Once I identify stuck energy then I have to get involved in shifting it. Of course I could carry on holding all of that stuck energy. But that will only wear me down and wear me out!
When I started to use my intuition and develop my connections through mediumship I quickly realised that I had very muddled energy. Scanning my aura and my physical body I found loads of old emotions. Emotions that I thought I had got rid of a long time ago. My Guides helped me see how the stuck energy was involving me in more and more effort. Just to carry the energy. They suggested that I start shifting it as soon as possible. I also discovered that big chunks of energy actually came from other people. They had blasted me with their feelings. And I had ended up carrying the energy for them. That hardly seemed fair.
So first I started working on protecting my energy. Moving through my day in a bubble of positive, loving energy.
That way I became aware of what I was feeling. Instead of what everyone else, the world even, was feeling. It gave me a choice. Instead of adding more to my stuck energy I could feel the feeling there and then. And get rid of it. To get rid of my current feelings I knew I had to speak them out somehow. Or turn the energy into being useful for something else. I learned that shifting my feelings meant telling others, writing them down or standing in the middle of nowhere and shouting it out. It was also energy I could use to do my housework, go for a walk or do the gardening. That helped me get a clear space to start tackling the old stuff.
Shifting old stuff often involves me overcoming a whole lot of resistance to doing so.
That’s one of the hardest bits to understand. I know I want to get rid of the old energy. But the fearful part of my Ego Mind thinks it’s going to be hard. That I might actually have to re-experience past hurts and pains. However, these old energies act as a hook on which current energy can get caught. Meaning more stuck energy builds up. So the old energy has to go somehow. I’ve used meditating on what isn’t mine and seeing it lift off me like a cloud. Or I’ve sat in my Reiki grid and watched the old ties fade away to nothing. My journaling has been a positive way to get the stuck stuff out into the open. Then I can use the Violet Flame energy to dissipate it. Or I try shifting it down my body and out through my feet into the Earth.
Then there is the inspiration of my Guides.
They do their best to help me overcome the resistance I feel by giving me messages of support. My Guides also help me if I get stuck on what I’m actually trying to clear. They gently prod me and push information into my consciousness so I know what I have to let go. I also get to do the work in my dreams too. Because this is a great way to work with the emotions and not have to worry that they are flooding into my waking life. My Guides send me plenty of positive, healing energy so that I can fill the empty spaces with it. That way I’m less likely to take the stuck energy back on. Finally, I pay attention to the energy flowing around all of us. I wait for the times when there is a strong, positive energy flow that I can tap into.
Shifting stuck energy is a lot to do with recognising I want to let it go. And turbulent energy often brings stuff to the surface for me to recognise too. Then taking some action. Almost any action. So long as my intention is to let it go. So I have to be firm with my Ego Mind when it tries to hang on. I love myself enough to be tough and let go. Do you?
Day 971 of my blogging challenge