Sharing Knowledge, Sharing Energy, Sharing Love

Sometimes I’m amazed by how much sharing happens in my days. Perhaps I shouldn’t be. But at a time when so much feels uncertain, when there are difficulties about the idea of sharing, it’s inspiring to find out how much people do share.

I’ve been running another one of my workshops. It’s very special to me to be able to speak on behalf of the Energy Beings. They have taught me so much that passing on their knowledge is a real privilege. As is sharing my experiences. Because out of what has happened to me I have learned a great deal of life wisdom. Plus a whole lot more spiritual wisdom. I’ve never been happy with the idea the knowledge is only for the privileged few. Or those who pass all sorts of tests to belong to the ruling clique. Or that knowledge is used as the power to prop up ego. I believe that we all have a right to know.

Questions are important. Without them I feel we have missed an opportunity to understand. That’s what acquiring knowledge should be about. Expanding my understanding. So it’s not something for me to hoard or store away. I feel I have a responsibility to share it when I can. Of course sharing knowledge only works when someone else wants to find it out. Though they may not want to understand. That’s the difference between sharing to promote better outcomes and sharing because of an ego need. Yet I would prefer to share every time that someone asks a question than hold back in case that knowledge is abused.

I think about knowledge as energy too. I know we are all energy beings and what we give out we get back. Sharing knowledge is putting energy into the world for it to be used in a positive and purposeful way.

That’s also another reason to find things out or to explore what we know. The knowledge I had as a child was restricted. I made assumptions about the way the world worked. But some of those turned out to be incorrect. As I learned more about my world I revised what I knew. Even today as I ran my workshop I was learning more with and about the energy of the people who attended. As they were about me. We were sharing and pooling our knowledge so that we could advance to a shared understanding.

Not a right or wrong understanding. It is an understanding based on our current knowledge and energy. The next time we meet we may change that understanding because we have learned something new. Or changed our energy to something different than it was today. Striving for a shared understanding helps me to put more positive energy in place. Disagreements and divisions, entrenched attitudes and resistance to change, mean that I will carry on doing things the same way. The old way. The way that won’t include the idea that some things have changed. If I’m hoping for better I have to bring new information into my mind.

I have to be ready to accept that things have moved on. It’s like personal growth. It doesn’t happen from remaining above what is happening. I have to be engaged in the energy of my life.

Sharing in the ups and downs of living, of being connected to others, brings me more understanding of what gets me through it all. Of how to listen and respond. Or how to process and integrate new knowledge. I can notice what I feel and understand why I feel that way. It’s possible to observe my thoughts and see where I might be restricting myself. And I can also deal much better with the changes that sweep across my life. In fact I can find, through my love of knowledge, the love that is all around me in my life. If I find the flow of loving energy then surely I can also pass that knowledge on to others.

That’s what I love most about sharing knowledge. It’s because it becomes a way to share the love we have for each other. Just as my Guides and Inspirers entrusted me with their knowledge, out of a love for me to have a better life, I am sharing their teachings with others. Even better I am encouraging people to find their own direct connection to Guides so that the knowledge comes from source. From the hearts of those Energy Beings who care that we improve our lives and have better outcomes. There is a loud call going out right now from our Inspirers. The urge for us to start discussing and understanding what we know so that better decisions are taken

That’s the point of knowledge and why it should be shared. I believe we can do so much better as a global community of Spirit if we get into sharing what we know, sharing our energies to make things better and holding close to us a shared love for one another.

Day 565 of my blogging challenge

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