Countdown To The Outer Journey: New Beginnings

countdownAnother countdown has started. Like the ending of my blogging challenge we are rushing towards another set of endings. These are related to the energy that we have been living in since 2012. Finally, we can begin to take our inner work out into the world!

Depending on what position you wish to take we have been or are entering the Age of Aquarius. This will be a time of advancement towards a new consciousness, an emphasis on Divine Feminine and great progress in our humanitarian efforts. I believe that we stepped into the Aquarian energy around 1800 and the events affecting humanity since then have all been driving us to recognise a higher human purpose. Since 2012 I am aware that we have been receiving waves of energy, like a clock ticking towards a countdown, to get us free from social and cultural conditioning that has held us firmly in the 3D material reality. For the last six years we have been facing our fears and addressing endings. Endings of old patterns of being so that we can be a human global community of Spirit.

Now another countdown is underway. This is the final Mercury retrograde to pull us away from the old patterns. And to remind us that what we cling to so hard is really a set of illusions. Because there has been a deep inner journey going on for everyone for the last six years. A chance to identify who and what we really are. With opportunities to change our values and beliefs to live in a more spirit based way. That process has bee challenging. Mainly because we are not used to looking into ourselves. However, what is now almost at the surface, for anyone who has done the inner work, is a new way of being. A sense of freedom. The liberation from restrictions that made us conform. And a deeply compassionate, ethical way of relating to others who share the world with us.

With the countdown ticking away in the background the next few weeks are about bringing out the true you. About being and living the changes you want to see in your bit of the world. The ending of an old life because there is a new way to be as a person, a member of a community or as part of the human race. High vibrational positive energy is on it’s way in to push us all forward. Make sure you are ready. Let go of the old you and step into your Spirit Within.

Day 987 of my blogging challenge

Saint Germain Came Too: A Holistic Day Out

SaintMore time spent with Saint Germain! I wrote earlier this week about his presence when I was doing my channelled paintings. The result was a picture called “St Germain and the Violet Flame. Today I took the painting with me to a Mind, Body, Spirit event. And found that I was also speaking on his behalf.

That’s what I love about my intuitive life. If I follow the prompts that I’m given lots of great things happen. So I got my painting into a frame as directed yesterday. Today I dressed in violet (Saint Germain’s Ray or energy vibration) and emerald green (for higher heart healing) as directed. Even my FitBit has had to be violet. I gathered up all of my stuff, planning to take my book and a few other things, only to put most of them on one side. The instruction was to take my channelled paintings and my book instead of everything else. Of course the energy of the paintings was all about healing, third eye chakra and Violet Flame. With a bit of Owl Wisdom, Merlin and Fae energy thrown in for good measure.

So I knew I was going to be in for some interesting discussions. I was also giving a Past Lives talk with a meditation. It made perfect sense that Saint Germain, who has had many lives, wanted to be in on the energy of my session. I’m sure he was working with the Violet Flame to dissolve as much stuck energy as possible. And he was very persistent in my chats with the people who visited my table. His words poured out to help people recognise that the challenges in their lives could be resolved in a positive way. I love his gentle insistence on saying what is needed. I also know that everyone who came in the door today got a blast of his compassionate toughness. Whether they knew it or not. That’s why I love taking my paintings and crystals with me.

They do their work. And I do mine. We collaborate in sharing the loving energy as much as we can. I have a feeling that Saint Germain will be popping up again in a lot of my future work. It’s time to embrace the Age of Aquarius. I’m ready. Are you?

Day 975 of my blogging challenge

New Directions: Relationships In 2018

New Tonight I returned to a favourite group of mine. New Directions meets once a month in Halifax, West Yorkshire. It is a place for people to share healing, access spiritual info and listen to great speakers. I was supposed to attend in January but the weather postponed it until after the Chinese New Year. But, of course, I know everything happens for a reason! And I want to share my talk about 2018.

“Thank you for asking me to talk to the group again. It’s always lovely to return and share my understanding of the energy for the year to come. I’m actually rather interested that my talk was moved from January to February, to fall after the start of the Chinese New Year of the Dog, my birth year. I’m an Earth Dog and I suspect this talk is being given now to help us all ground into the Divine Feminine energy that has started to flow more strongly that it has since the 1960’s.

Of course we are stepping into another Aquarian age. Depending on the dating system used this can be any time from the Industrial Revolution until now. Or some years hence. See Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation. The influence of Aquarius brings electricitycomputers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianismidealismmodernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity, and irresolution. I support the common position expressed by many astrologers. Astrology sees the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience mental enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world. 

I think of this influence as four corner stones: energy, free will, personal responsibility and community. In this new energy our understanding of these in relation to our ways of living will increase.

