I had time today to think about swings and roundabouts. On a long trip to and from Scarborough where I was doing mediumship at Harmony Country Lodge Church.
How I had time to think was because it’s a two hours plus drive there and back. As I zoomed along to the church there was hardly any traffic going in my direction. Yet the other side of the road was almost at a standstill. I assumed that by the time I drove home I would have a clear road too. But I was wrong. The traffic was nose to tail and standing still for quite a few sections of road. I felt that I had enjoyed the freedom of the swings only to get stuck in a roundabout going nowhere. Sitting waiting I thought about how I can find myself rushing forward when every obstacle has been cleared out of my way. Yet there always seems to a a patch where barriers, restrictions and queues hold back my progress.
I used to get impatient. Both on the road and in my life. Now I turn up the music and sing. Because I know that the swings and roundabout all balance out in the end. Even if it feels like I have been going round and round in circles forever what I have really done is move in an upward spiral. Like an airplane I’ve been in a holding pattern until I could move onwards again. Letting myself process my experiences and make better sense of my life. And when I’ve done that I find myself being pushed forward, ready to swing into action and clear about the direction I am taking. That’s the balancing I need. The feeling that I can soar, fly as high as I like, if I give myself enough forward momentum.
I got home after a longer journey than I expected. However, I am grateful for the thinking time I got. It made me realise that swings and roundabouts serve a purpose. And to relax when the barriers seem to have come down around me. They are there to get me ready for the next big shift and for that I’m learning to be grateful 💜
Day 692 of my blogging challenge