Spiritual Spam – Blocking Messages

One of the things I’ve got used to with my websites is spam. Like my email feeds the comments option on my blog sometimes brings me a lot of potential posts that are rubbish. Or negative. Or trying to promote stuff.

I have a spam filter on my emails, my web pages and some of my social media. I’m also very aware of phishing, ‘like’ farming and all the circular posts that are designed to block up my Facebook newsfeed. Perhaps what is less well known is that I also get Spirit spam. We all do. It can’t really be helped. It’s a big ocean of energy so sometimes there are low vibrational messages trying to get through. It’s why I and most mediums ask to work with ‘the highest and brightest’ Energy Beings.

So what is the purpose of spam? On your computer it’s unsolicited junk mail. In your letter box it’s all those flyers and ads that you haven’t asked for. And I know it’s the same from the Spirit side. There are people who have passed over still keep their human personality. So they like to play tricks, bring upsetting information or mislead. My Guides tell me that these Spirits are being encouraged to move into higher vibrations. But you can’t always teach an old dog new tricks. Mediums train themselves to move above the vibrational levels of the more unevolved Spirits so they can give positive, uplifting evidence that our loved ones live on.

It’s not about ignoring the lower vibrational Spirits. It’s about helping them to be able to communicate more effectively. Without being unwanted down here.

I also want to mention another kind of spam. It’s the unsolicited energy from the people around us. Sometimes the pull of someone else’s energy can get in the way of a strong connection. After all I’m swimming in the same energy ocean as billions of other people. That’s mind blowing enough. But their energy is sending me unwanted messages all the time. The sort of ‘spam’ about how they are feeling, what they are doing and all their anxieties. Plus I’m getting any needs they have. Especially if they are trying to pull in positive energy when they are feeling negative. Or desperate to get a message from only one Spirit or Energy Being.

That’s why, once again, I and many other mediums practice keeping our aura, our energy field, free from stray random energy. Like junk mail my space can become overfull of all sorts of requests. And information. Or sort of begging letters. Wanting me to do things or give things. Requests, not always positive, for my time and energy. Sorting out what is spam and what is useful is also a learning curve. Most days the delete button has a big part in sorting out what I read or pay attention to. Although I always look for the genuine, the ones I can help, or the connections that will be good communications.

In the end, I know I can always block the ‘spam’ around my energy field if I really want to. That’s the ultimate choice I have. So try as they might, unhelpful Spirit messages don’t have much chance to make it through.

Day 450 of my blogging challenge.

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