One of the things I like about my work is the apparent lack of any routines. What I put in my Passion Planner can change from day to day, even moment to moment. As I respond to what other people require from the Spirit World my life is never dull.
That’s one of the things I notice about routines. They can be reassuring. But they can also become boring. Something I enjoy doing regularly can suddenly flip into a task I’d rather not be doing. Even necessary routines like showers or cleaning my teeth can loose their meaning when I’m in one of my rebel moods. Of course, I realise I must wash sometimes so it’s about turning it from dull to fun. That’s why I think we have all those different shower gels. To entice the dullness out of taking a shower. When I think about it I feel it’s much the same for all sorts of stuff.
Today I had a few CDs to burn from my weekend work. It’s something I feel is a necessary part of doing a reading. I like being able to send out a recording because often the Spirit people say so much their relative can’t take it all in. I know I can’t when I have a reading. But some days it feels distinctly like a dull routine. That’s when my Guides like to mix things up a bit. First the recordings wouldn’t transfer over. Then my software closed down unexpectedly three times. After which I switched the computer off. But it wouldn’t shut down because another piece of software was staying open. Finally I unplugged the whole thing.
Routines! I thought. Even the computer is fed up of burning CDs. Taking a deep breath, talking nicely to my pc and asking my Guides what was going on I switched on again.
How lovely! The files transferred in a flash. The software stayed alert and the CDs got burned perfectly. I couldn’t help chuckling to myself. What an interesting way to free me from the possible boredom of producing CDs. And to remind me that the CDs mattered. The people who had readings would get a chance to listen again to what their loved ones had to say. That contact from the Spirit World is never routine. I guess that’s really why I love being a connector and communicator. I have no idea who will come through. Or what they are going to say. Except that they will be trying their best, through me, to show that their love for us continues. To reassure that all will be well.
Life will continue, much as it always has, with the daily, weekly, monthly and life long routines that we all set ourselves. It’s up to me how dull or adventurous I make them. Because, in the end, it’s up to me to choose how I see it.
Day 448 of my blogging challenge.