I believe these strands will be unmissable during 2018 as the boost of Divine Feminine energy pushes us to tackle how we relate to one another. In my communications with Guides it seems it is both a creative and collaborative energy bringing before us the challenge to change our relationships. So that we can co-create a more harmonious world. This doesn’t mean the rise of women over men. I believe it actually means that all of us will be learning to better express our own feminine energy – something that women and men both have – in ways that are assertive and strong. Together the whole of the human race can greatly improve our lives and our connections with Mother Earth. Who is also going through this process with us at the moment.

In seeking to understand how this will affect us it is always best to go from the heart and with the intention to do the right thing. Manifesting (making it so) becomes so much easier. But ‘what you give out you get back’ also becomes more prominent. Since 2008 we have been asked to consider what energy we are putting into the ‘system’. At the end of this cycle in 2018 all that you have given will return. With interest. There is a strong ‘tough love’ vibe coming from the angelic community, especially the Earth’s Guardian Angels. See each return of energy as an opportunity to correct your energy and to return to heart centred living.

There will also be a great need for healing. We cannot function in collaborative relationships until we release the Us/Them split, the disempowerment and lack of love for our fellow beings.

Switch on your self-healing. Start with yourself. Then offer healing out to others too. Listen to the words of Desiderata. It is a good starting point. There are many other inspirational words waiting to be heard. Pay attention and listen. Then work to understand how those words can be translated into living a spiritual life. Each one of us has the seeds of greatness within. It is for each of us to find and magnify those seeds, to energise them and help them grow. Greatness does not mean Ego. Greatness is the freedom of the Spirit Within to shine it’s Light along with all others and offer love, compassion and gratitude to and for all things.

The Impact of Divine Feminine Energy Month By Month Using The  Lunar Calendar (Channelled from the Energy Beings)

Use the New Moon to Full Moon (waxing/growing) for asking for dreams and wishes or energising the requests you have already sent out. Use the Full Moon to next New Moon (waning/shrinking) for letting go of what no longer serves you.

15/02/18 New Moon 02/03/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Where are you lacking in love for yourself. Examples will arise to show you the ‘voice’ or script that you keep repeating to put yourself down. There may be challenges. You may find that you are reluctant to say what you mean for fear of causing conflict, in case your words may be hurtful or because you are not used to speaking as you find. Do your best to let go of assumptions and judgements about how you will be heard or understood. Relationships can only strengthen when they are build on truth and trust. Take a risk and say what you feel.

Outer work: There is a great deal of fear and uncertainty as the pattern set in 2008 is about to come back. Be aware of all things financial – not because there will be a crash but because that is what people fear. Stay calm and grounded about your own finances and resources. Remember that the Universe always provides exactly what is needed at exactly the right time. To the penny if necessary. Steer clear of the drama others are creating.

17/03/18 New Moon 31/03/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Review your use of words. Can you express your feelings about yourself in more helpful and kinder ways? Have you identified what you are actually feeling and do you name it to yourself? This month opportunities will arise to understand the energy of your own feelings. When people mirror them for you accept the information with gratitude and remember not to shoot the messenger. Mastery of feelings brings focus in all things.

Outer work: What a grumpy month! In all relationships we must learn boundaries and respect. However it can be hard to hold to boundaries. And to respect that every single being has a place in this wonderful creation. Notice where you are relying on stereotypes. Give everyone the permission to be who they need to be right now. And remember not to take it personally. It’s not about your behaviour. It’s about their inner challenges.

16/04/18 New Moon 30/04/18 Full Moon

Inner work: You may feel a little raw and uncertain. Change always makes us wonder if we are heading in the right direction. This is the month to make sure you are grounded and balanced. Check that you are achieving inner harmony by a careful blend of creativity and manifesting. Give room to both sides of your nature so that you can make plans. There is more clarity within you. And you are ready to acknowledge your bigger dreams.

Outer work: There is an awful lot of talk but perceptibly little action going on around you. It’s as if all the ills of the world are being identified but no one is working to deal with them. There is an absence of hope. In the best relationships we can acknowledge the point where things seem most stuck. Ask questions. Get people talking. Share your feelings and thoughts. Discussions can become inspirations. Remember stuckness can shift.

15/05/18 New Moon 29/05/18 Full Moon

Inner work: As we head into a new season it’s time to enjoy more love. Make sure you are taking time for yourself. Rest as much as possible. Be easy in letting things happen in the perfect time. You are being asked to understand that birthing the new takes time. Divine time. Be gentle with yourself when you feel you should be pushing ahead. The longer you wait the more your energy will grow. Work on your confidence. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have everything ready to go when the moment is right.

