to work it out by yourself.

I woke from a dream this morning where I had been releasing negative words and energy. The negativity had become stuck in my mouth area. In the past I have had a loop of words to define myself that have been much less than positive. This loop has gone round and round for far too long. In the last week I’ve been taking action, along with my Guides, to clear it. Hence the dream. As the stream of energy flew out of my mouth it disappeared. Three times I released the energy and watched it as it faded into nothing. I was surrounded by light. It was shining on me as my energy brightened. Finally, I thought, my stuckness has disappeared. I can speak about myself in a better way.

Later I had the opportunity to do a Parashiel’s Balm healing for someone. As I scanned their aura I could see a huge lump of negative energy around their shoulder. No wonder they had felt like they were stuck in the dark all alone. Or that they had been struggling to make sense of a low feeling that never left them. Guided by the ArchAngels in the room I began some psychic surgery. These loving Energy Beings filled the space with light. Shining it at the dark lump of energy I watched as the negativity faded to be replaced by the wonderful orange rays of self-confidence. Beamed into the person was the strength of belief to help them overcome the challenges they faced. Another person released from being held back.

I used to wonder about the light energy. It comes shining through so brightly. Would it ever run out?

That’s when my Guides explained to me that the light energy is the energy of unconditional love. It is an endless, eternal supply freely available to anyone who asks. How wonderful I remember thinking. And I set off telling as many people as I could about it. Until I realised that not everyone is ready to become unstuck. Some people alre comfortable in the stuckness. Shining a light on their limitations doesn’t help. They need to be left in the patterns and habits that are comfortable for them. Understanding this changed my focus. I started to work with the people who were ready to work out and work through what was holding them back.

That’s how I ended my day. Discussing how my mentoring might be able to help someone  to start moving forward again. It’s all about that really. Because if someone can recognise they are ready to change they can also put in the commitment to change. It’s as if they have reached a tipping point. Being ready to let go of old habits they bring all of their focus and energy to bear on shining more light into their lives. I know this process works. Becuase I’ve had to do it myself. The words of my dream were released as a result of my efforts to identify self destructive patterns. In the long run it’s possible that I would have changed my habits eventually. But I want to make my changes now.

I’m prepare do to keep shining light into all of my dark places. And committed to supporting other people who want to do that too. In whatever way is the best for them. So that we can change ourselves and thus the world a step at a time.

Day 535 of my blogging challenge 

Hope Grows Anywhere

img_2250It’s been another strange day. I’m now in Nottingham attending a paranormal conference that I hope will be lots of fun. That’s because I’ve followed my intuition and it brought me here.

Here is a distinctly style challenged hotel where a clean room has been an adventure to find. I hope I managed to play the part of Alex Politzi, Hotel Inspector, with as much humour as she would have done. At least there are no bed bugs. Note to self – read Trip Advisor before I book not after! And I’ve been able to pop in to the Galleries of Justice to set up our display. The traffic wardens were really kind. I just had to be running backwards and forwards to the car frequently enough to show I was unloading. Then Jan and I did our live broadcast to the Seekers on the Earth’s ArchAngels Wysdom Odyssey. There are some new people this month so it was good to talk.

Of course, since I like playing with the Facebook live video we had to do another one for my wall. Sitting across from Angel Yard at number 27, with the Crime & Punishment banners behind us, and the gate to the Goal open I could almost feel the thumb screws. What on earth are two ladies of a certain age doing running around the back streets of Nottingham on an autumn night? I have no idea but I do know we have been laughing hard all afternoon and evening. Our ArchAngels get us into some unusual situations. Not to mention into some good company.

I always hope to find good company wherever I go. Meeting people and exchanging ideas is always energising for me.

The end of the evening has been spent talking about paranormal and spiritual ideas. With some friends (old and new) I had a lot more laughter. Investigating if there is anyone there doesn’t have to be serious. It’s more important that it’s thorough. I feel it’s also more important to be open minded and ready to experience for yourself. The Spirit World will always show themselves to anyone who asks. The more positive I am about wanting to experience something of their presence, even if I doubt it or don’t believe in them, the more likely they are to make it happen. Of course, if you want to challenge them they will also, sometimes, rise to that challenge. I hope that anyone doing that realises that they will get exactly what they asked for.

So a day full of laughter, good conversation and friendship. A day filled with ArchAngel energy and Spirit beings. I am so glad I live an intuitive life. Every day really is an adventure. I look forward to tomorrow being full of more of the same. And one last thing. As I started to do the first live video I noticed a small plant growing out of the mortar between the wall and step of the Galleries. Something I hadn’t noticed when we picked that spot. How fitting to be opening ArchAngel Shimea’s month near that plant. One tiny little plant reminding me that after all the stone and structure has gone what will remain is Mother Earth. Shimea is the Angel of True Nature. His job is to remind us that We, like the plant, are part of Mother Earth. We too can grow in the harshest and meanest of conditions. I believe his message tonight was all about hope.

