This evening I visited Silent Whisper Spiritual Centre to do a demonstration of trance mediumship. I love this way of working. It was actually the first public mediumship I ever did. And it has been a fascination of mine for the last twelve years.
It was a really special evening in many ways. First of all my daughter sat with me for the first time. She has seen me work as a platform medium since she was very young. However tonight was the first time she sat and joined energy with me to help the transformations occur. We both felt the bond between us strengthen in the loving energy that flowed from the Spirit people and out Guides. Secondly, my Guides organised everything wonderfully because there were some people who were attending a trance demo for the first time. Because my Guides treat the demo as a time for laughter and love they were very keen to break the initial silence people feel they must hold. My trance demos are never silent.
Except, of course, if you count me. As I am also developing my physical mediumship and direct voice I normally stay silent. It’s a good thing for another reason too. There are usually so many people wanting to show themselves and be acknowledged that they don’t get time to talk. My Guides try to let each Spirit person alter my appearance as quickly as possible until their loved ones see and recognise them. Then my Guides move on to the next in the queue. Even though I am silent I love the way that the Spirit people do manage to give a yes. They always lift my index finger to say that it’s them. Except tonight. For one very special moment when a loved on from the Spirit side made a thumbs up with my hand. A piece proof with love for the person on this side of life.
Being silent doesn’t mean that our loved ones can’t whisper to us in their own special way. That’s what trance is all about. Seeing the face of someone you miss appearing on the medium in front of you is like a great big shout. A shout of ‘I still love you. I’m still present in your life. And I’m safe and well.’ No wonder I love doing this work!
Day 887 of my blogging challenge