I’m off for the weekend. Ready to explore new energy and share the laughter with good friends. I’m also ready to find my star to wish on.
I work quite a bit with the Star Beings who are trying to help the planet right now. One of my Guides, Blue, always reminds me to ask for her help when the distractions of our little planet get too much. Then she will zoom me up to the starts and take me into the deep cold vacuum of the Universe. Void of air perhaps. But not of life. One of the books I’ve been reading recently talks about the Universe as a manifestation of the W mind of the Divine. That it came into existence so the Divine could see itself thinking. I love being out amongst the stars so I can feel the power of Divine thought. Blue takes me timelessly across the, to us, empty reaches of space. She wants to show me how it is brim full of life.
I used to wonder what was between each star. Of course I’m not the only one to have ever done that. Now I have discovered so much about the nature of energy. I have discovered the Energy Beings who people the stars. Those who watch as we struggle to be the next evolution of humankind. These wonderful beings send us healing, love and inspiration. I know that they recognise our struggles. They have had the same journey into enlightenment that we now face. So I was delighted to see the constellations this evening. Peeping out at me as a reminder to aim high. To keep my eyes on the stars and to follow my dreams.
I also thought about how I shine my Light. I know I am a star glowing in the sky to remind others that the Universe is full of possibilities, opportunities and adventure. I am part of a constellation, along with my friends, pointing to the next steps of the journey we will all be taking together. So I hope that I represent the thoughts in the Divine Mind in the best way I can.
Day 799 of my blogging challenge