Yesterday in my blog I mentioned that I’m used to my Guide Team organising the work I do for them. Often without notice but always because they can see the bigger picture. I was thinking today about how much swapping and changing I have to do. And how that has been a constant thread in my life.
I’ve noticed that every eighteen months or two years I start to feel restless. I want to start new things. Sometimes without finishing old stuff. Because swapping my focus seems to energise me all over again. Of course I didn’t always notice that pattern. It was only afterwards that I would think about how quickly things had changed. As I developed my mediumship I started to realise that my Guide Team seemed to be happy swapping my work on a fairly regular basis. New tasks and experiences seemed to flow in every time I thought I had got to a competent level. In fact, just as my confidence in what I was doing started to rise.
When I pointed out that new work was coming in just as I was finally feeling ok with something they encouraged me to keep an open mind. And to learn to recognise when I was really ready for that change of focus. I know they brought things to me so that I wouldn’t get complacent. Or get comfortable with something so much that I would be unable to move to the next area I needed to develop. It seems they wanted me on a rapid learning curve. Because, actually, that type of learning suited my personality. I like to grab the essentials, understand the detail and then get practicing. I know I learn best when I’m practicing my abilities. My Guide Team were chopping and changing because it suited me.
I take their point. I have spent a lot of my life hanging on in there. Doing things that I should have stopped long before. This way I get the push to move on exactly when I need it. Are you ready to try something new? Is it the right point in your personal development to try something fresh? I’m sure your Guide Team will be letting you know if it is. So get swapping. It will be worth it!
Day 890 of my blogging challenge