Root Chakra Wobbles: Mercury Bows Out

root chakraWhew! What an active Mercury Retrograde it’s been. It’s almost time for Mercury to bow out of making us look at things again. I have to say I have really felt the push in this retrograde period, as well as the waning moon, to explore and acknowledge root chakra issues. All that stuck energy from childhood that still affects me now.

Root chakra is the place where my basic drives power out energy into my physical body. It’s the source of feeling that I have food, shelter, warmth, company and creativity. As these are basic drives they tend to be expressed in purely emotional terms. And can easily get out of balance. Especially as the root chakra is the first way a child experiences a connection to the physical world. The energy I lived in as a young child, before my cognitive functions developed around age seven, was processed through what I felt or sensed physically. Because memories were not recorded in my conscious brain they are stored in the sub and unconscious parts of my mind. Meaning I am often unaware of their influence on my actions.

That’s where this current Mercury retrograde has been a great help. It has brought to the surface those old feeling. Feelings that have perhaps become stuck because they were unexpressed or not acknowledged by the people around me. Even the energy of feelings that were belonging to someone else in the first place. They have come to my attention so that I can release them from my root chakra and balance my energy flow in a more positive way. That’s an important task. If I am to continue embracing my Spirit Within I also need to create a better energy space where we can meet. And better energy to send out into the world so that I live as a Spirit within a human body. Rather than only as a human being.

I also know that if I have a wobble in my root chakra there will be a wobble all the way through the rest of my chakras. Which could drive me to act out of fear instead off out of love. So I will be waving goodbye to this retrograde with gratitude. It’s been tough to surface all that I have needed to discover. But rewarding too. I can move forward with more clarity, confidence and certainty knowing that I am lighter by a considerable amount. I hope Mercury has been as helpful for you too.

Day 870 of my blogging challenge

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