Outer work: Everything is suddenly rush and bustle. However too much impatience actually slows manifesting down. Or stops it. Be the steady one in the relationship giving reassurance. Spread calm and peace. Refuse to engage in panic or dismay.

13/06/18 New Moon 28/06/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Let your imagination run wild. Think of all the ways you can improve your connection to others. Be brave and try them all out. All the while letting your true self be more visible. Rejections do happen but they are more about the other person than you. Look around you. There are many people on your wavelength if you are prepared to see them.

Outer work: Fear peaks again. People are being reminded of the uncertainty that is life. Dramatic events may throw you the test of being a leader to others. In all relationships there is a time when you have to lead. It’s likely to be this month. Don’t step back. Step forward. Help others to rebalance themselves. Show them how to do it.

13/07/18 New Moon 27/07/18 Full Moon

Inner work: It is time to get comfortable with all of your abilities. This month you may feel the urge to do lots of new things. Try them. Let yourself explore what you can do rather than what you believe you can’t. You are coming into blossom, ready to add more to your world than you have ever imagined.

Outer work: The debates are turning from talk to action. Don’t be surprised that others are showing you a new picture of yourself and their relationship with you. Give the energy between you time to grow. Acknowledge each other’s abilities as openly as you can. Give praise, feedback and thank you’s.

11/08/18 New Moon 26/08/18 Full Moon

Inner work: You are growing stronger in acknowledging yourself, balancing your needs against the needs of others more easily. Try not to be tempted to give endlessly to others again. Remember the balance of give and take is vital to a thriving relationship. Release any person, situation or circumstance where the only thing happening is taking.

Outer work: As people adapt more to giving and taking some old language has to be replaced with new words. Pay attention to the words you use to others. Invest them with compassion and kindness. Give your support rather than advice or instruction. Encourage them to return the give by being open to receive.

09/09/18 New Moon 25/09/18 Full Moon

Inner work: The start of a month of endings and completion. In each relationship there are many endings as the relationship thrives or falls. Be aware that you are being asked to end any relationship that no longer sustains you. Including your own relationship with yourself. Use the power of endings as a way to transform your relationship with yourself.

Outer work: All around thing seem to be ending. Uncertainty is at it’s peak. People are anxious and you may find your words falling on deaf ears. This is the time to stay quiet and composed within yourself. Give the other person room to review the relationship and be ready to help them let go of it. Remember that grief is a natural part of letting go too. Make room for that grief and sorrow to be expressed.

09/10/18 New Moon 24/10/18 Full Moon

Inner work: The energy shifts rapidly. Radical changes are happening. You feel a new freedom to be yourself. You are embracing your strengths and your ability to share yourself with others. It is time to put yourself to work sharing all of your wisdom. Talk, discuss, debate. Feel the creative Divine Feminine flow and feed your imagination.

Outer work: There is a big sigh of relief. The worst still hasn’t happened. People feel able to carry on living. There is a better ability to cope with uncertainty. Relationships that were rocky are now on firmer ground. There is a sense of community emerging. A feel of not being alone and up against it. Make connections for people whenever you can. Help them to sense the bigger picture for humanity.

07/11/18 New Moon 23/11/18 Full Moon

Inner work: It’s time to recognise your ability to make connections in a much more focused way. You can imagine and manifest positive outcomes. You are better at solving problems and moving things forward. Without noticing it you have stepped into your spiritual mission. Keep on track by continuing to love yourself.

Outer work: It is time to suggest collaborations. People are more willing to listen and understand. There are going to be new ways of doing things and you can contribute so much to this wave of energy. Show people how to live from heart centred conciseness. There are many opportunities to empower all of the people you relate to. Be creative!

07/12/18 New Moon 22/12/18 Full Moon

Inner work: Having stepped into collaborative relationships the next step is to forgive yourself for anything you feel has not gone right. Mistakes happen so that we can learn and progress. You will find lots of feedback coming your way about what went well. And what didn’t. Use this feedback to check that you are doing your best. There is no perfect. Good enough is good enough. So don’t take these messages from the Universe, whatever way they arrive, as criticism. Use them as seeds for your next period of growth.

Outer work: This is a month of reflection. A time of refocusing on what is really important in life. You will find there is a stronger sense of community, everyone pulling together and helping one another. Stay proactive. Add your voice to the reflection. Share what you feel you have learned about relationships. Suggest the ideas you have developed about making better connections with one another. Above all, let your voice be heard. Your loving, trusting, wise voice. Believe in yourself and others and the power of change. It can happen if you are prepared to make it so.

Day 817 of my blogging challenge