Day 341 of my blogging challenge.

August 1st – Let the Light Shine

imageIt’s appropriate to be here in Scotland on the First of August. It’s Lughnassadh, the day of Lugh, when the harvests would begin. Als.o known as Lammas. It’s a good time to think about what I have grown this year.

August is the month which turns my thoughts to the approaching autumnal breezes. I enjoy the sunshine as much as I can whilst most of this part of the world are all away on holiday. Many of us are enjoying a rest from our toils before we start storing up for the Winter months. So it’s a good time to reflect. The Celtic, Gaelic or Pagan tradition (there are several definitions that boil down to mostly the same thing) about Lugh, the god who gave his name to this celebration relates to his efforts to win a good harvest for mankind. To our ancestors a good harvest of crops was certainly something to celebrate. And it could also have been hard won too. We are much less connected to the harvest in modern times because our industrial mindset means we can have all sorts of things out of season.

At noon today I went up into the forrest with my candle and crystals to be part of this first August harvest day. Doing this is a way I can reconnect with those ancestors who held the land to be a precious part of their lives.

I also wanted to acknowledge one of the meanings of Lugh – the Light. When I set out on my spiritual journey I wanted to shed light on why I was here. My search for meaning led me into dark corners as well as light spaces. I had to face my fears about life. And about myself. Being on a retreat away from the busy world for the last week I’ve been walking the paths of my past. I’m busy writing a book. Recalling my journey has brought yet more to the surface. I’ve had to consider what has worked out for me and what hasn’t. There has been some refocusing going on too. Taking my journey forward is only possible if I acknowledge where I’ve got to so far.

It’s time for me to harvest all that I have grown. And to understand those ventures that have floundered or failed. Sitting at the base of a ‘mother’ tree I lit my candle. I asked for the Light to continue to guide me forward. Then I spent some time in meditation, checking in with what I have harvested within myself. None of this would have been possible had I chosen to ignore my spiritual connections. Through my contact with the Spirit World I have discovered my deep faith in the existence of Divine. I have been fortunate enough to ‘feel’ the presence of something pure and Light.

Siting here writing a blog that is a numerological 8 I feel the connection to infinity, to the ArchAngels and to the Light. Being in the forrest today I also felt the connection to Mother Earth, to the plants, animals and people who share her with me. A beautiful harvest. So much magic in all that is ?

Day 260 of my blogging challenge. 

ArchAngel Healing

Earth's ArchAngel Parashiel

Earth’s ArchAngel Parashiel

For the last two years I have been working with a strong, determined ArchAngel called Parashiel. She or he, depending on which energy I’ve needed, has been at my side every time I passed on healing energy to people, the animal kingdom and the planet. S/he is also the driving force behind my own self-healing. I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher. I understand the way we can call on Universal energy  to refresh and repair our own aura energy. The energy we receive kick starts our own self-healing process making it easier to release any stuck energy. Moving back into balance we feel better. We are less bothered by the past. We have energy to look forward to the future. Parashiel increases the healing energy that I have available. I can be a more effective energy worker for myself and others.

Parashiel is one of twelve ArchAngels who work closely with our planet. They are the Guardian Angels of this bit of the Universe. Looking after our solar system is their mission. Meeting these Energy Beings took some time. They approached very cautiously because their energy vibration is much stronger than we have been used to. I was introduced to them through smell, sound, colour and emotion so that I could take on the energy they transferred as comfortably as possible. It was still a challenge. Becoming accustomed to higher vibrational energy when you are used to being at human energy speed took me through some big ups and downs. They were patient with the process. It’s important for me to be able to channel their energy so they can have a voice. Being in their energy is the only way for a strong connection to work well.

Today I held my regular Friday Reiki Refresh group. As usual Parashiel stood by my side to boost the ener each person was receiving. We often chat while I’m doing this. Our conversation was all about releasing the fear of dying, of loss, of survival and the deep need we sometimes feel of wanting to hang on grimly to what has been. If we get stuck in the emotions and fears of grief we stop being open to the energy of change. Instead of being flexible and adaptable we resist everything that represents change. Parashiel is especially good at removing fear, at promoting change and supporting the transition from old to new. He reminded me that it was time to do what I agreed a long time ago (before I even got here). I am starting the training of others who will work closely with Parashiel. It’s exciting to offer Parashiel’s wonderful healing energy to others as well as to help people be the channels for this powerful work. It feels like exactly the right time in my life’s journey to be sharing this teaching on behalf of an ArchAngel who wants to shift the low vibrational energy from every single one of us.

