Yippee! I’m back on track. Driving home thought the lightening and rain tonight my new Guide, Rafe, and I had a heart to heart chat. My evening of readings was great fun and I enjoyed meeting new people. That’s why I love my work. But last night I was storming. Rafe had stood back all day. Exactly when I expected him to step forward more.
The changeover from one Guide to another has always been a bit of a challenge to me. I’ve got used to the person I’m working with. We have ironed out the lumpy bits, sorted the rules and worked together smoothly. When I get a new Guide I know I’m going to go through a series of negotiations. First we have to meet and let the relationship form. Then we have to agree on what we have in common that will let us work together. Building up trust can be slow. Sometimes forming and norming are like a speed dating even. Decide to be together or not with only the briefest of introductions. That’s where it heads off into storming. Really testing one another. To see if it will actually work in practice.
Of course lots of first dates end up with ‘no thanks’, ‘never ever’ or ‘get me out of here’. With Guides it’s a bit more complicated. That expect me to keep trying for a while before I decide. So Rafe and I have been working together for a little while. Checking that the connection is good. Waiting while all the upgrade energy settles and my new ‘software’ starts running properly. Usually the storming part isn’t very big. I have a little rant about small things. And the new Guide reminds me I’ve agreed to serve on behalf of the Spirit World. Yesterday I finally blew up. There were too many little things all rolled into one. What I expected from Rafe didn’t happen. Because he doesn’t work that way with me. And it’s his job to get me to work differently too. No wonder I was cross.
After all, when I feel competent the work is easy. And I feel competent when I have been doing something the same way for a while. Now I have to shake up the way I do things. He’s right. For us to be performing the services that are coming our way I have to be different. So I have to have a different Guide. And go through feeling incompetent once again if only for a brief period. The storm has passed and I’m looking forward to our future relationship.
Day 877 of my blogging challenge