I’ve had a lot going on the last few weeks. Doing things I’m really passionate about. Stepping way outside my comfort zone on at least one occasion. Taking steps to bring my dreams into reality. Planning the actions taking me towards my next leap of faith. So much to do at a fast pace. Yet today was all about slow.
Every now and then I take a break from all activity and enjoy a ‘busy doing nothing’ time. Though I have to admit that I started my day by sending out another channelling of Earth’s ArchAngel energy. I am working to their timetable on certain things which are part of a bigger plan. So it’s also a case that even today ‘needs must’. However, as I was sending out the love wave from ArchAngel Tiphoniel it meant I started my day receiving love too. And I made sure to slow down enough to enjoy the love energy wave.
After that it was a trip out for lunch with my daughter and an afternoon together. Taking time to chat and catch ourselves up with each other. We did a little shopping, discussed the nature of other dimensions and shared a lot of laughter about my inability to resist a bargain. Then some slow time to read a book and put my feet up. Finally a chance to see my daughter enjoying doing her boxing class. An ordinary day really.
Sitting here to write my blog I wondered what I could say. Apart from my morning connection with Tiphoniel nothing much else has happened. Then I thought about the importance of stepping back from everything once in a while. I’ve blogged about me time before. Today has certainly been me time. But I hadn’t considered how important it was to also take things slow. There is so much enjoyment in really experiencing rather than rushing from one thing to the next.
I’ve been pausing in my writing to really consider what I wanted to say. Just like I’ve been pausing throughout the day to notice the little things. I realise that I miss a lot of the good stuff when I don’t step back every now and again. I’m grateful for all that fills my life, even the challenging bits. So take a slow day every now and then. You might find so much to be grateful for.
Day 239 of my blogging challenge.