Starting 2016 positively!

annie utubeIt’s been a strange week and it’s only half over! Mercury is now retrograde so communications & electronics are in the spotlight. So are unraveling tangles & tying up loose ends. Something that I started in December has suddenly had a positive outcome when I was expecting more challenge. And something that should have been simple and easy has been fraught with emotion.

The theme to both of these issues has been the ability to be proactive. To say ‘I can’ instead of ‘no way’. So first thing this morning I witnessed a complete turn around from my daughter’s school. They had removed a series of blocks they had been putting up so we are much more likely that her education will be on track. All it took was a willingness (however achieved) to say ‘we can do this differently’ rather than to continue to say ‘we don’t do that here’. I did actually wonder for a moment if I’d stepped into a parallel universe. Then I considered that the issues could have been resolved because I’ve been throwing lots of Reiki healing energy at the situation and blockages. Finally, I thought about my own part in this. In December I had been very clear that I felt the school could do what we were suggesting & that they had to go away and find a way to make it happen. In effect, I told them that they could – so they did.

Later today I experienced the opposite – a can’t do coming loud and clear from some professionals who were only going to work within the tram lines of their job descriptions. The flooding has been hard on everyone living here – whether or not you have been physically flooded you connect with so many people who have. The help from outside the Calder Valley has been phenomenal but I suspect until you’re experiencing it yourself you can’t really understand. The big power companies are here trying to sort out the mess the water has made of the town’s electrics. Quite a few of us were without power for a significant amount of time so being without power again isn’t something anyone would want. A decision taken yesterday but not explained left our church tenant without power overnight. I approached the people who had left the tenant in that situation to see if we could quickly get the power back on.

Unfortunately that unleashed aggression, obstruction and three cases of very bad manners. It may seem like you are doing your utmost when you quote all the reasons you can’t do something but actually it makes you look like a very limited person. I’d had enough when a man was shouting in my face on a public street because I’d had the nerve to answer a question someone had asked me about the problem we were having. I did tell him what I thought of him – loudly – as he poured out his anger that others had been angry with him. It reminded me that stressful situations are not always handled calmly & politely but if he had followed the ‘can do’ lead of his more junior colleague we could all have sorted things out much more easily. In the end we got assistance from someone helping out in another building – two ‘can do’ people who stepped in and sorted things out quietly, quickly and easily. What we needed took about 10 minutes of someone’s time and things were back to normal (as normal as they can be at the moment).

This evening, as I pondered these opposite experiences I remembered the video I did at Birkrigg stone circle some time ago. I felt the deep connection we all have to each other and all Energy Beings. It was also a moment when I considered how we are all tempted to take the ‘can’t do’ attitude, sometimes as a response to getting things wrong or in case we are judged, which becomes a safe pattern to hide behind. It’s much harder to keep on accepting that we ‘can do’ as this represents taking responsibility for outcomes, for managing change and for being aware of our connections to one another. By taking a ‘can do’ approach the school will make things happen – maybe not exactly as expected – and change will happen more positively than in the past. Having a ‘can’t do’ attitude will continue to attract negative responses from the people the power operatives are saying they want to help. Not a pleasant way to spend your working day.

So my wish for those three people, sent with loving healing, is that they can find within themselves a ‘can do’ approach that will make their lives less fraught. I feel my video says it better than my written words tonight so please watch it and start 2016 with your own positive, can do energy.

Day 51 of my blogging challenge.

2 thoughts on “Starting 2016 positively!

  1. Wonderful truth in your words Annie, the crow was very eloquent in the background as well. Could feel the ancestry around you, looked a magical place to be. XX

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