Tonight I’m sending out the energy of peace to all on behalf of Parashiel. Please take your share ?

Day 214 of my blogging challenge.

Annie’s Angel Art

TiphonielIn the Centre I have an Angel Healing wall. It’s a space that has grown itself somehow & it seems to keep expanding. I originally started with a branch that I made into a healing tree. I encourage people to hang the names or something on the tree so I can send out Distance healing when I do my Reiki meditation. The tree is my focus point to connect with all who need positive energy. It is actually based on a long tradition of Celtic Cloutie or Wish trees.

When I began to channel in the Earth’s ArchAngels I was inspired to create their energy pictures. These abstract pieces link directly with the vibration of the specific ArchAngel so that there can be a transfer of energy from them to us. They are concerned to help us boost our positive energy so that we can make progress in our spiritual journey. They are also a source of great healing energy. So it’s no surprise really that they also brought in more and more representations of angels to be around my tree. I have angel figures, ranging from very large to tiny, angel feathers and angel pictures. There is the collage with acrylic paint I did to remind me of my Dad, the print my friend Sarah gave me, a picture drawn by a 6 year old visitor and, today, a print of a sky angel from my lovely friend Peter.

So today I want to share the painting I’ve done of ArchAngel Tiphoniel along with the words she gave me for our Facebook page. The page is a collaboration with Jan Booth of Ostrich Angels. Both of us are working to bring more of the Earth’s ArchAngels energy into the world. We feel very strongly that these 12 energy beings are here to improve our whole world. They bring loving encouragement, wisdom and clarity to what often seems like hectic, hurly burly daily life. Most of all they bring healing energy. They want us to be aware that we can heal ourselves if we choose to. Please take a moment or two, read carefully and discover Tiphoniel’s wisdom for yourself.

Mother Love is in the air! When things get busy, stressful or full on we often forget to allow ourselves time & space. We forget that we need nurturing too. Earth’s ArchAngel Tiphoniel is directly connected to the flow of Divine Feminine energy. She is a warm and comforting presence bringing you nourishment for your Spirit.

When she comes to call she has a ‘basket’ of goodies to treat you. She is ready to sooth all of your hurts & fears. Whatever you feel you are lacking she will bring you with a sweep of positive, loving energy. If you are angry she will cool the flames; if you are sad she will dry your tears, if you are lonely she will sit with you; if you are hurt she will dress your wounds; and, if you are frightened she will reassure you.

She is a creative force too. She can inspire you, encourage you, support you in all of your dreams or endeavours. She sees your strength, bravery, kindness and wisdom even when you can’t see it for yourself. Let her work with you to bring forth the biggest of your dreams. Tiphoniel can help you manifest all that is best for you. She believes in you when even you have stopped believing in yourself.

Let Tiphoniel’s compassionate healing flow into your life to lift you though the challenging times. She is here to remind you that Love is All.

Day 64 of my blogging challenge.

We all need an Angel

EtielielI love all my angel oracle cards. I have a reasonable collection of packs that found their way to me – one way or another. Today I was talking to someone about being able to pick a card at random & somehow get exactly the right guidance for that moment, question or day. When I was little I loved to hear about my Guardian Angel. It was comforting to believe that a special, very loving being was around and would protect me.Although that belief in angels wavered in adulthood, today I am delighted to be able to work with these fascinating Energy Beings.

Angels have featured in our stories and myths for thousands of years. One of my favourite examples (& one I have tested for myself) is the idea that when you need an angel’s support a white feather will appear in a place it couldn’t possibly be expected to be. I have a wonderful collection of feathers, some large & some small, that have turned up where & when I least expected them. So if I feel I need a confirmation about something, or a nudge in the right direction or that I would like to feel the connection to unconditional love I keep my eyes open for feathers. That is also why I enjoy using angel oracle cards.

It doesn’t matter which pack I use I always do the same thing. I shuffle the cards with my question, concern or issue in my thoughts and as I pick a card (or sometimes 3 or 4) I ask for guidance. Whatever card I get I trust that my attention is being drawn to a positive view of my current need. Usually the card makes perfect sense. Occasionally I have to think a bit deeper about what the card has brought me. As I let the message from the card sink in I feel the loving warmth & calm that the presence of angels brings me. Sometimes I draw the energy as it flows through me. Sometimes I write. Often I find that I am moving through my life more confidently and with a positive outlook. That is where the angels really help us. Not by bringing miracles. Not by removing all of the challenges in life. By being the supportive, loving energy that encourages us to persevere in the face of all odds.

