It’s been another short working day. Mainly because I had a demonstration of mediumship to do this evening. So I’ve been taking it steady. And also making allowances for my energy cold that is still clearing away.
Travelling to Hull, about two hours drive away, I enjoyed reviewing my week. Although I’ve been ill I also realise that a lot of stuck energy has been shifting. In short blasts perhaps. But shifting all the same. Every now and again I need to take the time to pay attention to my personal energy. If I don’t I’ll become weighed down again. That will affect my ability to connect with Energy Beings. Which, of course, will affect the quality of message and evidence that I am able to pass on. The whole point of my work is the connection I can make. I want it to be the best possible that I can do. So I’ve taken the ups and downs of energy this week hoping to have improved somewhere along the line.
Tonight as I stood up to take the service I wondered if I would notice any difference. I was delighted to find that the Spirit communicators came in loud and clear. They moved me quickly from message to message. It was like a specially sweet treat for me. I love being able to give the right message to the right person. I enjoy when the energy connection is so strong I feel the deeper blend with whoever is connecting. That’s when their presence becomes real. Not just to me. But to their loved one too. It’s wonderful to process the energy they give me so that it comes as an easy and complete flow of words. Sometimes short and sweet. Sometimes detailed and expansive. Always loving. And always to bring healing, laughter and upliftment.
All the energy clearing has been worth it. The short time of releasing has brought me a stronger connection. I feel I can do my spiritual work for others in a stronger, better way. A cold and cough? Nothing compared to the flow of healing energy I worked in tonight.
Day 453 of my blogging challenge.