Seeing the Big Picture

I’m always grateful for a chance to step back and see the big picture. Today has been a long conversation with myself to bring to the surface all of the things I’ve been ignoring.

I know that there are two more energy shifts on the way in. It’s time to choose what I want for the next ten years. I also know that some of the options will hold me to old patterns. Getting a chance to look at the big issues, the fears and the opportunities is the only way to make sure I move forward in the best way. Helping me work through the information I have inside me has been a good friend and also my Spirit Team. Taking time out with an intuitive friend has always helped me to make sense of things. So I’m glad of the chance to meet up with her today.

Of course my Spirit Team are always around but do I always listen? Cue big sighs, laughter and a general feeling of never from my Guides. They must get fed up with me at times. That’s because I get dragged into the detail instead of staying with the overview. They ask me to trust that everything is working out perfectly as it should. Then I go ahead and try to manage the detail. But not for the rest of this year. Worrying about details is a pointless exercise right now. It’s time for me to set my intentions for the new energy in January. So I need to be thinking in wider ways.

That’s why I have been looking at the trends of the last nine years. Working out the numerology of my Nine life. Counting up what I’ve achieved as well as what is still left to be done.

I know that before I got here I set up my blueprint. My plan of what I wanted my Spirit to achieve from this life. Sometimes I’ve gone off plan. Occasionally I’ve dumped the plan altogether. Every now and then I’ve flowed with what I designed for myself. I can feel those times. Looking back over the last nine years there were great leaps forward. And a few steps back too. Or even stopping altogether. Yet here I am. With so much more still to progress.

I can’t move forward if I don’t look at it all. If I fail to consider the different interpretations of my experiences. Getting an outside view, with the help of my Earthly and Spirit friends, puts the big picture into context. I can measure up the options open to me by whether they are old habits or new ways to progress. I can choose a different direction, or intention, or lifestyle. There are so many ways I can go to grow myself more. Looking at the new year I can remind myself that I want to shine more of my Light. The Spirit in all of us can radiate through the human body and share more love into the world. My choices have to be based on that.

I believe it’s time to be all that I am. To share as much of the highest vibrations that I can. And I hope that as many people as possible will join me in choosing the Light over Shadow. Love instead of fear.

Day 387 of my blogging challenge.

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