Sometimes the angels bring their loving help through the acts of others. The last week has shown me so many angels in human form doing random acts of kindness in a quiet, peaceful and generous way. Angels are very rarely the center of attention. They are the force in the background encouraging others; making things happen for no other reason than that it’s the right way to be human and part of a community. Angels will do what’s needed, even the very difficult things, without a fanfare or the need for recognition. Their message is always that they, and we, can do things out of pure love for one another.

As a community of human beings we have forgotten that unconditional love, unconditional, forgiveness and unconditional gratitude lead us to serve each other unconditionally. That is the way of peace. The angels send us that message in any way they can. Next time you are wondering if angels exist, or you have a question that seems too big or too complex, or if you have lost your positive glow ask your angels to show you that they are with you. Be open minded about how your confirmation arrives. Then keep the conversation going by asking again and again.

Day 49 of my blogging challenge.

The Blog Challenge Begins!

Annie Conboy, MA(Couns), MSWG

Annie Conboy’s blog challenge

Much as I love all the stuff about the ‘woo woo’ side of being a psychic, it really isn’t the way I live. Having reached a stage in my life where things have to be simple – senior moments are lurking around the corner – & preferring to be down to earth about what I do, I’ve taken on a challenge to write a blog a day for the next 30 days.

Immediately there is a problem. I have a book full of the first 2 paragraphs of blog posts. They never seem to get finished. There is always something else I find I need to give my attention to. Even my first go this evening had to stop so I could make my daughter a meal, then run off to my Centre to open up for someone using a room & finally off to my local Spiritualists Church to chair for the medium doing the service. Now I’m feeling the pressure! I promised myself & I want to do this yet getting the focus is hard.

What to write about? The question I’ve just answered, very briefly, on Facebook about synchronicity? The chat I had with someone this evening about why their particular loved one didn’t come through in a reading? The social media posting I do to encourage people to find the positive in every situation – no matter how difficult that might seem? The Reiki meditation I did to send out healing? There are so many things that fall under the general titles of medium or psychic. So the easiest thing is to write about my day, every day for the next month. Sorry in advance if it gets boring but hopefully at the end you will see that my life is really no different than anyone else. Oh, OK then, perhaps the same with a few extraordinary bits added in, lol.

So to begin. I’m going to talk about the energy work I was involved in yesterday afternoon as today has been about following up the experience & processing what happened for me. On a Monday at my Down 2 Earth Heart Centre I run a session called Walking the Spiral. It’s something fairly new that my Guides encouraged me to offer to people because I know the benefit of personal development work in spiritual growth. In fact, I first used a circle for my own search for understanding when I read about vision questing in Denise Linn’s book Quest in the late 1990’s. So this session involves creating a safe energy space in a circle, spiral or labyrinth so that the participants can access, understand & release unconscious emotional energy that might be blocking the messages they are receiving psychically.

I often work with people who have got stuck in their psychic & mediumship work. They can sense their Guides, pick up on psychic energy & often have ‘breakthrough’ messages. Yet they aren’t able to boost the energy enough to pick up info more easily or to make sense of what they are getting. Yesterday we used a White Light circle – candles & crystals creating a physical space within which to work & the energy of our Guides & the Earth’s ArchAngels to guard & boost the energy of the space. After welcoming all of the energy beings we took our places in the circle & began with some chanting. So that the energy could be boosted some more I entered a light trance and one of my healing Guides stepped in to blend with me. Having created a strong healing vibration my Guide left me so we could continue the work. We were visited by at least  5 Guides who could be seen clairvoyantly. What followed was a long conversation amongst the participants as information was given by our Guides concerning energy blocks & ways to release them.

At the end of this work, with a lot of new information to consider, we closed the circle. I always ask for feedback as I’m curious to see how the energy work has been experienced by others. It’s always good to find that they have become somehow lighter by what they have seen, felt & thought about in the circle. Also that blocks have been released & they are ready to carry on experiencing the guidance & contact with their own Guide teams. It’s also an experience for me – I’m a participant too. So today I’ve been meditating on a couple of vivid dreams I had last night. Sometimes I’m too stubborn to take the guidance I’m given so my team have to send me the messages over & over again in different ways. Today was one of those days. I finally understood about writing this blog, lol, because half way through I had a deja vu moment! So I must make it through the 30 days somehow, and people perhaps won’t be too bored, and a barrier to my development will have been released. I love my psychic life!